Adult Services News
February 2019
Facilitating Community Conversations
Having strong facilitation skills is a key component of running an engaging public program. In this workshop led by OLIS Youth Services Coordinator Danielle Margarida, participants will learn facilitation techniques that maximize the use of their skills and settings and learn strategies to help patrons stay motivated to learn. Participants will come up with facilitation strategies that will enhance the programs they are developing and practice a few strategies in front of their peers! Additional resources for leading community-oriented civic conversations will also be shared.
Adult Services LibGuide
Take a peek at the new OLIS Adult Services LibGuide! This guide will hold meeting notes, materials and resources from Adult Services Roundtable meetings, along with group contact info, and additional topics as identified. Right now the guide is a little spare, but this document will be a work in progress. Resources are up from January's meeting about Supporting Small Businesses and we'll keep you updated as we add resources from past and future meetings as well!
Programs, Reading & Community Outreach
A Universe of Stories: Webinar for Summer Reading 2019
Submit Your Financial Literacy Events for MSW Calendar!
Money Smart Week begins on March 30th! Still haven’t booked a program? The Financial Literacy Roundtable has compiled a list of contacts for financial education providers throughout the state to help you get started: Financial Literacy Program Resource List.
FLRT would love to help you promote your Money Smart Week events, so please submit them to by Friday, March 1st. Events will be listed in a statewide calendar, posted to the Money Smart Week RI Facebook page (follow FLRT there!), and promoted at the kick-off event.
This year, FLRT is partnering with the Financial Planning Association of RI to host Financial Planning Day at the North Providence Public Library to kick off MSW. The event will take place on Saturday, March 30th from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm and is open to the public. Certified Financial Planners will provide free, one-on-one consultations with attendees, as well as present on Investing Basics and Real World Retirement Planning. Visit Eventbrite for details and to register.
Free Tax Prep Resources
With tax season upon us, here are a few useful resources from Tax Time Allies to promote the IRS Free File program, which allows taxpayers making $66,000 or less to file their taxes online for free:
- IRS Free File Website
- Printable RI Free File flyer in English and Spanish
- State Free File at RI Department of Taxation
- Local In-person assistance from AARP-Tax-Aide and VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance)
- Tax Time Allies website with additional resources
- Tax Time Allies on Facebook and on Twitter
Grow with Google Resources for Job Seekers and Small Business Owners
ALA has partnered with Google to launch a national tour of libraries as part of the Grow with Google initiative, eventually coming to every state with free, one-day events hosted at local libraries, with workshops for job seekers, small businesses, and library staff. Following the tour, public libraries will be able to apply for funding through the Libraries Lead with Digital Skills grant from PLA to support projects for economic development.
We don't know YET when ALA & Google will be coming to RI, but you are free to explore and use the Grow with Google resources NOW! These include resources and curricula you can share with adult learners, job seekers, and local business owners & startups.
Upcoming Events and Conferences
- RILA 2019 Conference (Bryant University, May 22 -23)
- Libraries, Games, and Play Conference (Washington DC, April 6 -7)
- Urban Librarians Conference: Libraries as Place (Brooklyn, NY, April 12)
- ALA Annual Conference (Washington DC, June 20 - 25)
- New England Library Leadership Symposium (N. Andover, MA, August 12 - 16 - apply by March 15)
Submit a Program Proposal for the RILA 2019 conference!
Online Learning Opportunities
Balancing Books and Social Issues: Homelessness and Trauma (Infopeople, February 6, 3-4 PM)
- RA Rethink: Merchandising and Upselling (Utah State Library, February 12, 12-1 PM)
- Reduce Waste, Build Community: Hosting Repair Events at Your Library (WebJunction, February 13, 3-4 PM)
- Sleeper Hits for Spring (Library Journal, February 14, 2-3 PM)
Stay Mentally Alert and Sane: Government Resources For Good Mental Health (Federal Depository Library Program, February 21, 3-4 PM)
Using Social Media as a Tool to Advocate Diversity and Inclusion (Infopeople, February 21, 3-4 PM)
*Many of these events were found using the Wyoming State Library's Training Calendar, which shares upcoming free webinars for librarians, including many that are not listed here and may be of interest to you!
