Parent Newsletter
Bosco Catholic School System
Summer 2024
With support from families, we respect and encourage students to reach their potential
- Spiritually by developing a strong relationship with Jesus and knowledge of His church,
- Academically by igniting learning, leadership and life skills,
- Physically by learning about and living healthy habits and
- Socially by becoming active members of the community who serve others as stewards of the Gospel so they are the light of Christ in the world.
Preparing students to be the Light of Christ in the World!
It’s that time of year again that we begin preparing for the start of the new school year! In early June, I began the process of praying about what our word of the year should be. I never know when the word will come to me but each year since we’ve started doing this I have just “known it” when it does.
A few days before our school board meeting, the word “courage” came to me. In thinking about so many things, I kept coming back to “courage” and thinking about how much “courage” it takes to be a Catholic (or any Christian faith) during these times, living out our Faith in a time where secularism is trying to take over at every turn. Our BCSS Mission is to develop our students Spiritually, Academically, Physically, and Socially and that takes “courage” because sometimes it means having expectations that young people don’t understand as being in best interest.
After a few days praying about the word, I was settled with knowing that it was the right word for the year. July 18th, our school, church, and community lost a beloved son of God, Jake Knepper. Mr. Knepper was the advisory teacher to the class of 2027, a math teacher, a physics teacher, a coworker, a bus driver, a friend, a husband and father, and so much more. As we navigate this tremendous loss, how fitting is it that our word of the year was set to be “courage”?
The verse of the year that we decided upon is Joshua 1:9, “I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” This verse will be guiding us and giving us courage and strength as we endeavor upon school year 2024-2025. What I love about our school board and staff here at BCSS is that we rely upon our faith to guide us through decisions and intentional leadership.
Our staff have been busy preparing for this year through professional development and facility improvements. They are prepared to be courageous in the pursuit of providing high quality, faith-filled, mission-focused learning opportunities for your child. We are ready to welcome students back with all of the joy and excitement of the new year. It is our honor and privilege to carry on with the passion, faith and inspiration to make this school year the best that it can be for your student.
We thank you for choosing to partner with us in this endeavor!
In His Name,
Shelby Douglas
Registration is open for the 2024-2025 school year. This is required for all students annually and they are not able to attend until registration is complete. New families will receive an email from Kayla Leohr with PowerSchool Id and password information to set up accounts. When Registering make sure to electronically sign all forms included.
Add a new student to an existing family
If you do not have internet access or would like to have help with the registration process please contact Kayla Leohr.
Please help us offer a big welcome to our new faculty for the school year!
Mr. Mike Schmidt
Middle School Math Teacher
Mr. Seth Nicholson
Middle School Teacher
Ms. Madison Brown
HS FCS and Business Teacher
Campus Operations
It's hard to believe that the summer is slipping away so fast! We wanted to let you know of some things we have accomplished this summer that we are excited about. Our biggest project of the summer has been work done in Immaculate Conception. New windows and blinds were installed in all rooms thanks to the efforts of the Fun Run over the last few years. Special thanks goes out to Huff Contracting, Inc. for taking on the project and getting it finished in a timely manner. Our custodial staff has been working hard to have the facilities clean and ready for the start of the school year.
Thanks to the effort of coaches and individuals close to the programs, the baseball field, softball field, and wrestling room are getting some great improvements. Each of these projects were planned and led by individuals within the programs and funding was raised by each group to pay for renovation expenses. The baseball project is mostly complete, softball is still looking to finish off some things this fall (or next spring), and wrestling is working on finishing the locker room project which will also benefit boys in football, basketball, and PE. None of these projects could have been possible without the dedication and leadership of a select group of coaches and individuals that did the work and raised the money to fund these projects. They look great!
In the technology world, we are replacing our cameras and door entry systems in all buildings with new and improved ones through help from the Homeland Security Grant and the State of Iowa. Many other smaller projects have been completed this summer that will make a positive impact on the upcoming school year. We are looking forward to seeing students again soon!
Mr. Tom Hogan
Official School Shirt Sign Up K-12
NEW this year, the PTO is sponsoring an official school t-shirt for all students, staff and faculty at no cost to families! Please enter your children's information so they can be ordered and delivered in the first few weeks of school. As a system we will have days and times where all students, faculty and staff are required to wear the shirt! The shirts will last for two years so please choose the size accordingly.
