The Pinnacle Periodical
Volume 1, Issue 26
January 23, 2025
National School Choice Week is Almost HERE!
Next week, January 27-30 is National School Choice Week! During this week, we celebrate all of our parents and scholars and thank YOU for choosing Heritage Academy. We know there are MANY options available for parents and we are grateful that you trust us to provide the best experience for your children. In celebration, scholars will get some fun NSCW swag, and, we have some swag for parents too. Be on the lookout during after school driveline...we have some exclusive Heritage Academy Pinnacle car window decals for our parents and hope you will consider proudly displaying it.
Next week is also parent-teacher conferences. This is designated and protected time to meet one-on-one with teachers to discuss your scholar's progress. You should have received a direct sign-up to schedule your conference time. Please reach out to your scholar's teacher if you haven't.
Uniform Exchange is Happening Next Week!
Everyday after school, stop in the courtyard and check out available used uniform items including polos and winterwear.
You can still donate your outgrown uniforms to Ms. Lenhart in the front office and we will add them to our stock.
We have an exciting opportunity for our 2nd-8th grade scholars! Keene's ATA Martial Arts will be on campus every Tuesday in February offering FREE Tae Kwando to our scholars (2nd-8th) grade during their regularly scheduled specials/electives. Check your scholar's backpack for a permission form that MUST be signed and returned by Monday, February 3rd. For scholars whose parents opt out of the class, they will attend their regular special/elective with Mrs. Robison. Kinder and 1st grade scholars will still attend their regular specials.
See Keene's ATA Martial Arts instructor bios below.
PowerSchool Cybersecurity Incident
This communication was also sent in a separate email, from Heritage Academy:
We want to share an important message regarding a cybersecurity incident involving PowerSchool, our third-party student information system (SIS) provider. Last week, we were informed by PowerSchool about a significant security breach that occurred in late December. This incident affected many school systems across the United States and Canada that rely on their platform.
The safety and security of your personal information—especially details about our scholars and staff—remain our top priority. While this incident was limited to PowerSchool's systems, we are actively working with them to understand the situation fully and assess any potential impact on Heritage Academy.
Based on the information provided by PowerSchool, it appears that the data accessed may include scholar contact details, as well as staff names and work email addresses. We want to reassure you that social security numbers were not part of the database involved in this breach.
To support those potentially affected, PowerSchool will be offering:
- Two years of complimentary identity protection services for all parents/guardians/scholars and educators whose information was accessed.
- Two years of complimentary credit monitoring services for parents and educators, regardless of whether their Social Security numbers were involved.
We have attached two documents from PowerSchool with detailed information about these services and next steps:
- Fact Sheet and Next Steps
- Information about Identity Protection
We are working closely with PowerSchool to ensure they take every measure to address this incident and prevent future occurrences. Additionally, we are collaborating with them to establish a helpline for scholars, parents, and staff who have questions or concerns.
We appreciate your understanding and support as we navigate this challenge together. We will send updates as we receive them.
Warm regards,
Heritage Academy Administration
PS Cybersecurity Incident - Notification Communication Fact Sheet on Next Steps.pdf
Big Truck Night- Mark Your Calendar Now!
Heritage Scholar Heroes of the Week!
Liberty Kids Preschool and Pre-K!
Get a Jump Start on Preparing for Kindergarten
Is your child starting kindergarten with us in August? Consider enrolling them in Liberty Kids Pre-K program now to start in January.
Are you looking at preschool (ages 2-4) or Pre-K (will be 5 years old by August 31st) for 25-26? Enrollment begins 1/15/25.
PTO Corner
24-25 Board Members
President- Valerie Crowner
Vice President- Margaret Espinal
Treasurer- Maureen Williams
Secretary- Diane Najor
PTO meets once a month (on Mondays after school) in the Pinnacle Cafe. We would love for as many parents as possible to join us. If you can't make it in person, you can always join via the Google Meet link attached to the public calendar events (Mrs. Jenks also includes them in the newsletters).
2025 Meeting Dates:
February 10th @3:45 p.m.
March 10th @3:45 p.m.
April 21st @3:45 p.m.
May 19th @3:45 p.m.
