Eagle Wings
Week of October 14th
Principal's Message
Greetings Eagle Families,
It was a busy week to be an Eagle! Last week our 3rd graders enjoyed a performance at Teaching Musuem North, our Pre-K students celebrated Georgia Pre-K week with lots of mystery readers and of course everyone had fun at Eagle Dash. Because of your generosity, we were able to raise over $33,000 that will go towards school enhancements!
This week we'll all enjoy some needed time off during Fall Break. I wish you safe travels if you are going anywhere and relaxing moments if you are not. We will see all our Eagles back in the nest on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17TH.
Yours in partnership,
Ms. Crawford
Eagle Dash
Important Dates
14 - 15 Fall break (no students)
16 - Professional Development Day (no students)
21 – PK Vision Screening
22 – Math Night @5pm in cafeteria
25 -- Vision Screening (1st, 3rd, 5th grade)
25-30 -- Red Ribbon Week
Save the Date
From our Counselor
Administration Staff Spotlight
Brian Madej, Curriculum Support Teacher
This is Mr. Madej's 5th year at AES. He is a former Pre-K, TAG, and general education teacher who has worked in Athen-Clark County, DeKalb County and Fulton County Schools. He enjoys traveling and his 2 dogs Bea and Arthur!
Here are some of his major duties & responsibilities:
- Math Curriculum lead
- Continuous Achievement lead
- Pre-K administrator
- TAG administrator
If you have questions or concerns regarding any of the areas listed above, please reach out to Mr. Madej directly. His email is: madej@fultonschools.org
Safety Reminders
In an effort to continue to keep the safety of our students and staff as our top priority, I wanted to take a moment to remind our school community of the following processes we already have in place:
- Ringing the bell (now located on the right side of doors) when needing to come to the front office
- Having your ID on you and prepared to show prior to entering the building
- Please note, if you do not have your ID, you will not be allowed to enter the building
- Not holding the front door open for others
- Checking in and out at the front office
- Exiting the building through the front doors only
Also, I want to share that we are up to date on practicing all our drills including a hard lock down. We conducted this drill last month using our Centegix badge system, which was installed in every Fulton County school last year. Every staff member at AES wears a Centegix badge which is a panic alert system that allows users to discreetly request help by pressing a button. If a staff member continues to press the button, it sounds alarms in every room in the school instructing everyone to lock down. It also alerts local police and county leadership. If the button is pressed only 3 times, it alerts only school leadership for help (we use this if there is a medical emergency).
What you can do to help:
Keep your child's emergency contact information up to date
Inform your child's school immediately if your phone number, address or email address changes. You may be called and emailed during an emergency. Additionally, children will only be released to adults listed on the emergency information form.
Talk with your child
Take a few moments and discuss with your student about listening and following directions at all times and especially during an emergency. Click here for helpful information about Talking To Your Children About Violence.
Report any safety concerns
Safety in Fulton Schools - Fulton County School System
Please reach out to Ms. Silverman, AP, (silvermanj@fultonschools.org) with any questions regarding safety in our building.
AES Family Handbook Spotlight
PBIS & SOAR Expectations
AES utilizes SOAR reminders as a part of our PBIS program. SOAR reminders are given to students if they violate the following areas:
S-Safety, O-Ownership, A-Attentive, R-Responsibility.
The SOAR reminder includes a brief description of the violation. These are signed by parents and returned to the school. After three SOAR reminders, the fourth offense is an office referral.
General Reminders
Morning Carpool & Arrival
A few important reminders about morning arrival:
- No left turn is allowed onto Mayfield between 7:10 and 7:40 a.m. Please adhere to the posted signs and traffic laws.
- Carpool ends at 7:35 a.m. If you arrive after 7:35 a.m., you will have to park and walk your child in the front door. If the bell rings during this time, you'll need to sign your child in on the Checkmate system outside the front door.
Transportation Changes:
Transportation changes should be provided to your child's teacher on the "Notes from Home" pad you received in your red folder during open house. Please keep in mind that changes in transportation must be in writing and EMAILED to the front office (toppint@fultonschools.org).