Administration Duties and Contact Information
Shelby Douglas: BCSS Principal
Tom Hogan: System Operations Manager
- Oversees maintenance, grounds, facilities, technology, transportation, budget, lunch
Tiffany Moses: Business Manager
- Oversees POs, payroll, HR
Dawn Kerr: DBHS Secretary
- Oversees tuition, 6-8 attendance and all things 9-12
Kayla Leohr: IC Secretary
- Oversees PowerSchool and all things K-8
Colin Arndt: BCSS Athletic Director
Carol Berry: BCSS Administrative Assistance
Laura Dobson: Development Director
Hot Lunch Notifications: PK-12
Please make sure that email addresses in the hyperlinks above are in your contact lists, so you don't miss important emails from the school.
Drop Off, Pick Up, Parking Information
When dropping K-8 students off in the morning, they can be dropped off at the front entrance of St. Mary Center no earlier than 7:10 AM. If arriving after 7:20 AM, students should be dropped off at Entrance 6 and students will go directly to their classrooms. As we continue to grow leadership skills as a student body, we ask that after the first week of school parents refrain from walking their students to classrooms after 7:20. Allow them to lead themselves to their rooms. All K-8 and high school students will be marked tardy if not in their classrooms by 7:30 AM!
When picking up students at the end of the day, you will need to park on the south and east side of Immaculate Conception Church. A teacher will walk students down to you. Parking for all high school students will be:
- Knoll area at the north end of the plaza
- Paved parking lot, south of the high school
- Open plaza parking for students will be posted at the high school
Observance of yellow no parking lines and blue handicapped zones along with other legal ordinances is required. In addition, parallel parking on the west side of the school (along the sidewalk) is prohibited during school hours.
Parent-Student Handbook
The BCSS Parent/Student Handbook has been updated for the 2024-2025 school year. Please review the information and indicate while doing your PowerSchool registration that you have done so.
Important updates to be noted are around dress code (page 36), telephone usage (page 15), lockers (page 34), and any other information in red throughout the handbook.
Medical Information Needed
Welcome back to school! I hope your summer was full of fun and enjoyment. Just a reminder that 7th and 12th grade students are required to complete specific immunizations before starting school. We are also working to insure medication is received and given accurately and recorded. Here is a breakdown of specific information and links to the forms.
We look forward to a happy and healthy school year.
Brenda Brasch RN, BSN
No Busing Dates for 24-25
Please make note of the following dates if your child rides a Waterloo bus.
No Afternoon buses:
- Aug. 23, 26, 27, 2024
No Waterloo buses will run:
- Oct. 25, 2024
- Nov. 14, 2024
- Dec. 6, 2024
- Jan. 2, 3, 17, 2025
- Feb. 14, 27, 28, 2025
- Mar. 17, 18, 19, 20, 2025
- May 2, 12, 2025 (potential)
1:1 Technology
We will again offer 1:1 technology for all students in grades 6-12. We are continuing our district device transition with 6-10th grade students receiving a Chromebook, as well as starting in the elementary building. Students in grades 11-12 will still be provided with their previous MacBook Air. New students no matter what grade will have a Chromebook.
Something to note for device insurance; the Worth Ave Group insurance will only cover MacBooks, as the Chromebooks have a one-time warranty per problem on each device for three years. The Worth Ave Group portal for MacBook insurance purchase will be open on August 13 and closes on September 3.
All 6-12th grade students will receive their devices and the packet of technology documents on the first day of school, August 23. Families are required to read, sign and return the forms. Forms will be required by Monday, August 26, at the start of the school day. If forms are not turned in, devices will be kept by the advisory teacher until forms are received.
Students that are scheduled to attend Hawkeye classes need to watch for information from Mr. Schroeder on pick up and form turn-in information.
These forms can also be found on the website as needed. If you have any questions regarding technology, please direct them to Tom Hogan at thogan@boscocatholic.org.
- 08-06: PTO Meeting, 6-7:30 PM
- 08-07: Sports Physicals Night, 6-8 PM
- 08-13: Back to School Business, 3-7 PM
- 08-17: Annual Booster Club Golf Outing and Social
- 08-20: Teachers return
- 08-20: PK Open House, 4:30-6:30 PM
- 08-21: K-12 Open House, 4-6 PM
- Families are encouraged to bring in school supplies, meet teachers, visit classrooms.
- 08-22: 9th Grade Orientation, 9-12 PM
- 08-23: First Day of School, starting bell at 7:30 AM
Submit newsletter articles to icsjnewsletter@boscocatholic.org by 3 PM on Wednesdays.
Website: boscocatholic.org
Facebook boscocatholic.org
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 256, Gilbertville, IA 50634
Don Bosco High School
405 16th Ave
Gilbertville, Iowa 50634
Immaculate Conception K-8
311 16th Ave
Gilbertville, Iowa 50634
St Joseph Center PS/PK
6916 Lafayette Rd
Raymond, Iowa 50667