Sells eNews
June 27th, 2023

January 24, 2025
Admin Email Addresses
Principal: Matt Sachtleben (sachtleben_matt@dublinschools.net)
Assistant Principal: Katy O'Neal (oneal_katy@dublinschools.net)
School Counselor Assignments
Last names A-F: Mrs. Erin Bissell (bissell_erin@dublinschools.net)
Last names G-M: Mrs. Jessica Lanka (lanka_jessica@dublinschools.net)
Last names N-Z: Mrs. Dawn Wolf (wolf_dawn@dublinschools.net)
Building Info
Educational Travel Opportunity to Italy and Greece!!
We are thrilled to invite you to attend a parent info session where we will dive into one of DCS’ most exciting student travel opportunities – Ms. Banker’s Rome, Athens, and the Greek Islands Tour. We get to CRUISE the Mediterranean!
Parent Meeting Date: Jan 28th Time: 7:00 PM Location: Davis MS Media Center
In this info session we’ll talk about:
How this opportunity will benefit your student (rising 8th - 12th grade)
What we’ll see and do on our trip
Everything that’s included in this experience
How your child can earn academic credit
How we’re keeping this safe and affordable - we have an awesome incentive this month!
How to enroll on this trip (before it fills up!) during EF’s risk-free enrollment period
Register Now: To confirm your attendance, please register using the link below: https://bit.ly/3OTLitm Don’t miss this chance to ignite your child’s curiosity and passion for exploration. We look forward to seeing you there!
2024 - 2025 Yearbooks are on sale now!!!
Meal Prices Add Up! Apply Now for Free/Reduced School Meals
Check a back-to-school box off your list by going ahead and filling out the Free and Reduced Meal Application for your students. Apply online through PaySchools Central or use one of our printable forms (translated in multiple languages) to submit your information.
January Menus
Attendance Information
If your child will be absent from school, please email our attendance line at sms_attendance@dublinschools.net
Or leave a voicemail at 614.718.8572
Please do not call the main line for attendance before 9:00am.
Please utilize the attendance EMAIL or attendance VOICEMAIL.
- Students MUST be in Rock period by 8:28am - Anytime after 8:28am is considered LATE and MUST sign in at the Main Office.
- LEAVING EARLY - A note from the parent/guardian should be given to Mrs. Stevenson (Attendance Secretary) first thing in the morning. She will give them a pass to leave class at the given time and your student will meet you in the Main Office at that time. You as the Parent/Guardian will need to come in to the office to sign them out.
- ARRIVING LATE - If your student is arriving late to school due to an appointment, they will need to sign in at the Main Office with Mrs. Stevenson. Medical appointments will be excused with a note from the medical provider.
The complete attendance policy is located in the Middle School Student Handbook on
pages 11-13.
PTO Information
CandyGrams ONLINE sale is now OPEN! Starting today, Friday January 24th thru Friday February 7th is your chance to purchase a CandyGram for your loved one.
Submit the following Google form along with payment and we’ll take care of the rest.
Students will have the chance to purchase (cash only!)during their lunch period on Tuesday 2/4, Wednesday 2/5, Thursday 2/6.
The CandyGrams fundraiser is an annual Sells tradition allowing ALL students and
parents to purchase candy and have it delivered to their recipient's classroom on
2/13. The proceeds fund the 8th Grade Celebration at the end of the school year.
Donations and volunteers are still needed to make this a success. Please sign up
Thank you for your support! Contact Abby Derryberry, CandyGrams chair, with any
questions at abbyderryberry@yahoo.com or 614-638-8599.
• Online sale: 1/24-2/7
• Student lunch period sales: 2/4-2/6
• CandyGrams delivery on 2/13!
Winter Dance Info
Date: February 7th
Time: 7:00pm - 8:45pm
Theme: Red Carpet Movie Night
Cost: FREE - Students will need their student ID or a ticket from Mrs. Stevenson in the Main Office. Tickets will be available Monday, February 3rd - Friday, February 7th. Each student is allowed one ticket.
You can donate to the Sells PTO all year and it is easy to do! Donations support several
fun, FREE things planned for the students and teachers and they wouldn't be possible
without your support!
Just click link below or your child can drop off a check in the office in an envelope
marked PTO Donation.
Don’t forget to join the Sells Middle School PTO Facebook page!
From Dublin City Schools
Something for Everyone
Dublin City Schools is happy to collaborate with local organizations to bring families an array of exciting opportunities for students! Explore our Info Hub Page and After School Activities pages on our website to discover activities and programs your child will love. Don’t miss out—check them out today and find the perfect fit for your family!
Dublin Scioto Theater presents Titanic: The Musical
Don’t miss Scioto’s production “Titanic: The Musical” this weekend! Showtimes are Friday, January 24 and Saturday, January 25 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, January 26 at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are available at: https://dshstd.booktix.com/.
Deadline for Scheduling High School Courses
Current 8th-11th grade students should have all academic planning completed in Infinite Campus no later than January 31. Counselors are currently meeting with students to work through their plans. Course codes can be found in the Academic Programs and Pathways document.