Early Pick-Up:
When picking up your student early for appointments, you will need to present your driver’s license for safety and security. Early checkout will end at 1:30 pm.
AES Family Handbook:
CLICK HERE to access our Family Handbook and take a moment review some of the practices we adhere to here at AES. By doing so, that helps all of us be (and stay) on the same page!
Lunch/Item Drop-Off
We know mornings can be hectic and lunch or other items can get left behind. Don't worry! There is a cart outside the front door where you can drop things off. Please put your child's name, teacher and grade and items will be brought in daily by 10:30 a.m.
Code of Conduct
The new 2024-2025 Student Code of Conduct is available on the Fulton County Schools website. Click Here for quick access. Ensure that you and your Eagle review this important document.
The Fulton County Schools Code of Conduct is now ready for parents to review and sign in Infinite Campus. Families need to complete their digital attestation through the Parent Portal by accessing the documents tagged "NEEDS ATTENTION."
Here is a (link) with instructions on how to complete the Acknowledgment of Receipt Form. All parents and students (over 10 years old) MUST sign this form found within their INFINITE CAMPUS PARENT/STUDENT PORTAL ACCOUNT.
From the Cafeteria
Reach out to our cafeteria manager, Ms. Blyther (blyther@fultonschools.org) with any questions.
From the PTO
PTO Newsletter
PTO now has their own newsletter. Be sure to click on the link and read all about the great things PTO does to help AES!
From FCS
The Fulton County Board of Education met on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 for its regularly scheduledwork session at the North Learning Center. The full agenda is available online via BoardDocs. Meetings are streamed live on the FCS homepage, with recordings available within 48 hours.
Swearing-In of Board Member Sara Gillespie
The Honorable Cassandra Kirk, Fulton County Chief Magistrate Judge, officiated the swearing-in of Sara Gillespie, the newly appointed member of the Fulton County School Board. Gillespie, elected by voters to represent District 1, will complete the remaining term of outgoing Board Member Katha Stuart, who retired at the end of August. The School Board officially appointed Gillespie effective October 8, with the term ending on December 31, 2024. She will then begin her full four-year term on January 1, 2025.
Gillespie brings leadership experience from both the education and business sectors. Throughout her career, she has managed budgets, directed community outreach, developed communication strategies, overseen recruitment and volunteer efforts, and supported continuing education for women and children. Her blend of expertise and passion for education gives her a valuable perspective on education policy and the effective management of taxpayer resources to benefit students. Learn more about Ms. Gillespie here.
District 1 covers much of Roswell, parts of Alpharetta, and includes the Centennial, Roswell, and Milton high school clusters.
Superintendent’s Report
Dr. Mike Looney honored the risk management team for Risk Management Week and thanked school custodians, who celebrated School Custodians Day on October 2. He then yielded his time to Chief Academic Officer Brannon Gaskins who provided exciting news about Fulton County Schools’ (FCS) exceptional graduation rate. The district reached a new milestone with a 90.7% graduation rate, the highest ever recorded for the district. Increasing from last year’s 90.3% and the fourth consecutive year of record-breaking success, this achievement not only sets a new standard for FCS but also represents one of the highest rates in metro Atlanta, underscoring the district’s commitment to educational excellence. Key highlights include a perfect 100% graduation rate for Global Impact Academy, while 11 schools show graduation rate improvements, and 15 schools had rates above 90%. Click here for further details.
Division Update: Learning and Teaching
Chief Academic Officer Brannon Gaskins and Assistant Superintendent of Learning and Teaching Dr. Shannon Kersey gave the first of two presentations for the Academics Division, beginning with the Learning and Teaching department, whose work is driven by intentional collaboration across Curriculum, Academic Programs, Assessment, Instructional Technology & Media Services, and Virtual Learning.
Dr. Kersey began with Curriculum, which includes literacy, math, science, social studies, and world language. The “Every Child Reads Campaign” remains a central focus of Literacy, with 2,980 teachers and leaders completing professional development via the LETRS program, while the Math department added new K-12 math resources. In Science, the Mobile Learning Experience expanded its reach, visiting 60 schools and 10 community events during the 2023-24 school year. This initiative brings hands-on science experiences directly to students. The Social Studies department has successfully integrated events like Hometown Heroes celebrations and Financial Literacy Nights into its programming to engage both students and families in learning. Finally, after completing the textbook adoption process last year, the World Language department has updated all curricular resources and successfully deployed them across schools.
The Academic Programs department areas span early childhood through college and career, featuring transformational learning. The Career, Technical, and Agricultural department (CTAE) offers a robust catalogue of courses for all grades across the district. Impressively, FCS students who took two or more CTAE courses showed a 99% graduation rate. Expanding its CTAE offerings this year, the district proudly opened The Promise Career Institute, an innovative educational, dual-enrollment school that goes beyond the traditional model.
This year, the Early Childhood Education department expanded from 86 to 94 Pre-K classes in 51 schools, adding classes to existing schools and opening five new Pre-K sites. The Applied and Advanced Learning department comprises areas where students showcase their work and talent in health and PE, talented and gifted (TAG), and fine and performing arts programs. The team also leads district-wide programs that enhance traditional learning such as Summer Learning (SL), Special Olympics, high dosage tutoring, and the two Teaching Museums.
Last year through Accelerated Programming, close to 500 11th and 12th grade students in the gifted internship program collaborated with community partners to participate in career exploration opportunities, leading to college and career readiness. FCS proudly acknowledges the Teaching Museum & Archives and the Communications Broadcasting team who collaboratively won a Southeastern Emmy award and a Telly Silver Award. Through the Advanced Placement program, 4,412 FCS students earned AP awards last year. Finally, Summer Learning students enrolled in 18,491 courses for remediation and acceleration. Forty-four SL seniors from 13 high schools participated in the SL graduation ceremony.
The Assessment department executes the district’s assessment policy, ensuring FCS is within state and federal compliance. Their work reflects Learning and Teaching’s important and impactful work of supporting schools through developing high-quality assessments and using data in classrooms and among school leaders.
The Instructional Technology (IT) department made significant contributions aligning with FCS’ strategic goals. Throughout last year, FCS partnered with Kennesaw State University to deliver 7,329 hours of IT coaching and facilitated the AI Guiding Coalition to develop a Generative AI training program.
Throughout the 2023-24 school year and in the summer, all FCS high schools began implementing the Canvas Learning Management System. This year, high schools will increase their use, and middle schools will begin implementation.
Finally, the Fulton Virtual program saw a 12% increase in fall enrollments, with over 6,400 students participating. New course offerings include AP Statistics, Public Health, and Legal Environment of Business. Credit Recovery programs also expanded, serving 1,105 students during the summer.
Deepening the work of Every Child Reads, implementing new standards, expanding course offerings, adopting new textbooks, designing digital courses, improving assessments, screening for dyslexia, training staff, leveraging grant money, and more, the Academics team is dedicated to improving learning and teaching across our district.
Dr. Kersey ended her presentation with the promise to continue to review and refine the division’s work to ensure alignment to the Strategic Plan, committing to creating structures and supports for a guaranteed, viable curriculum for all FCS students. Click here to see the presentation.
Division Update: Communications
In a detailed overview of the Communications Division, Chief Communications Officer Brian Noyes shared the inner workings of the Communications team, whose collective efforts have played a crucial role in the district’s successes this past year. Their work strengthens engagement through audience-focused communication to ensure key messages reach and resonate with district stakeholders.
Managing media relations is a substantial part of the division’s day-to-day efforts, with media outreach and response efforts positioning FCS as a trusted source that enables it to be leaders in transparency and collaboration with internal and external partners.
He next shared the growth of the division’s strategic efforts across digital platforms, expanding the district’s reach and impact on programs and community engagement. Communications completed a major transition of FCS’ website this summer and has seen two million hits since July, and extraordinary social media numbers including 150,000 followers and 8.25 million impressions across all platforms.
Another means of ensuring impactful programs is through video and broadcast productions, delivering high-quality content that informs and engages the public while showcasing the district’s successes. Since July 2023, they have developed 145 productions, including School Board meetings, Senior Spotlights, special events, and Dr. Looney’s television show, “Let’s Talk Schools.”
In addition to behind-the-scenes support that enhances and strengthens the district’s public presence, the team helps through publicity, graphic design, messaging and event support.
Finally, Communications positively increased the district’s community engagement and partnerships through initiatives that make a direct, positive impact on students and families. The team’s strong ties with community leaders and Chambers of Commerce, and faith-based organizations and others like Feed the Children, that have strengthened the district’s reputation, deepened community connections, and ensured effectual programs that support schools and families. Click here to see the full presentation.
2026-27 Proposed Calendar Parameters
Staff are preparing to bring a calendar recommendation forward for Board approval for the 2026-2027 year requesting the Board review the following parameters for consideration. These parameters will be used to create a calendar recommendation. The following is the list of proposed calendar parameters:
- Aim for 180 instructional days during the year
- Plan as many full weeks of instruction as possible
- Implement opportunities for job-embedded professional development
- Designate at least two teacher workdays each semester
- Include a full week at the Thanksgiving holiday for staff and students
- Conclude the first semester before the winter holiday break in December
- Include two full weeks for staff and students during the winter holiday break in December
- Aim for Spring Break to be the first full week in April following the first Sunday in April to align with metro districts
- Utilize remote learning in state/national elections or other emergency situations
- Conclude the last day of school for students before Memorial Day weekend
- Consider opportunities for fall and winter breaks
New Operating Guideline Regarding Magnet Programs
Last night, staff brought forward Operating Guideline IJ: Programs, Pilots, Research and Evaluation forward for information. The revisions to the operating guideline define different district- and school-based programs, outline processes to start and stop different programs, specify expectations for schools regarding credentialing, and outline measures of student success. It is important to note that this operating guideline reclassifies and redefined magnet programming in Fulton County Schools. All existing schools with magnets and those interested in pursuing magnet programming in the future will now be required to submit programming requests through the Value-Added Flexibility Process, earn programmatic certification, and demonstrate student success based on the type of magnet offered. To review the new operating guideline, please click here.
2025-26 Proposed Budget Calendar
A budget calendar for Fiscal Year 2025-26 has been developed, and the proposed budget items were presented to the Board to accept for action. Chief Financial Officer Marvin Dereef and his staff will provide budget briefings and updates to the Board and stakeholders throughout the FY 2026 budget process. Click here to see the budget calendar.
Board Recognitions
Each month the Fulton County Board of Education recognizes outstanding students, staff, and schools honored at the state, national, or international level. Honorees must have placed first at the regional or state level or be among the top finishers at the national or international level.
- Congratulations to Executive Director of Procurement Angela Young and the FCS Contracting team for winning a 2024 Procurement Award.
- Congratulations to Tabitha Stanley-Rollins on being named Georgia Bus Driver of the Year.
New Hires & Promotions
The following individual was approved for a new position at the Board meeting:
Ehab Kader | Director, Information Security
2024-25 Community Meetings with Board Members
Each member of the Fulton County Board of Education sponsors a monthly meeting open to all members of the community. The sessions provide an opportunity for direct contact with community members and give Board members a chance to listen to local issues and concerns. Click here to see the meeting schedules of all Board members.
Pre-Work Session
The pre-work session happens before the work session each month. The Board is presented drafts of policy and provides feedback. In addition, presentations may also be given during this meeting to get the Board's initial thoughts or to provide an opportunity for in-depth focus on topics of interest. This meeting is open to the public and an audio recording is published after the meeting. The topics for the October 8, 2024 Pre-Work Session are as follows:
- Program Evaluation: In-School Academies
- Board Policy II Assessment Plan-Out of District Testing