District Accountability Committee
Newsletter December 2024 - January 2025
Welcome to our final Newsletter of 2024
As 2024 draws to a close, our work as a District Accountability Committee (DAC) is just beginning to gain momentum. At our recent DAC meeting, we focused on strengthening the connection between the DAC and School Accountability Committees (SACs), with the goal of increasing stakeholder participation in our schools. We all face the challenge of recruitment, and we know that while many have valuable ideas and opinions, it’s often difficult for people to commit to being part of a consistent, long-term group.
To address this, I’ve asked DAC members to take the lead and work collaboratively to develop action steps that will build stronger community connections. One of these steps is for DAC representatives to visit SAC meetings in their areas, get to know their school communities, and serve as a resource for the SACs. DAC members are well-informed, and even if they don’t know an answer immediately, they can connect you with someone who does. These personal connections are crucial for staying informed and sharing what’s happening across our schools. Strengthening these connections will not only make the DAC more effective but will also lead to better recommendations to the board.
One simple way you can help is by checking your school’s website to ensure that SAC information is up to date. Ideally, SAC details should be easily accessible under the “Family and Community” tab. This should include a brief description of the SAC’s purpose, contact information for the SAC chair, meeting dates and times, agendas, and minutes. A link to the SAC handbook, DAC newsletter, and DAC website would make the page even more helpful.
Another key opportunity for building community is to attend the SAC training sessions, like the one on December 5th. During this session, we had small group discussions on ‘academic reports’ and your participation will help ensure that the DAC hears more voices from our community. We encourage you to partner with us on this new idea.
As we close out the year, I want to thank you for your commitment to staying informed and for the courage it takes to share your voice. It truly takes all of us working together to make a difference.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!
Marion Clawson
D11 - DAC chair
News & Notes
A Trail Map for Systematic Family School Community Partnership
FSCP is a "must-have" for schools, rather than a "nice-to-have." It is not a goal, but a strategy. One that schools are often told in policy that they must do, with little guidance on the how. The Office of Family, School, and Community Partnerships at CDE has used the foundational research of Joyce Epstein (2019) to create the FSCP Trail Map for Colorado Schools. This trail map includes four steps for implementing sustainable and systemic family, school, and community partnerships: Form a Team, Follow a Framework, Write and Implement a Plan, and Evaluate the Outcomes. By following these four steps with fidelity, schools will be on the path of impactful partnerships and students, families, schools, and communities will reap the many rewards that come from this essential strategy.
(click the image, below, to follow the steps)
Area DAC Rep Model
To increase the connection between SAC and DAC in each geographical area of the district, the DAC has created an Area DAC Rep, who is a parent or community member in your area and holds a position on the DAC. The Area DAC reps will reach out to their SACs and join their meetings, learn about their schools, and provide the opportunity to get to know each other. Area reps want to strengthen the connection and become a resource to their SACs. They will help to amplify the SAC voice to the DAC.
In this newsletter, we ask SACs to have a discussion on ‘ACADEMIC REPORTS’ and send their feedback to their respective reps, listed below, by area:
West Area Rep:
Northeast Area Reps:
Southeast Area Rep:
Central Area Rep:
Parent-Teacher Conferences Survey
Please complete the Parent-Teacher Conferences Survey, by clicking here or using the QR code.
School Links - Individual Career and Academics Plans (ICAPs)
SchooLinks is the official college and career readiness platform for District 11 students. Schoolinks is replacing Naviance for Individual Career and Academic Plans (ICAPs). It helps students and their families create an individualized roadmap to serve each student's unique skills, interests, and goals for the future. Ask at your school what is happening for student and family access. See: https://www.d11.org/schoolinks
READ Act Plan Information
How many students are on a READ plan at your school?
Here is great information for families about the READ Act and how they can support their child in reading. See: http://cde.state.co.us/communications/20170710readactfactsheet
School Improvement Plans Available
🍎 Unified Improvement Planning (UIP) was developed to streamline state and federal improvement planning requirements, as well as create a single plan that meaningfully engages stakeholders.
🍎Colorado schools and districts can improve student learning and system effectiveness by engaging in a cycle of continuous improvement to manage their performance.
🍎SACs should be getting updates on their school improvement plans regularly. To see the school plan posted on the Colorado Department of Education website visit:
Enter your school and choose the Unified Improvement Plan link.
Panorama Survey Information
The fall Panorama survey data is available for schools. Parents have access to their students results in PowerSchool.