You can contact PTO by emailing heritagepinnaclepto@gmail.com
Stay Connected with PTO
If you want to stay connected with the PTO, get to know other PTO parents, and be involved with their events and activities, you can also join their group on BAND by scanning the QR code or clicking this LINK.
Support PTO Financially
Please consider supporting PTO by making a suggested $20 donation by clicking HERE
1/27-1/30- National School Choice Week and Parent-teacher conferences
2/3- Kids Heart Challenge Kick-off
2/5- Schoolwide Spelling Bee @ 9:00 TENTATIVE
2/10- PTO Meeting @ 3:45 p.m.
2/13- Dollar for Duds
2/17- President's Day No School
2/18- Kona Ice at lunch
2/27- 100rh Day of School Dress Up
2/27-3/1- JH Fine Arts Retreat
Driveline Procedures
Morning driveline begins at 7:30 a.m.
Afternoon driveline is 3:15-3:30 p.m. (gates open at 3:00 p.m.)
RED ARROWS- this is the new kindergarten driveline for pick-up after school only. All kindergarten scholars (with their 1st-8th grade siblings) will be waiting in the courtyard and they will exit through the wooden gates to load their cars. Pull as far forward as possible.
IMPORTANT! Liberty Kids Preschool uses this curb to pick up at 2:45 p.m. Kinder parents cannot start lining up on the curb until 3:00 p.m.
BLACK ARROWS- this will continue to be the driveline for 1st-8th grade pick-up. The gates will open at 3:00 p.m. Please pull as far forward as possible so we can remove traffic from Pinnacle Peak Rd.
Waiting on Pinnacle Peak Rd- cars that are facing WEST need to pull as far off the road and into the dirt as possible while they wait to enter the parking lot.
Out of consideration for other parents who have been waiting in line, please do not drive through and then wait in the parking lot to cut the drive line. We have received multiple complaints from parents who are waiting in the long line. We appreciate everyone doing their part and showing each other courtesy and patience.
Please follow these guidelines for a safe and efficient pick up:
- Have your car tag clearly displayed.
- Pull up to the furthest cone possible.
- If you need to buckle your child, pull forward and off to the side.
- Eyes up, phone down please!
- Show citizenship, patience, and courtesy to other parents & drivers- YOU are setting an example for all of our scholars.
IMPORTANT NOTICE- Student Pick-up Time Limit
After school, scholars should be picked up by 3:30 p.m.
Scholars who are still on campus after 3:30 (and parents are not actively waiting in driveline) will be walked to Hero Club and parents will be charged a $20 non-registration fee plus $2/minute past 3:45 p.m. After two occurrences, your scholar will be enrolled in Hero Club at the monthly fee.
If you know you will frequently arrive later than 3:15, please register your scholar for Hero Club.
Heritage Academy Dress Code
One of the most valued objectives at Heritage Academy is to help scholars learn to make responsible choices and thereby be prepared to govern themselves. Our dress code is based on principles of maintaining modesty, cleanliness, and professionalism in your dress.
Read the ENTIRE Dress Code policy HERE
Highlights to note:
- All Heritage tops MUST be a polo purchased from one of our vendors.
- Check those shorts and skirts' lengths! Skirts MUST touch the top of the knee (front and back). Shorts CANNOT be shorter than 4" above the middle of the knee cap.
- PROHIBITED- sweat pants, track pants, athletic wear, slippers, flip flops.
- Jewelry- Girls are permitted to wear ONE earring in each lobe only. Boys are not allowed to wear earrings.
- Shoes- All shoes must have a back strap. Sneakers must be worn on Tuesdays/Thursdays (for P.E.). Crocs (with the back strap) are okay on Mondays and Wednesdays only.
Dollars for Duds
Every other Thursday, scholars may pay $1 per item of clothing (top and bottoms) to wear something other than their uniform. Scholars are still expected to adhere to the Heritage standard of modesty, cleanliness, and professionalism.
2025 Hot Lunch
We are excited to partner with my MyHotLunchBox again this year. Click HERE to log in or create an account.
Tuesday- Streets of New York
Thursday- Cane's
Heritage Academy Pinnacle Information
6754 W Pinnacle Peak Rd
Glendale, AZ 85310
Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 7:30 am – 4:00 pm
Summer Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 9:00 am – 12:00 pm