Distance Education Newsletter
Kapi‘olani Community College | May 2019
We're almost there!
Now let's send our online students some version of a digital smile and tell them that they're almost there, too.
The DE Newsletter will be taking a break for the summer and will be back in August. But don't worry, we've suggested a lot of summer reading so you won't miss us too much (scroll down to see the suggested reading list). Enjoy your summer!
TOPP Reunion 2016-2019
It's time for all past, present, and future TOPPers to come together and celebrate! Please join us on Wednesday, May 8th, from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm in Lama 116.
We know that you are doing some amazing things with and for your online students. This will be an opportunity for all TOPPers to share, learn from each other, eat, and celebrate your accomplishments. If you have to administer a final exam that day, please come when you can and stay to learn, share, and be inspired.
We will begin with Laulima Tips and Accessibility sessions which will refresh and boost your online classes. Gallery Walk will give everyone an opportunity to share (in a digital poster presentation format) your amazing online classes and/or be inspired by your colleagues. Please share what you are already doing; there is no need to prepare anything.
The planned agenda is:
9:30 - 9:45 AM Welcome & Introductions
9:45 - 10:30 AM Refresh Your Online Courses (Laulima 12 & Lesson updates, CSS & visual design)
10:30 - 11:00 AM Is Your Online Class Accessible? (Laulima Accessibility)
11:00 - 12:15 PM Gallery Walk & Pupus (TOPPers sharing in a virtual poster presentation format)
12:15 - 12:30 PM Awards & Closing
We Want to Hear From You!
As we start to plan for professional development events like Recharge, Refresh, workshops and Spotlights, we’d like to know what YOU want to experience and learn about! Please take a couple minutes to fill out this quick survey to let us know how we can best support you!
ReCharge 2019
Save the Date! Friday, August 30, 2019
Join our Kapi‘olani ‘ohana for a day of learning, food and fellowship as we kick off the 2019-2020 academic year with a bang! Mark your calendars now - you won’t want to miss it!
Free lynda.com Account Can Help You with ADA Accessiblity
Migrating Laulima Content
We know many of you are developing your summer course sites (and even getting a jump on fall already!). The Laulima 12 upgrade has made it even easier to import course content from one site to another. When you’re ready to migrate to your future site, you may find this video walkthrough helpful:
Consider ProctorU for your Summer 2019 or Fall 2019 Classes
The integration process of ProctorU tabs in Laulima has been simplified due to a fabulous work done by UH ITS. The tabs used to be added manually as LTI tools (a.k.a. external tools) for every single course in Laulima. Now, instructors can embed the tabs as URL links via the “Web Content” tool without sending the request to Youxin (Yoyo).
How (tutorial video)? > Go to "Site Info" > “Manage Tools” > Checkmark "Web Content" > Give a name in the title line (e.g. ProctorU login) > Copy and paste the first link listed below into the Source box > Click "More Web Content Tools" > Select "1 more" > Copy and paste the second link into the Source box > Click "Continue" > Click “Finish” to save the changes.
ProctorU Login page:
(note: this link will work for Kapiʻolani credit course only, not for any development/project site.)
Test-taker Page:
These two tabs will show up immediately in the left-hand navigation bar after adding them to your course site(s) in Laulima. They can be made as invisible to students if needed.
Adding these tabs, though, is just one of the steps you need to complete to offer online proctoring via ProctorU as an option in your class. If you haven't yet set up your exams in ProctorU, you'll still need to do that. Youxin (Yoyo) can help you: youxin@hawaii.edu.
Questions? Feel free to email Youxin (Yoyo) at youxin@hawaii.edu.
Laulima Tip
Need to give a student extra time for an exam? Or a makeup exam? Now you can quickly set up extra time or a different due date in Tests & Quizzes tool in Laulima. Open Settings (in either published or unpublished tab) and adjust Exceptions to Time Limit and Delivery options. Contact UH ITS or CELTT if you need assistance.
TOPP Summer 2019
We are getting ready for the Summer ‘19 cohort:
Karla Cepeda, NURS 101
Hal Corcoran, ITS 122
Janel Denny, BUS 120
Kevin Dooley, ACC 252
Dawn Freeman-Khaafidh, SP 251
Anna Leychenko, PHYL 141
Neghin Modavi, SSCI 102
Dale Nakasone, ITS 129
Amy Yamashiro, BIOL 130
Bennett Zazzerra, PTA 251
It will be co-facilitated for the first time by a team that consists of a DE faculty (Leigh Dooley) and an Instructional Designer (Helen Torigoe). Leigh is also the current Interim DE Coordinator. If you are interested in facilitating a TOPP session, please watch for future invitations to apply.
