SMS Weekly Newsletter
Monday, September 16th, 2024
News and Notes
Tonight is Back to School Night for grades PK-5th.I am looking forward to seeing you all there! Back to Schol Night for 6th-8th is next Monday, September 23rd. The night starts at 7pm in the gym and will end by 8. This is a parent only night. No children are permitted in the school!
You have received many forms from the office, including technology use, photograph permission, handbook signature form, textbook form and others. All these forms are extremely important. Please make sure you send those back as soon as possible! Thank you to those who have already turned them in.
Don't forget that this Friday is Child's Play Day. This is a fun event, that is on campus. Your children will be practicing using large motor skills, planning ability and problem solving while completing an obstacle course. All children should come in their gym uniform on Friday.
Have a fabulous day,
Ms. Kazan
Back to School Night
I have linked an article with some great Do's and Don'ts for Back-to-School Night. Make sure to read it before you go!
Spirit Wear
I am pleased to announce that we will continue Spirit Day Fridays. Our Spirit Store is open for the year. Spirit Store is finally open! Items will be shipped to school one time each month. Spirit items may only be worn on Fridays and designated Spirit Days. These are not uniform items.
Tiago Projects
A great way to get service hours is by helping Tiago beautify our school! If you are interested, please contact Kim Rodrigues at
- Paint classrooms
- Carry down and throw out some big/heavy items.
Volunteers Needed
- We are in need of class parents for most grades. Please contact Kim Rodrigues at
- We are also in need of lunch volunteers. Please contact Mrs. Zalewski at the Front Office if you are interested.
September Lunch Menu!
Please see below for September lunch menu.
Upcoming Events! (Volunteer Hours Available!)
Upcoming Dates
Monday, September 16th- School Mass 1pm
Monday, September 16th- Back to School Night PK-5th 7pm
Monday, September 23rd- Back to School Night 6th-8th 7pm
Monday, September 23rd Fall Picture Day
Margaret Kazan
Location: 1212 Kelly Street, Union, NJ, USA
Phone: 908-688-1063
Twitter: @stMichaelsunion