APEX Fun Run Fundraiser
Fairmont Charter Elementary School
Dear Families,
Today was a very exciting day as we kicked off our Apex Leadership Program with a Virtual Pep Rally! Students learned that over the next two weeks they will get the chance to help our school (and their classrooms) by earning pledges for our Fairmont Fun Run on Thursday, September 23.
The best part is that Apex introduced this year's leadership theme: AS ONE - which reminds students to Aspire, be a Self-starter, Own it, see each day as a New day, and Energize!
See the video below to learn more!
We're excited to teach our students these leadership lessons and we're also excited about the health and fitness activities that they'll get to participate in. Apex athletes will be on campus to talk with students each day and will also be playing games with our kids during lunch and recess.
Your child will be coming home with a pledge kit today or tomorrow. This pledge kit has all the information regarding the program inside, so be sure to open it up and take a look. One of our favorite parts about Apex is the inclusive program: every student is included, regardless of financial participation! Whether they get pledges or not, each student will receive a completion tracker and a wristband for each day that represents that day’s leadership lesson. We encourage you to ask your child about each wristband at home and to continue the conversation about our leadership lessons.
Be on the lookout for daily updates regarding our pledge totals along with other information regarding the big event next week.
Thank you!
The Fairmont Staff & Handstand Hannah
As One!
- Aspire - Aspire to be a leader and make the world a better place!
- Self-starter - Be a self starter and take initiative!
- Own it - Take responsibility for your actions!
- New day - Remember that every day is a new day and an opportunity to make a difference!
- Energize - Bring your positive energy to every situation and challenge!
Pledging is now open!
- Getting Started: Log onto www.MyApexEvent.com using your student's unique ACCESS CODE.
- Make a Pledge: Click the "Enter Pledge" button on your student's donation page to make a $ pledge per lap or any flat donation amount.
- Share with Family & Friends: Invite 10 family and friends to pledge using the "Share Wizard" feature. Send a pledge link via text, email, and social media.
- Be a Cheerleader: Encourage your student to do their best at our Fun Run event. It's going to be a lot of fun!
I Lost My Access Code!?!
No problem! If you have multiple students and at least one code for a student, you can log in with that first and then look up your other student(s) by clicking "Add Student." If you don't have any Access Codes OR only have 1 student at this school click here and give us some info. We'll be able to help you. Also, every teacher has a list of access codes at school so let your students know they can reach out to their coaches as well.