Dimond Newsletter
October 1st, 2024
Dear Dimond Families
What a gorgeous week it’s been! I hope you’ve been able to enjoy some of the sun! Several of our Dimond teams are having a great season, and we love all of the fans and families showing up to cheer on our Lynx! Please remember that as adults, it is our job to model sportsmanship and fair play. It’s great to be loud and passionate about the game and your students, let’s just be sure to always take the high ground because our kids are watching. We’ve had referees recently comment how polite and respectful our athletes have been, and that is a HUGE compliment! I was at a volleyball game last week and our Dimond crowd was so energetic. There was a bit of a cheer-off between the opposing fans and ours, and it was a lot of fun and added positive energy to the game because it remained sportsmanlike and respectful. I am excited to attend more games as we head into the play-off season!
On a separate note, please be aware that there are many “Dimond” "Dimond High School" social media accounts that are NOT official, sanctioned or monitored by Dimond High School. Anything on Snapchat, X (Twitter), or TikTok are not official Dimond High School Accounts. Please help monitor your student’s social media activity. If anything concerning comes up on social media, we rely on parents or students to report it because we are not monitoring sites or accounts that aren’t officially ours.
Warm Regards,
Principal D’Atri
New News For this Week's Newsletter
Home/Work Tutoring Options
Math support is being offered again this year after school on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Students of all levels can come to Mr. Beattie's room, B108, and receive help from 3:30pm - 4:30pm.
He is happy to answer questions they have, reteach ideas, or just provide an environment for them to work in with some assistance if they get stuck. Students are encouraged to bring any accompanying notes from what they have been working on along with their assignments, both current and previous. Students are welcome to stay for all or part of the time.
If you need help or support with assignments for any subject you can also go to A101, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 3:30pm - 4:30pm.
College and Career Fair
Juniors and Seniors! UAA looks forward to welcoming high school students, families, and counselors to connect with representatives from colleges, universities, training and apprenticeship programs, U.S. military, and employers. Explore a variety of postsecondary education and career opportunities at this free event!
Dimond will attend the fair on Wednesday October 9th and will be transported from DHS to the AAC by bus from 9:30am-12:00pm.
If you are interested in attending, please pick up permission slips at the Curriculum Office or from your Counselor.
Each sport costs $225.00. There is now a student cap of $675.00 per year. Once you have reached this amount, all other sports will be free for the remainder of the current school year. If your family is seeking a financial waiver, you will need to apply and be approved for the Free and Reduced Lunch program. You can find this application process on the Student Nutrition website.
Please make sure to complete all forms on Planeths, before the start date of the sport you are interested in participating in. Each student must check in with Chelsea Hunt in the Activities office to receive a Golden Ticket before they are eligible to participate in their desired sport.
If you have additional questions, please contact Chelsea Hunt in the Activities office at 742-7005. Office hours are 8 AM to 4 PM with a closure at 2:15 PM for 30 mins.
Sports start Dates
Oct. 2 : Wrestling
Oct. 16th:
Girls Hockey
Hockey Cheer
Oct. 30: Nordic Ski
Grades Matter! Academic Eligibility for Sports and Activities
Students participating in sports or all-state academic/ fine arts activities must remain academically eligible. Eligibility is checked at the beginning of the 1st and 2nd semesters, as well as the beginning of the 2nd and 3rd quarters. ASD VIRTUAL STUDENTS be aware that although virtual courses are self-paced, a quarter grade will be given based on your work completed during the grading period. This grade counts towards your academic eligibility. Students that are not eligible will not be able to participate in their sport or activity
Hi from Nurse Karra
I need written consent from a parent or guardian to give students over the counter medications, such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen, at school. Here is a link to the OTC form needed:
Nurse: Karra Moran
E-mail: Moran_karra@asdk12.org
Unfortunately, verbal consent can no longer be given.
Freshman Career Expo
Freshman Career Expo
What do you want to be when you grow up? Discover your path at the Freshman Career Expo- Hosted by the Academies of Anchorage. Friday, October 4th, 9:30am-3:00pm at the Dena’ina Center.
If you have questions, please see your career exploration teacher. More information for students, parents and business are available below.
From the Dimond PTSA
We hope this email finds you well! As proud members of the Dimond PTSA, we're reaching out to ask for your help in keeping this incredible organization running smoothly. Three of our current board members, including myself, have just celebrated our kids’ graduation, and now it's time to pass the torch. We’re currently recruiting for the roles of President, Treasurer, and Secretary.
Without these key positions filled, the PTSA might have to hit pause—and we definitely don’t want that to happen! We’re here to make the transition as smooth as possible, so if you're ready to step up, please let us know. We’d love to give you more information and answer any questions you might have.
Speaking of easy ways to help out…
Who shops at Fred Meyer? (I’m guessing a lot of you!) Dimond High PTSA is now part of the Fred Meyer Community Rewards program. After adding us as your community rewards recipient, a percentage of every purchase you make will go straight to our PTSA! Just from my shopping, $7 went to Mears PTSA last quarter, and I’m sure we can do even better for Dimond!
There are also a few other ways to support the PTSA:
Become a member
Purchase spirit wear
Have your student grab a snack at the Lynx Lair
The funds we raise go directly towards our students and staff—things like the Reflections Art Program, class grants, Senior Fun Day, and much more.
Dimond PTSA Board
Want to purchase a 2024/2025 Dimond Yearbook? Click on this link www.yearbooksforever.com and select Dimond High School on the dropdown menu.
Year books are $65 and the goal is to have them delivered by the end of the current school year.
Senior Portraits and Quotes
Seniors can submit their own senior portraits and senior quotes here: http://bit.ly/3MHOKGn
The deadline for submitting senior portraits and senior quotes is November 27th (before the Thanksgiving break). There will be no extension. If a senior does not submit their own photo, the photo that Fitzgerald Photography took on Picture Day or Picture Retake Day will be used.
If you are looking for information pertaining to seniors, please click this link! This a live link to a Google Doc that will be updated throughout the year.
Senior Information from the Counseling Office
Attention seniors and parents of seniors! Please read this senior fall information and contact your counselor if you need assistance or have questions.
Building Hours
As a reminder the building is only open to students from 7:30am to 4:00pm. All students not actively participating in after school activities must be cleared out of the building by 4:00pm.
You may call in your student’s absence by calling 907-742-7000, option 1 or for blue passes you may call 907-742-7000 options 2 or 0. No blue passes will be issued the last 15 minutes of the day. You can also enter their absences, tardies or request blue passes in Q parent Connect.
Cell Phone Policy
Students are still allowed to carry cell phones and use them freely during passing and lunch times. However, each classroom will have a poster with a stoplight:
Red means no cell phone use and no earbuds in either ear within the classroom.
Yellow means that the teacher will explicitly tell the students when and for how long they may have their cell phone out.
Green means the student does not need to ask permission to use their cell phone device
Our expectation is that students enter all instructional spaces with devices silenced and out of sight. If a student refuses to comply with the expectation, their device may be confiscated and placed within a locked cabinet at the front office until the end of the day. Each confiscated phone will be put inside of an envelope marked with the student’s name, ID, date and name of the teacher; and the student will sign it out before leaving campus.
A.J. Dimond High School
Website: https://www.asdk12.org/dimond
Location: 2909 West 88th Avenue, Anchorage, AK, USA
Phone: (907) 742-7000