What: The survey is an instrument that elevates student voice on teaching and learning, relationships, and belonging.
Scope: This 20-30 minute electronic survey will be administered with grades 3-12 and with their designated teacher in grades K-12.
Purpose: As the district implements more health and wellness supports voted on in the 2017 Mill Levy Override, they are in need of a more comprehensive instrument to measure social and emotional competencies in order to improve academic outcomes, identify strengths, and best support students.
How survey data will be used: Schools use this data to identify school-wide needs in developing their Plan for school improvement (School Improvement Plan). The survey measures competencies that impact academic achievement, behavior, and attendance. The data from this survey provides fall to spring and year to year growth comparisons.
DAC Budget Subcommittee Update
The budget subcommittee was provided with a fundamental presentation on Student-Based Budgeting. We were very enthusiastic to learn more about this pivotal program that D11 is undertaking. We are looking forward to sharing more about Student-Based Budgeting with the DAC and the SAC community as this will be an important and ongoing charge of the DAC Budget Subcommittee. We were also informed about the District Audit and provided general feedback to the School Board (BOE)on their budget priorities for the 2025/2026 school year. The subcommittee also reviewed and voted on and suppurated recommendations concerning Mid-Year Budget Requests which will be presented to the Board of Education for a final determination. The largest amount requested was for Curriculum and Instruction for new K-12 literacy curricular programs due to the current Wonders, contract expiring at the end of the year and continuing to fund the Dyslexia program. Funding for Peak Experience in the Arts and Sciences through programs like band/choir festivals, philharmonic performances, Kids on Bikes, Challenger Learning center, Starbase program and international travel with world language program where also requested. Finally additional funding for CTE programs like Ascent (college courses), TREP (Teacher Recruitment and Education preparation), and professional training and certification in things like dental assistant, private pilot, Apartment lease professional, and D11 intern program where requested. We are looking forward to the new year and providing feedback and recommendations to the BOE on budget priorities. If you are interested and would like more detail about our agendas and meetings, this can be found at: . https://www.d11.org/administration/dac/home/dac-meeting-handouts-notes/budget-subcommittee.
Be sure your SAC meeting dates and times are available on your school website and calendar
5 Essentials Survey
Be on the LOOKOUT!
Parent Survey coming January 14-February 7
Student/Staff Survey February 25-March 14
Academic Report Feedback Needed
The DAC needs your input to give feedback to the District and Board.
Belief statements:
❖ Parents are an integral part of the educational team
❖ Parents understand what is expected of their child based on state standards
❖ Parents should sign up for a PowerSchool Parent Portal account to have the most up-to-date and relevant information at their fingertips to access at their point of need
❖ Parents should be well informed
❖ Know who to contact at the school if they need further questions or support.
Guaranteed Reports:
✍🏻 CMAS, STAR, PSAT/SAT, Quarterly or Semester Academic Marks, Attendance, Timely Behavior Incident Reporting.
✍🏻 Reports are shared with parent guide explanations in writing or in person, shared at conferences, MTSS, or IEP/504 meetings.
✍🏻 The College Board sends score information directly to parents or students as part of the registration process for the SAT/PSAT.
Please Let Us Know
1) What academic reports are you getting?
2) How are you accessing them?
3) What is working well in reports/communication?
4)What improvements could be made?
5)Are you registered for the parent portal?
6)What ideas do you have to help encourage parent portal sign-up for other parents?
5-year Capital Plan for your school
Each school has a plan for projects that are coming. Ask your principal to share the projects and needs for your school at your SAC meeting. The district capital team is willing to come talk your SAC if your community has additional questions.
Capacity Report
Are you interested in seeing information about your school. See the report here:
👪 Schools can access information on their school website, under "About Us -> Student Demographics and Achievement. 👪
SAC Agenda Planning
December/January (Themes: Catch up and safe learning environment and Budget and funding priorities for school year 2024-25)
Every month we intend to provide a reasonable flow of SAC agenda topics that meet the broad responsibilities of School District 11 SACs. This is just a reference tool, and individual SACs should tailor their agendas appropriate to their school needs and emphasis. The following are some of the topics recommended for the December and/or January SAC meetings:
- Review/discuss safe learning environment (safety, discipline, attendance, student/staff, etc.) Your principal has current discipline and attendance statistics, broken down by poverty and ethnicity subcategories, for the entire school in summary format which should be shared periodically with the SAC to discuss trends. What is the chronic absenteeism rate for your school and how is it being mitigated?
