Castle News
Friday, November 3, 2023
We hope all is well with your families, friends, and loved ones. Can you believe we have 20 days until Thanksgiving, 52 days until Christmas, and 59 days until 2024? This week's edition of Castle News is short as we just want to share a few highlights and provide some important news about Winter sports, the end of the marking period, and upcoming events.
The first marking period of the school year ends on November 9. Report cards will be released to Home Access around November 22. If you have not signed up for Home Access, please be sure to do so. There are numerous benefits including access to real-time attendance and early access to progress reports and report cards. Please visit the district website for more information, including how to register for Home Access.
We encourage all parents/guardians to provide updated contact information and updated emergency contact information to the school. Please contact the main office at 576-4360 for more information. Proof of residency is required to change an address. Please check below for upcoming events. As a reminder, students must be in good academic and behavioral standing to participate in all trips and activities.
As a reminder, all students in middle school and high school have access to free online tutors 24 hours a day. Students can receive immediate tutoring in math, science, ELA, study skills and more. Please encourage your child to take advantage of this service. See the flyers below for more information.
On Wednesday, November 8th, at 9am, students in grades 3 through 8 will take part in a practice test for about 15 minutes on their Chromebook. The district is conducting a Systems Check of the CBT (Computer Based Testing) format for the Spring New York State Assessments. This year, the state assessments will be given to the majority of students through computer-based tests.
We need all students to have their Chromebooks ready to go. We ask that you have your child charge their Chromebook on Tuesday night and bring it to school on Wednesday.
Over the past few weeks, our students have accepted the call to make positive decisions and to rally around bringing awareness to issues that impact our school and community. The Castle was filled with students in all shades of pink, and ribbons, and crazy socks, and wacky pajamas to show their support of those who are dealing with the effects of Breast Cancer and to bring awareness to an ongoing disease.
They showed up in red hats, red-shirts with positive messages, and their favorite team jerseys to take a stand against drugs in recognition of Red Ribbon Week. Then, we wrapped up the month with special guest appearances from Batman, Ken, the Moon Princess, Shark Boy, the Joker, and a few other characters as we ended the month of October. IEYMS is truly a special place to learn and grow. It is our hope that your child is enjoying their time at the Castle.
📆 November Dates to Remember
November 1: Winter Sports registration window open
November 5: Move clocks back 1 hour
November 6: 8th Grade Ellis Island trip
November 7: Schools Closed for Students
November 8: Clubs and activities begin
November 8: 8th Grade Ellis Island trip
November 9: 8th Grade Ellis Island trip
November 9: 1st Marking period ends
November 10: Schools closed in honor of Veterans Day
November 15: Hate Crime assembly
November 15: Human Rights Institute trip
November 15: New Rochelle High School Open House
November 17: PTA Grade 8 Sneaker Ball
November 22: Half-day Students
November 22: Report cards published to Home Access
November 23-24: Happy Thanksgiving-Schools closed
November 29: Anti-bullying assembly
8th Grade Families
Developing Student Leaders
Promoting the Power of Education and Leadership
IEYMS students recently participated in informative discussion sessions with New Rochelle City Council members, Yadira Ramos-Herbert (District 3) and Martha Lopez-Hanratty (District 1). These interactive sessions not only enriched the students' understanding of local government but also enlightened them about upcoming city initiatives and avenues for active civic engagement. Students had a unique chance to articulate their concerns and priorities in the ongoing development and growth of their city.
One of our students, Natalie Martinez, a sixth-grader, expressed the impact of this experience: "During the conference, I gained a profound understanding of our government. Meeting the city council members played a pivotal role in my education about how they intend to enhance New Rochelle."
During these sessions, students passionately presented their claims on matters they believed should be at the forefront of the city government's resource allocation and budget decision-making processes. They passionately advocated for vital issues such as affordable housing, environmental conservation, and health and safety. These claims were supported by researched evidence and sound reasoning, often accompanied by proposals to address these challenges and enhance the city's overall well-being.
City Council Member Yadira Ramos-Herbert from District 3 shared her perspective on the interaction: "It was inspiring to engage with the future leaders of our community. Their insightful questions and analytical skills were a pure joy to witness. With our dedicated teachers and hardworking students, I am confident that New Rochelle's future is exceedingly bright.
In light of the enriching experience, our students have expressed a strong desire for this learning opportunity to become an annual event, demonstrating their eagerness to continue engaging with local government and fostering their role as active, informed citizens in the development of their city.
Teacher Spotlight: Mr. Heyward
The idea of trade and bartering is an ancient concept, that led to the development of more sophisticated forms of exchange. Early trade largely focused on luxury goods like precious metals, spices, and fine textiles, but eventually, as transportation by ship became faster, more reliable, and cheaper, even mundane items like olives and fish paste were exported across great distances (World History Encyclopedia). Ancient civilizations developed intricate systems of trade and resource exchanges that led to the development of some of the systems we use today.
Imagine sitting in a social studies class learning about ancient civilizations and the teacher starts talking about the Stock Market. That would seem like an odd fit. Well, the Stock Market is all about trade, resources, and commerce. Learning about ancient civilizations is the perfect launch pad to learn about the Stock Market.
Students at IEYMS are once again competing in the New York State Stock Market Game with impressive results. Students from Mr. Heyward's classes have as many as five teams in the top ten in the Westchester/Rockland County middle school division. Close to two hundred teams are competing for top investment recognition.
Student teams manage $100,000 accounts while trading stocks on the New York Stock Exchange and NASADQ. More impressive than capturing first place at the end of two of the last three weeks of trading, IEYMS has had teams ranked in the top ten out of over 3, 500 teams in New York State. Over 3,000 of those teams are high school and college students.
Besides learning about investing, students also engage in team building activities. During these activities, students must trust each other’s judgement and communicate solutions in a clear manner. These lessons are important as students move not only through the Stock Market Game but life. Kudos to Mr. Heyward for designing learning that is meaningful, authentic, curriculum-based, and fun!
September Students of the Month
Kudos to our September Students of the Month. Students are recommended by their teachers and counselors for their work ethic, achievement, improvement, contributions to the school community, kind spirits, advocacy, and or commitment to creating and sustaining a welcoming and safe school environment. Keep up the great work!
8th Grade Sneaker Ball
8th grade students, come out for a night of dancing, music, prizes and fun.
Students have free access to academic tutors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Students can get access to tutors in math, ELA, science, social studies, study skills, writing and more. Students can access tutors by logging in through their class link accounts. https://launchpad.classlink.com/nredlearn.
Winter Sports Registration Open
The registration for winter (2023-2024) middle school athletics is open on Arbiter Sports. Please note this is for 7th and 8th grade students only. The official start for winter middle school athletics is Monday, November 20, 2023. The registration period for middle school athletics will conclude on Thursday, November 30th.
Please register on Arbiter Sports here: https://students.arbitersports.com/organizations/city-school-district-of-new-rochelle-athletics-department
Clubs and Activities
After school clubs will begin on November 8 . Please see below for this years clubs. Students should see the club sponsor for information about the date and time of each club before staying after school. Students may join more than one activity. The National Junior Honor Society club is only for students who have been formally inducted into the honor organization.