Grants & Awards
Loleta D. Fyan Grant (February 12)
Accelerating Promising Practices for Small Libraries (February 25)
Bank of America Foundation Grants (varies)
Library Pipeline: Awesome Foundation Innovation in Libraries Grant (due between the 1 - 15 each month)Theme Months/Weeks/Days
African American History Month
World Read Aloud Day (February 1)
National Women's History Month
Pi Day (March 14)
National Autism Awareness Month
National Library Week (April 6-13)
Money Smart Week (March 30 - April 6)
Upcoming OLIS CE & Events
I’m Not a Lawyer or Doctor: Providing Patrons the Information They Need While Keeping Your Professional Integrity and Sanity
We all receive questions about medical and legal matters that go beyond our expertise and comfort level. However, we still want to help or point our patrons to the places where they can get the answers they need. And, that is where we often falter. This program aims to introduce law, special, academic, and public librarians to a variety of medical and legal research concepts and technologies available to best assist our patrons. By the end of this program, you will feel more confident in helping patrons to find the resources they need in order to successfully care for and represent themselves, find low/no cost legal aid, get second opinions and more information about personal health issues, while not putting yourself in legal or ethical dilemmas.
Wednesday, Feb 20, 2019, 01:00 PM
Warwick Public Library: Central Library, Sandy Lane, Warwick, RI, USA
Adult Services Roundtable: Facilitating Community Conversations
Having strong facilitation skills is a key component of running an engaging public program. In this workshop, participants will learn facilitation techniques that maximize the use of their skills and settings and learn strategies to help patrons stay motivated to learn. Participants will come up with facilitation strategies that will enhance the programs they are developing and practice a few strategies in front of their peers.
Thursday, Feb 28, 2019, 02:00 PM
East Providence Public Library, Grove Avenue, East Providence, RI, USA
Programming Favorites and Flops
Planning library programs for adults is an exciting but often unpredictable business! Join fellow adult services librarians to share some of your greatest hits and discuss what magic ingredients seem to go into your favorite, best-attended and most well-received programs. Acknowledging that we can learn as much from our failures as our successes, you are also encouraged to share a programming "flop" with the group so that we can use the collective wisdom of the group to imagine how that program might be reworked into a hit!
Please bring and be prepared to share a recent program that you felt was a great success as well a program that may have "flopped". If you would like your hit program shared on the Adult Services LibGuide, fill out the Program Model Template and email a link or attachment to
Tuesday, Apr 2, 2019, 09:30 AM
North Kingstown Free Library, Boone Street, North Kingstown, RI, USA
Engaging Older Adults and their Caregivers Through Programs, Services and Partnerships
According to the 2016 RI Healthy Aging Data Report, the population of RI residents over the age of 65 is expected to rise to over 264,000 by 2040 - a 75% increase from 2010. Libraries already serve as vital centers of information, resources, and social opportunities & support for older adults and their caregivers, and as RI's population continues to age, these supports and programs will be more in demand than ever. This program will focus on library programs and services you are already providing for your aging populations and their caregivers, while also highlighting national and statewide resources, and potential community partners you may bring to this work. As part of this program, Tara Geraghty from Kindred Hospice will share about how libraries can work with her organization to educate the public on end-of-life decision making.
Please bring and be prepared to share any programs, partnerships, services or resources related to the topic that you have used/provided at your library.
Thursday, May 9, 2019, 09:30 AM
Lincoln Public Library, Old River Road, Lincoln, RI, USA
Adult Services Roundtable: Planning Meeting & Potluck
The Adult Services Roundtable (ASRT) relies on input from its members and other interested library staff to plan its future programs. Join fellow adult programming librarians to review and reflect on the previous year's activities, and help to plan the upcoming 2019/2020 continuing education discussion topics and program ideas. This meeting will be an informal gathering at which you will have the opportunity to network and chat with other adult services librarians, share some food and plan for another great year of programs!
Wednesday, Jun 19, 2019, 02:00 PM
Rogers Free Library, Hope Street, Bristol, RI, USA
Location: One Capitol Hill Providence RI
Phone: 401-574-9316
Twitter: @olisri