Faculty Senate DE Committee Updates
The class format definitions we introduced in the March Newsletter are now finalized and ready to be shared. We want to highlight that these definitions will first and foremost serve faculty and staff at Kapi‘olani CC to ease communication and to clarify the terminology between the different formats currently offered. Over time we hope that out students will become familiar with these definitions, which will allow them to make class choices that best support their learning. The definitions are guidelines only and meant to aid faculty, staff, and students in communicating effectively. We are aware that there are many ways to interpret and define the different class formats, but we feel that these best represent Kapiʻolani CC at this time.
You can help us in the process of sharing the definitions by thinking about your own courses and where they may fall on the spectrum. Please feel free to start using this terminology when discussing your classes, indicating your class format on your syllabus, and when talking with students.
(Click to access a larger PDF version of the Course Format Definitions and decision tree that you see below.)
If you have questions about DE related issues, or have items you would like the DE committee to discuss, please contact your DE department representative. If you would like to become a member of the Faculty Senate Distance Education subcommittee, let us know. You can serve as a voting member representing your department (one per department, represented below as V) or as a non-voting member (NV).
A huge Mahalo to all the current committee members. Thank you for an exciting and productive year!
Adam Moura - Arts & Humanities (NV)
Cera Kim-Sunada - Nursing (V)
David Mendonsa - EMS (V)
Dennis Nullet - Social Sciences (V)
Grant Itomitsu - CULN (V)
Helen Torigoe - CELTT (V)
Jamie Sickel - CELTT (NV)
Kelli Nakamura (Vice Chair) - Arts & Humanities (V)
Kristie Malterre - Student Affairs (V)
Lani Suzuki-Severa - HIC (V)
Laure Burke - HOST (V)
Lauren Tamamoto - CULN (SUB)
Leigh Dooley - Distance Ed Coordinator (NV)
Melissa Nakamura - College Advancement and Continuing Education (V)
Nadine Wolff (Chair) - Math & Sciences (V)
Satoru Shinagawa - LLL (V)
Susan Dik - BLT (V)
Susan Jaworowski - BLT (NV)
Veronica Ogata - Student Success Coord. (V)
Update on RSI (Regular & Substantive Interaction)
The Negotiated Rulemaking Committee led by the U.S. DOE has updated the definition of DE vs. CE, for the first time in 27 years and will soon be releasing it for public comment. WCET, who participated in the negotiations, has posted a blog on the proposed changes. “Regular” and “substantive” definitions seem clearer (and gives examples!) but still leave room for interpretation. Read more: Negotiated Rulemaking: The Complexity of “Regular and Substantive Interaction”
If you are interested in receiving direct communication from WCET, please email Helen (htorigoe@hawaii.edu) and ask to be added to the list.
PELP Report of Online Pedagogy
Our very own Kelli Nakamura, as part of her participation in PELP (President's Emerging Leaders Program), has been working with some colleagues on a UH System-wide Report of Online Pedagogy. The full report will be available soon, and we'll post a link to it in the DE Newsletter when it is, but in the meantime, Kelli has excerpted some data specific to Kapi‘olani CC for us:
Fifty-one Kapi’olani CC faculty members responded to the survey and the results are presented below. The majority of the respondents, 68.6%, had taught DE classes before with most teaching 8 or more semesters. Most had not received any training, followed by faculty members who had enrolled in the Teaching Online Prep Program (TOPP). Many would like additional professional development opportunities organized at the campus and system level. Faculty responses are mixed regarding teaching the 5-week courses with faculty concerned about student preparedness and being able to condense course information into the shortened time frame.
Summer Reading for the Online Andragogue
- What seven years at Airbnb taught me about building a company (Medium) - “Build culture, values, rituals; Start with ideal experience and work backwards; Maintain a high bar for everything; Less is more.”
- Most Colleges Report Online Students Perform About the Same as Face-to-Face (Campus Technology) - But Community Colleges are still lagging.
- Changing Landscape of Online Education (CHLOE 3)
- 3 Keys to Engaging Faculty in Instructional Design (Campus Technology)
- Report: Instructional Design Support Helps Increase Student-to-Student Interaction in Online Courses (Campus Technology)
- Why Online Is An Ethical Practice (Inside Higher Ed) - Online education promotes social justice but are colleges providing adequate support service to online students?
- Moving Forward (at Last) on Federal Rule Changes (Inside Higher Ed)
- The Most Crucial Two Minutes of Class (Faculty Focus) - “Sell” the lesson… What is useful about this material? How does this relate to them? Why should they be excited to learn this?
- Burvall, A., & Ryder, D. (2017). Intention: Critical creativity in the classroom. Irvine, CA: EdTechTeam Press.