~December Newsletter~
Santa Maria Middle School, Home of the BULLDOGS
7250 W Lower Buckeye Rd, Phoenix, Arizona 85043
Phone: 623 707 1100 Fax: 623 707 1110
Principal, Amelia Sanchez asanchez@fesd.org
Assistant Principal, Donald McClintock dmcclintock@fesd.org
Secretary, Marcela Lopez malopez@fesd.org
Attendance Clerk, Maria Carroll mcarroll@fesd.org
Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
School Dismissal: M, T, W, F: 3:30 pm
Every Thursday Early Release: 2:15 pm
Visit our school website: https://smms.fesd.org/
***Winter Break 12/23/24 - 1/3/25***
SMMS Office will be closed during Winter Break
End of the Quarter is Quickly Approaching!
Grades Close on Friday 12/13! ¡Las Calificaciones Cierran el Viernes 13/12!
In an effort to finalize report cards, the last day for students to submit missing work is Friday 12/13 by 3:30pm. You can see what assignments your child is missing by logging into your Parent Portal in Power School.
View Grades/Missing Assignments/Incomplete Assignments/Teacher Comments
Science Fair Night!
Wednesday, December 11th, 5:30pm - 6:30pm
We hope you can join us for our Science Fair Night! All science projects will be on display in the cafeteria. We will have 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winners in each grade. Come see the amazing projects your child and other SMMS students have put together!
Miércoles 11 de diciembre, 5:30pm - 6:30pm horas
¡Esperamos que puedas unirte con nosotros en nuestra Noche de Feria de Ciencias! Todos los proyectos de ciencias estarán en exhibición en la cafetería. Tendremos ganadores del 1º, 2º y 3º lugar en cada grado. ¡Ven a ver los increíbles proyectos que tu hijo y otros estudiantes de SMMS han elaborado!
6th Grade to Harkins!
End of the Quarter Incentive Trip
Thursday, December 12th!
Students that do not have disciplinary referrals and any D's/F's will be invited to attend. Please reach out to your child's homeroom teacher for more information.
Se invitará a asistir a los estudiantes que no tengan referencias disciplinarias o D/F. Comuníquese con el maestro de salón de su hijo para obtener más información.
7th Grade Night In!
End of the Quarter Incentive
Friday, December 13th!
Students that do not have disciplinary referrals and any D's/F's will be invited to attend. Please reach out to your child's homeroom teacher for more information.
¡Viernes 13 de diciembre!
Se invitará a asistir a los estudiantes que no tengan referencias disciplinarias o D/F. Comuníquese con el maestro de salón de su hijo para obtener más información.
SMMS Spelling Bee!
Monday, December 16th, 9:15am - 11:15am
Our spelling bee will take place in the SMMS library on Monday 12/16. If your student is a participant and you would like to attend, please make sure to arrive on time and check in at the office.
Lunes, 16 de Diciembre, 9:15am - 11:15am
Nuestro concurso de ortografía se llevará a cabo en la biblioteca de SMMS el lunes 16/12. Si su estudiante participa y le gustaría asistir, asegúrese de llegar a tiempo y registrarse en la oficina.SMMS Writing Assessment
Tuesday, December 17th, 9am - 11am
All students at SMMS will participate in a writing assessment on Tuesday, December 17th. The goal of this assessment is to evaluate students' writing skills and identify areas for improvement. Testing will take place in the morning from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. Please ensure your child is present and on-time.
Todos los estudiantes de SMMS participarán en una evaluación de escritura el martes 17 de diciembre. El objetivo de esta evaluación es evaluar las habilidades de escritura de los estudiantes e identificar áreas de mejora. Las pruebas se realizarán por la mañana de 9:00 a 11:00 horas. Asegúrese de que su hijo esté presente y sea puntual.
Loteria Night! (Family Game Night)
Wednesday, December 18th, 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Miércoles 18 de diciembre, 5:30 - 6:30
¡Únase a nosotros para un divertido juego de Lotería SMMS el miércoles 18 de diciembre! ¡Tendremos pan dulce, chocolate caliente y premios! ¡Trae a toda la familia!
