November Board of Education Notes
November 2023

Meeting Recap
The District 146 Board of Education holds its monthly meetings at each school once a year. On Monday, November 13, the Board held its meeting in the Media Center at Central Middle School.
During the meeting, the Board heard from Superintendent Dr. Jeff Stawick:
- November 15 is School Board Member Day in Illinois. Dr. Stawick thanked the District 146 Board Members for donating their time to the communities and students of the District.
- November 13-17 is American Education Week. On behalf of the Board, Dr. Stawick thanked all teachers and staff for their hard work and dedication. The Board will be providing lunches for each building this week.
- Each school recognized Veterans Day with assemblies. Veterans and family members were welcomed to the schools and treated to musical performances, slideshows, and speeches thanking Veterans for their service.
- Board members attending the Joint Annual Conference were provided with informational packets. The Conference will be held this weekend.
The Board also heard the following:
- Jeff Charleston, Director of Business Services, informed the Board that the District will be required to open the food service contract to requests for proposals (RFP). The District is looking into a possible joint RFP with multiple school districts to cut costs.
- Vern Bettis, Director of Technology, announced that the District will be using CLEAR ID to verify residency beginning with the 2024-2025 school year. This will streamline the District’s registration and proof of residency processes.
- Vern Bettis also talked about a new volunteer management program the District will begin using. The new program from Raptor Technology will allow parents and community members to apply online to be a District 146 volunteer. The system will then perform a nationwide background check. This will make the volunteer application process more efficient, offer faster turn-around on approvals, and improve communication between the school and volunteers.
- The Teachers Union President reported that Parent Teacher Conferences were held October 26. Teachers said all Veterans Day Assemblies were very moving and well-done. They are now preparing for the end of Trimester 1 and report cards.
- Jeff Charleston presented the preliminary tax levy for 2023. The Board will be asked to approve the tax levy at its December meeting.
- Jeff Charleston also presented a resolution to approve a Supplemental Tax Levy for 2023. The Board will be asked to pass the resolution at its December meeting.
The Board took the following action:
- Approved the 2024 School Maintenance Grant application. Board approval was required before the application could be submitted to the State. The grant will help cover roof maintenance costs at Central Middle School.
- Approved the purchase and installation of a new intercom system at Central Middle School.
- Approved the purchase of new stage curtains at Central Middle School.
- Approved an updated Intergovernmental Agreement with Consolidated High School District 230, allowing the districts to share student information.
- Approved curriculum material to be declared as surplus for sale, donation, and/or disposal.
The Board met in closed session to discuss personnel and student discipline matters prior to adjourning.
The minutes of the November meeting will be available on BoardDocs once approved by the Board of Education at the next meeting. A recording of the meeting can be viewed on the District's YouTube Channel.
Next Board Meeting
The next Board of Education meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on Monday, December 11, 2023. The meeting will be held at the Robert Procunier Administration Center, 6611 W. 171st Street in Tinley Park.
Did you know?
This school year, the Board of Education is holding one of its regular meetings at each school. All District 146 Board of Education Meetings are open to the public.
Additional meetings at the school buildings are:
February 12, 2024 at Fulton School
April 8, 2024 at Fierke Education Center
May 13, 2024 at Memorial School
You can stream all of our monthly Board of Education meetings live on YouTube. Past meetings are also available to watch at the same link.
Minutes from the most recent meeting will be posted to BoardDocs after the Board of Education approves them at the following month's meeting.
Questions or Comments?
Please complete the form below if you have any questions or comments about this month's Board of Education Meeting, or Board business.
District 146 Board of Education
District Administration
- Dr. Jeff Stawick, Superintendent
- Kelly Voliva, Director of Student Services
- Dr. Wendy Wolgan, Director of Curriculum and Instruction
- Jeff Charleston, Director of Business Services/CSBO
- Vern Bettis, Director of Technology
- Matt Shanahan, Director of Buildings and Grounds
- Brooke Dundas, Coordinator of Bilingual Education
- Brianne Oliver, Special Education Coordinator
- Carey Radke, Curriculum Coordinator
Community Consolidated School District 146
Robert Procunier Administration Center
6611 W. 171st Street
Tinley Park, IL 60477