February 2025 Rocket Review

February 2025
From Mr. Patin's Desk
Winter Parent-Teacher Conferences
Secondary Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up soon with new times! KHS conferences will be held on Tuesday, 2/11/25 from 3:30 until 7:00pm in classrooms and on Wednesday, 2/19/25 from 3:30 until 7:00pm in the Grand Entrance. Parents will need to schedule their preferred conference times in ParentVue. Walk-ins will be accepted on a first come first served basis, however, priority will be given to those with scheduled conference times.
From Mr. Gentile's Desk
Rocket 11
Rocket 11 is a program at KHS that encourages students to be RESILIENT, SELFLESS, AND COMPASSIONATE. We honor students who show these characteristics with a Rocket 11 Bracelet that will earn them rewards throughout the year. Rocket 11 culminates with a Rocket 11 Ceremony that honors students who live these characteristics every day. These students are chosen by students and staff based on their day-to-day interactions throughout our building. This years' winners will be announced during our Rocket 11 ceremony on February 28th.
What is Happening in the Counseling Office?
Counseling Office Webpage
Scholarships are a great way to help fund your postsecondary education. When the counseling office is made aware of scholarship opportunities, they are added to the Scholarship spreadsheet, available in the Senior Class 2025 google classroom so that students may see if they qualify. Local scholarships offer more opportunities for students than national scholarships.
Seniors need 22 credits in order to graduate. Students MUST have all credits, including recovery classes, completed by May 8 in order to participate in graduation activities. If you have any questions regarding graduation credits, please contact Mrs. Morse in the counseling office.
Attention Senior Parents
Many seniors have completed their college/trade school applications and have heard back regarding admissions. If your son/daughter has not completed an application, please encourage him/her to do so as soon as possible. Starting college/trade school right after high school gives students the best chance of finishing. Sometimes, if a student waits, he/she may never attend. Even taking one class helps. Grand Rapids Community College has an open admission policy so all students who graduate from high school will be admitted. GRCC may require additional testing for placement. Go to grcc.edu to apply. After the application has been submitted, students should request a transcript via Parchment.com. There is a video with instructions on our school website. The college will let the student know if he/she is accepted. The letter/email will give very specific information regarding the next steps that must be taken to ensure admission. If your student is accepted to college or trade school, be sure to have them share the news with the counseling office so we can celebrate with them on the wall outside of the KDL!
College is expensive so it is imperative that your son/daughter file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This is a standard form that collects demographic and financial information about the student and family. Students must apply every year. Students might miss out on scholarships if they do not complete the FAFSA. Aid is based on the income of the parent with whom the student lives. The form is also available in Spanish. The application is available at www.fafsa.gov. Several resources are available on the Senior Class 2025 webpage on the KHS site.
**A new alternative exists to complete the FAFSA – “FAFSA Made Easier”. You can access this at www.goingmerry.com , create an account, and get started!
Scheduling for 2025-26
The scheduling process for the next year will begin soon! Your child will be reviewing which classes he/she needs and select courses to take. If you have questions about class requirements or options available, please visit the counseling webpage or contact the counseling office.
Michigan Merit Curriculum High School Graduation Requirements
Students earn .5 credit per semester per class if a class is successfully passed. Students must earn a minimum of 22 credits to graduate (18 in required areas and 4 in electives). See the core requirements below:
Mathematics – 4 Credits
Algebra I
Algebra II
One math credit in final year of High School
English Language Arts – 4 Credits
English 9
English 10
English 11
English 12
Science – 3 Credits
Science Elective (i.e. Earth Science, AP Biology, etc.)
Chemistry or Physics
Social Studies – 3 Credits
World History and Geography
US History and Geography
Physical Education - .5 Credit
Health - .5 Credit
Visual, Preforming and Applied Arts (VPAA) – 1 Credit
World Language – 2 credits (May replace second year of world language with a VPAA or KCTC.)
Minimum Classes Required: All students will be scheduled for a minimum of six (6) classes each semester.
Dual Enrollment
Kelloggsville allows eligible students to attend classes at local colleges or universities while attending high school, in an effort to meet students’ needs and interests. This is called dual enrollment.
*The student must have a qualifying SAT or PSAT score.
*The post-secondary courses for which state school-aid funds are used must not be offered by the district.