SMMS Music Concerts
Band, Orchestra and Jazz!
Thursday, December 5th, 6pm - 8pm / Jueves 5 de Diciembre, 6pm - 8pm
6/7/8 Orchestra and Jazz Band Concert / 6/7/8 Concierto de Orquesta y Banda de Jazz
Thursday, December 19th, 6pm - 8pm / Jueves 19 de Diciembre, 6pm - 8pm
6/7/8 Band and Jazz Band Concert / 6/7/8 Concierto de Banda y Banda de Jazz
Music Director: Xavier Yanez
For questions please contact Mr. Yanez at xyanez@fesd.org
Income Eligibility Forms - Needed for Funding!
Please Complete by Wed 12/4. Complete Antes del Miércoles 4/12.
If you haven't already, please complete the Income Eligibility Form. This form is a critical piece to our site funding which supports extracurricular activities and other resources. If you are unsure whether you have completed the form or not, it's okay to submit again! Please complete using the QR code or by stopping into our front office. Letters did go home with students for families that have not completed this form. We are still missing 231 responses. We greatly appreciate your help with this!
Q2 Awards Assembly / Asamblea de Premios Q2
Friday, December 20th! ¡Viernes 20 de Diciembre!
We will be celebrating our students achievements on Friday, December 20th. Students receiving an award will receive an invitation.
Winter Sports / Deportes de Invierno
Girls and Boys VARSITY Basketball
Games start between 4:45pm - 5pm. Games are subject to change. Please check with your student athlete for updates.
Los juegos comienzan entre las 4:45 y 5pm. Los juegos están sujetos a cambios. Consulte con su estudiante atleta para obtener actualizaciones.
JV Boys Basketball
Games start between 4:45pm - 5pm. Games are subject to change. Please check with your student athlete for updates.
Los juegos comienzan entre las 4:45 y 5pm. Los juegos están sujetos a cambios. Consulte con su estudiante atleta para obtener actualizaciones.
Flag Football
Games start between 4:45pm - 5pm. Games are subject to change. Please check with your student athlete for updates.
Los juegos comienzan entre las 4:45 y 5pm. Los juegos están sujetos a cambios. Consulte con su estudiante atleta para obtener actualizaciones.
Athletic Director: Theresa Webber
For questions please contact Ms. Webber at twebber@fesd.org
FESD Board Meeting
Tuesday, Dec 10, 2024, 04:00 PM
Fowler Elementary District, AZ, USA
Thank You!!
Peter Piper Fundraiser!
Thank you to everyone that joined us for our Peter Piper Fundraiser in November. Our PTO was able to raise over $500! We sincerely appreciate your support!
St. Mary's Backpack Program At SMMS
Weekly Bags Available!
Backpacks are filled with nutritious , non-perishable foods, purchased by St. Mary's Food Bank.
Please see the attachment for more information on our backpack program. All are welcome to take a bag. Please don't hesitate to stop in the front office for one. If you'd like more information, please reach out to Ms. Cynthia Schmidt at cschmidt@fesd.org
Las mochilas están llenas de alimentos nutritivos y no perecederos, comprados por St. Mary's Food Bank. Consulte el archivo adjunto para obtener más información sobre nuestro programa de mochilas. Todos son bienvenidos a llevar una bolsa. No dude en pasar por la oficina principal para pedir uno. Si desea obtener más información, comuníquese con la Sra. Cynthia Schmidt en cschmidt@fesd.org
Learner's Library 8:10am - 8:30am
Study Hall Time Available
Student’s may come in the mornings for a quiet space to catch up and get help on work, or just read and relax. Located in the SMMS library every morning.
Progress Reports Sent Home Each Week!
Every Thursday
A paper copy of your child's current progress will go home with your student each Thursday. Students failing one or more classes, or in jeopardy of failing one or more classes will be required to obtain a parent signature in their student agenda.