- Review results of available performance monitoring data, e.g., STAR District Benchmark and Middle of the Year (MOY) DIBELS data and compare to “One Plan”/USIP goals. How is your school doing on students meeting academic growth targets in ELA and math?
- Review/discuss school budget alignment with “One Plan”/USIP goals and identify school funding shortfalls, e.g.:
- Instructional resources to meet multiple learning environments and close COVID related learning gaps.
- Technology resources needed for student learning/testing.
- Training needed.
Note: Budget/funding recommendations must be submitted to DAC by Feb 1, 2025, to be considered for the school year 25-26 budget.
- Review available progress monitoring data results and compare against “One Plan”/USIP goals.
Upcoming Deadlines of interest to SACs:
· 📆 District Benchmark (STAR) Winter ELA and math tests (grades 2-11, 2nd optional) will be December 2- December 13, 2024
· 📆 READ Act: DIBELS 8 Middle of Year (MOY) testing for K-3 will be December 2-December 20, 2024.
· 📆 The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT), will be given to all 2nd grade students January 13-February 7, 2024. This test is used in identifying gifted and talented students for special instruction support.
· 📆 ACCESS, the state test for English Language Learner (ELL) students (all eligible K-12 grade students), will be given January 13– February 14, 2025.
· 📆 Any budget/funding recommendations for 23-24 must be submitted to DAC by February 1, 2025.
Attendance, Behavior, and Cell Phones
> Ask about attendance and behavior regularly at your SAC meeting.
>Talk about how many behaviors are cell phone related.
>Understand how students are marked absent and/or tardy.
SAC Training
The second SAC Training happened on December 5, 2024: Recording and handouts are available: https://www.d11.org/administration/dac/home/dac-meeting-handouts-notes/sac-training-hand-outs
Don't forget to use the NEW SAC HANDBOOK!
The 2024-25 SAC Handbook is available. The handbook has been revamped and includes more information to help your SAC. Let us know what you think.
You can access the handbook at: https://www.d11.org/administration/dac/home/sac-handbook-cde-dac-handbook
Middle School Open House Days Are Coming!
We can’t wait to welcome you to the D11 Middle School community!
Dec 10, 2024
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
612 E. Yampa St
6:00 PM - 7:15 PM
6410 Austin Bluffs Parkway
Dec 16, 2024
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
2455 Mesa Road
Dec 17, 2024
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
25 N. 20th St.
Jan 15, 2025
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
3605 N. Carefree Circle
Jan 23, 2025
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
1600 N. Union Blvd
Jan 29, 2025
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
1001 E. Van Buren St
Feb 5, 2025
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
4220 E. Pikes Peak Ave
Feb 6, 2025
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
3825 Montebello Dr W.
Ground Breaking News for Jack Swigert Middle School!
We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve officially broken ground on a brand new playground off Coleridge Avenue! Big shoutout to our amazing partners Friends of the Children - Colorado Springs for making this possible. This playground will be a fantastic place for our community to play, learn, and grow together. It will also be an inclusive space welcoming to students with physical disabilities. Huge thanks to Friends of the Children for making this dream a reality. An inclusive space for all! Stay tuned in coming weeks for more updates. (taken from the D11 facebook page)
The Local Rotary Club Awards Carver Elementary Students
Third graders at George Washington Carver Elementary were gifted with Scholastic Children's Dictionaries. A big thank you goes out to the Rotary Club of Colorado Springs.
The Festival of Lights
What a magical experience at the Festival of Lights! This incredible community is what makes D11 so very special.
Shout out to everyone who helped decorate the bus and walked (or rode) with us! Such as (to name a few):
BreakOut Volunteers from Colorado College
Mitchell High School Cheerleaders
Coronado High School Robotics Team #cougarsgonewired
Edison Elementary School Bike Club and Kids on Bikes
John Adams Elementary School Families
Ms. Black Colorado, Ms. Stansell, Kindergarten Teacher at Adams ES and her family
Our awesome mascots from the Athletics & Activities teams at Palmer, Mitchell, and Coronado
Board of Education President Parth Melpakam and Director Julie Ott
Superintendent Mike Gaal
All of our teachers, family members, neighbors, friends, and colleagues
with a special recognition to the D11 Engagement Team for their hard work and coordination, to bring us back to the greatest holiday event in Downtown Colorado Springs!
(from post on D11 fb page)
Click the image for Student Resources