*Students can take up to 10 courses during their time in high school. Freshman and sophomores can take one a semester and juniors
and seniors can take up to two a semester
*The district shall pay tuition and fees up to set allotment. Students are responsible for any balance of tuition costs over the district allotment
*Students are reminded that transportation is the responsibility of the student and family. KPS does not provide busing.
*Students must reimburse Kelloggsville Public Schools for failure to complete a course for any reason.
*Textbook costs are covered by the district.
Interested students can attend a dual enrollment information meeting in February and begin the enrollment process at that time if interested.
Announcements & Reminders
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Tuesday, February 11th 3:30-7:00pm. and Wednesday, February 19th 3:30-7:00pm.
November Students of the Month
Freshman: Tyler Almy
Sophomore: Davion Norton-Whitfield
Junior: Dayanara Silva-Jimenez
Senior: Elijah McKinney
December Students of the Month
Freshman: Nayelli Muniz-Chavez
Sophomore: Kamariyah Wise
Junior: Rebecca Muzamhindo
Senior: David Stobbe
Also congratulations to Enadina Mencho-Vail and Jonathan Mubake for being selected as Pro of the Month at the Kent Career Tech Center. Students are selected by their program instructors based on characteristics of Going PRO (Professional, Respectful and Ownership). We are proud of these students and the role models they are for other students at KCTC!
KHS Travel Club
The KHS Travel Club offers high school students a chance to explore, engage, and develop a deeper understanding of themselves and the world through teen-focused trips to destinations around the globe! Our next destination will be to Ireland & Scotland in Summer 2026. Contact Ms. Dahlquist at sdahlquist@kvilleps.org for more info.
Parent English Program
The Parent English Program will begin on January 27 at 5:30 p.m. It lasts until 8:00 p.m. We will meet on Monday evenings for 9 weeks (through March 31, not including February 17, which is part of midwinter break). All of the meetings will be held at Kelloggsville High School (4787 Division Ave SE, Wyoming, MI 49548).
This program will help both parents and school age children to learn English, become better readers, and gain an understanding of school materials and strategies. Each week parents and children will spend time learning together. Then, parents will have an opportunity to study English while children play in the gym, play games, and/or do craft projects with a teacher. We look forward to being with you during this program.
Please email Susan Faulk if you have questions or are planning to attend: sfaulk@kvilleps.org
2024-2025 Senior Yearbook Ads
The yearbook staff is now taking orders for senior ads. It is a great way to show off your senior and say a special congratulations that will be remembered forever. For information about ordering, go to jostens.com or contact Mr. Fron by email at rfron@kvilleps.org.
Athletic News & Updates
Kelloggsville Athletics Website
Visit the Kelloggsville Athletics webpage for game schedules, updates, photos & more! https://kvilleathletics.org You can also find us on Facebook & Instagram.
Spring Sports
The official start date for spring sports is Monday, March 10th. All athletes must have a physical on file in order to participate in practices and/or tryouts. Please check in with the Athletic Office if you are unsure of your status.
Final Forms
All sports sign-ups are now done online through FinalForms. Please visit https://kvilleps-mi.finalforms.com to register.
Admission Tickets
Tickets can now be purchased in advance with a debit or credit card* for most athletic events at https://gofan.co/app/school/MI10340. Regular season tickets will also still be available for purchase at the gate with credit/debit cards* or cash. Home admission prices for all students (K-12) and adults is $5.00 for high school events and $2.00 for middle school events (*service fees will apply for credit/debit card purchases). Punch cards will also be available to purchase $20/adult, $10/student (cash only). Each card is valid for 10 admissions and may be shared.
District Tournaments
KHS is proud to host MHSAA Team Wrestling and Girls Basketball Districts this year! Tickets for all MHSAA District tournaments must be purchased from https://gofan.co/app/school/MI10340.
Spectator Policy
Students must show their current school ID for entry. Middle school students, elementary students and students outside of the competing schools must be accompanied by an adult for high school events. No backpacks or outside food or drinks will be allowed into the gyms or football stadium. All visitors must walk through the weapon detectors. Please be advised that restrictions/prices may vary for each district. Please be considerate when traveling to other venues.
Portable Weapon Detectors
Keeping the safety of our community at the forefront of our mindset, you will now see portable weapon detectors near the entrance of our athletic events. All visitors will be asked to pass through prior to entering the venues. Please be assured that these new devices are not in response to any threat, but rather another step to increase safety for our players and spectators.
Little League
Southeast Little League signups are available for boys & girls ages 4-16 through March 16th at https://leagues.bluesombrero.com/southeastlittlel