East Ward Cougar News
Summer Update #3 NEW School Schedule & Walker or Car Rider?
New School Schedule for 2024-2025
I am so excited to see all our Cougars on Monday! I want to share our times with everyone so we can be sure to have a great start to our year! School attendance is very important. We want every student in school every day! Students can begin to arrive at school starting at 8:30. If your student/s are walking or being driven to school, please consider planning to arrive by 8:50 (earlier if eating breakfast at school). If your student/s are not eating at EW, they can have a few minutes to find their class on the blacktop playground. The bell to head in will sound at 8:54AM. This timing will ensure all students can be unpacked and ready to begin learning by 9AM. Thank you in advance!
8:30-8:55-Student Drop Off/Arrival
9AM-3:35-Instructional Day
3:35-3:50-Student Pick Up/Dismissal
2024-2025 East Ward Elementary Morning Drop-off & Afternoon Pick-up: CAR RIDERS
If you have elected to transport your child this year, it is important to be aware of our procedures. Both the AM and PM traffic is very heavy in and around East Ward. There is a difference between walkers and car riders.
Walkers walk to and from school, car riders drive to and from school. Please remember this difference when communicating with your child and the school. If you want to pick your student up by car, instead of walking, you must notify the office by 2:30 PM through Pick Up Patrol. We will not be able to make exceptions to this procedure as we need time to communicate with everyone involved.
Safety is our number one priority at East Ward Elementary School. We ask that you follow the pattern detailed on the map. Please be advised that all drivers must remain in their car at all times, and drive slowly and with caution in our parking lot and driveways. There will be only one lane open for student drop-off in the mornings and pick up at dismissal time.
Please allow yourself extra time in the morning if you plan to drop off your children. We have established a traffic flow to best move cars in and out while keeping students and staff safe. Please read and adhere to the below “Dos” and “Don’ts.” All cars for parent pickup must enter from the Chestnut Street side of Washington Ave. Please know that the Whiteland Ave side of Washington is reserved for BUSES & DAYCARES ONLY. Traffic directly in front of East Ward is one way toward Chestnut Street from 8:30 – 8:50 a.m. each morning (buses and daycares only). No traffic is allowed on Washington between the hours of 9AM -4PM.
We are using PickUp Patrol again this year. Please be sure to sign your child up. You have 24 hours once the link is sent!
From Chestnut:
Turn onto Washington Ave toward EW, and remain on the right side of the street (stay in carline).
Enter EW parking lot, pull into the car loop, and drive all the way to the top of the parking lot.
Be sure to display your carpool sign (we will generate from PickUp Patrol this year).
Teachers will assist in loading students as they arrive.
Once loaded, proceed carefully out of the loop.
Proceed straight to exit right onto Washington Ave.
Please Do Not:
Tell us your child is walking home
Park down the street to avoid the carline, and ask your child to walk to you
Drive past cars in the carline on the wrong side of the street.
Enter the parking lot through the exit.
Park on the street and direct your child to walk to your car.
Do a 3-point turn and exit.
Get out of vehicles and gather.
Map for Drop Off and Pick Up
2024 - 2025 East Ward Elementary Morning Drop-off &Afternoon Pick-up: WALKERS
We are using PickUp Patrol this year. Please be sure to sign your child up. You have 24 hours once the link is sent!
Wait on sidewalk by basketball court
Walk home
Please Do Not:
Drive to school as a “walker”
Walk to playground and wait (reserved for car rider student exit)
Remain at school
Dr. Argonish
Map for Drop Off and Pick Up
East Ward Elementary
Email: ewinfo@dasd.org
Website: https://ew.dasd.org/
Location: 435 Washington Ave, Downingtown, PA 19335, USA
Phone: 610-269-8282
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dasdew
Twitter: @dasd_ew