Una copia impresa del progreso actual de su hijo se enviará a casa con su estudiante cada jueves. Los estudiantes que reprueben una o más clases, o que estén en peligro de reprobar una o más clases, deberán obtener la firma de los padres en su agenda estudiantil.
Parent Communication! Sign Up for Class Dojo!
Scan the QR Code!
Sign Up for Class Dojo to stay informed on announcements and SMMS events!
SMMS Text Messaging!
Text 67587 to receive FESD/SMMS Alerts
Our school utilizes the SchoolMessenger system to deliver text messages, straight to your mobile phone with important information about events, school closings, safety alerts and more. You can participate in this free service just by sending a text message of “Y” or “Yes” to our school’s short code number, 67587.
Help Our School Funding!
Complete the Form
Scan the QR Code to begin.
Student IDs
All students must wear their ID while on campus. Lanyards will be given to each student. Black lanyards will be given to students on the black team and teal lanyards were given to students on the teal team. Bus riders MUST have their ID to board the bus after school.
Cost to replace damaged/lost ID: $5.00
Cost to replace damaged/lost lanyard: $1.00
Cost to replace ID case: $0.50
Todos los estudiantes deben usar su identificación mientras estén en el campus. Se entregaron cordones a cada estudiante. Se entregaron cordones negros a los estudiantes del equipo negro y cordones verde azulado a los estudiantes del equipo verde azulado. Los pasajeros del autobús DEBEN tener su identificación para abordar el autobús después de la escuela.
Costo de reemplazo de identificación dañada o perdida: $5.00
Costo de reemplazo de cordón dañado/perdido: $1.00
Costo para reemplazar la caja de identificación: $0.50
CELLPHONES! Reminder that students are not allowed to use cellphones on campus! It is HIGHLY encouraged students leave cellphones at home!
If students choose to bring a phone, it must be turned off and put away in their backpack. If a student has a cell phone in their pocket, it will be confiscated. Confiscated cellphones will be kept in the office for parent/guardian pick up. Here is the cellphone policy per the Student Handbook.
Si el estudiante decide traer un teléfono, debe apagarlo y guardarlo en su mochila. Si un estudiante tiene un teléfono celular en el bolsillo, será confiscado. Los teléfonos celulares confiscados se guardarán en la oficina para que los padres/tutores los recojan. Aquí está la política de teléfonos celulares según el Manual del estudiante.
Bulldog Bucks
Every Friday students can use Bulldog Bucks to purchase goodies from our Bulldog Store. Students can also use Bulldog Bucks to enter the monthly student raffle. Bulldog Bucks are for good behavior, academic achievement, and for showing good character! Students can also purchase a SMMS bulldog hoodie with 60 Bulldog Bucks, an SMMS spirit shirt with 35 Bulldog Bucks, and a new ID with 25 Bulldog Bucks.
Todos los viernes, los estudiantes pueden usar Bulldog Bucks para comprar golosinas en nuestra tienda Bulldog. Los estudiantes también pueden usar Bulldog Bucks para participar en la rifa mensual para estudiantes. ¡Los Bulldog Bucks son para el buen comportamiento, el rendimiento académico y para mostrar buen carácter! Los estudiantes también pueden comprar una sudadera con logotipo bulldog de SMMS con 60 dólares de bulldog, una camiseta espiritual de SMMS con 35 dólares de bulldog y una nueva identificación con 25 dólares de bulldog.
Teacher-Parent Communication
At Santa Maria Middle School, we value and strive to build and maintain positive relationships with our parents and students. Please expect to hear from our teachers on an ongoing basis. Teachers are expected to communicate academic and/or behavioral concerns. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions/concerns.
En la Escuela Intermedia Santa María, valoramos y nos esforzamos por construir y mantener relaciones positivas con nuestros padres y estudiantes. Espere tener noticias de nuestros maestros de manera continua. Se espera que los maestros comuniquen inquietudes académicas y/o de comportamiento. No dude en comunicarse con nosotros si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud.