Principal Zeman's Notes
November 8th, 2024
Informational Items
We've received some questions from families looking for support in paying their school fees. As a reminder, families that qualify for educational benefits can have fees waived. Families need to apply if you haven't already. Access to the application can be found at www.isd728.org > services > food service > Application for Education Benefits. Printed copies can be obtained in the ERHS Main Office.
Tracking student grade in Parent Portal
We have received some questions about how best to track student grades in Parent Portal. The most updated grade is always the students’ semester grade as this takes all of their work into consideration for this grade. Progress Grades are a snapshot in time and are used for conferences only. Progress Grades do not show up on students’ transcripts; final semester grades do.
Elk Pride
Alaina Doliber and Nico Johnson
Dalton Shaffer
Counseling Update
College Admission Visits in the ERHS Career Center
Students can visit this form for a list of upcoming events and sign up to attend. Additions are added to this list often, so be sure to check back periodically.
Junior Job Shadow Day
Permission forms due 11/14/24
On Thursday, December 5, all Juniors are required to participate in a job shadowing opportunity. Eleventh grade students will not be attending school on this day if they complete the digital permission form. They will report directly to their job shadowing experience(s). This experience is suggested to be three hours at one or two different job sites. Students will be required to set up their own job shadowing experience. Permission Forms will be completed digitally. Please click HERE for the permission form to be completed by Nov. 14, 2024. If you do not have your permission form submitted by this date, you will be assigned to an Elk Time the following weeks. Juniors can visit the Class of 2026 Schoology page for more resources.
Article of the Week
Below is a guide to reporting any issues on social media. I find it helpful as to who to contact if you run across a troubling post in social media.