Macleans Primary School Newsletter
Wednesday 19 February 2025
Maori Whakatauki & MPS Values
Kia Ora Koutou Parents and Macleans Primary Whānau
We are now a couple of weeks into the school year and I am finally saying 'hello' through our first newsletter of the year. I have seen many parents before, during and after school and it is always enjoyable for me to say 'hi' and have a chat. Our teachers are to be congratulated on their hard work and dedication that has ensured a very smooth start to the year. The students have settled quickly and already there is a lovely tone in the school, reflective of the Macleans Learner and Macleans Values.
We welcome all parents in our school, so if you have the opportunity to pop in and see your child’s class, please do so, remembering that if you need to talk about your child, you will need to email to set up a time. Although we have provided you with a chance for you to meet the teacher during the meet the teacher evening a couple of weeks ago, you are always more than welcome to come to school or talk to the teachers for a brief chat. If you need longer with your child's teacher, please contact them through email to set up a time.
There is much information and updates on all things Macleans Primary in this newsletter. Please enjoy!
We try very hard to endeavour to create a strong and meaningful home-school partnership with you. Please do not hesitate to make contact if you have any queries or comments. I will keep you informed of the developments here at Macleans Primary School and look forward to sharing your child’s learning journey with you throughout the year.
Regards - Matthew Cooke
PS - Thanks to Farm Cove Superette for their sponsorship of this newsletter: 1/190 Fisher Parade, Farm Cove. See ad below.
PPS - Remember that at the end of this newsletter in your email you may get the note that the Message is Clipped and you may need to click on View Entire Message
Next Newsletter and Notices:
•Wednesday 5 March 2024
•MPS Notices and update at anytime
Macleans Primary '25 Annual Plan
Macleans Primary '25 Annual Plan. The expanded and detailed plan is the '25 Strategic Plan which is to be approved by the BoT soon.
Morning Tea and Lunch
Morning tea and lunch times are at 10.30am and 1pm. A reminder to please pack enough food and ensure your child has a full drink bottle. A reminder too that children are expected to take their lunch rubbish home as Macleans Primary endeavours to be as 'waste free' as possible.
Macleans Primary Policies & Procedures: School Docs
SchoolDocs provides a comprehensive core set of policies and procedures that are tailored to the needs of Macleans Primary School. We encourage parents to read policies and procedures as needed, and of course we welcome any feedback!
SchoolDocs updates, modifies and creates policies in response to changes in legislation or Ministry guidelines, significant events, reviews/requests from schools and regular reviews. Our SchoolDocs policies and procedures can be found via our school website on the link below. If you would like to participate in reviewing policies, please follow the instructions below. there are a number of policies for review now.
Visit the website https://macleansprimary.schooldocs.co.nz and enter the username: macleansprimary and password: macleans. Follow these seven steps:
- Follow the link to the relevant policy as listed.
- Read the policy.
- Click the Start your review button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
- Select the reviewer type.
- Enter your name (optional).
- Follow the prompts to show that you've read the topic and enter your feedback if you'd like to comment.
- Agree to the privacy statement and click “Submit review”.
Macleans Primary School PTA
2025 has kicked off in a huge way for your Macleans Primary School PTA. Our first PTA meeting was held last week with a huge turnout, and we're so excited! Our next meeting is Tuesday 18 March, everyone is welcome!
This week, we'll be offering ice blocks and cold drinks from the PTA Shed (Friday, 3pm) just $2 each (cash only) – come and say hi!
Already, your PTA has purchased soccer goals for the school field (we can't wait to see these in action!), donated $1,000 towards some much-needed classroom furniture, committed to purchasing school-branded polo shirts for staff, and will be contributing $1,000 to EOTC (Education Outside the Classroom). There's also sunblock on it's way for students and staff, hooray! As in previous years, the PTA will also be donating $5 per student toward the Year 6 leavers t-shirts later in the year (let's not wish that time away just yet though!). We are also investigating the installation of a community Defibrillator.
We have another fun year of events planned – keep an eye out in the school newsletter and the school's Facebook/Instagram pages for updates.
SAVE THE DATE: Sunday 30 March – Movie in the Hall. Tickets on sale soon!
Term 1 After School Art Class at Macleans Primary School
Drawing, Sketching, Oil pastel, Pastel painting
Day: Monday after school
Time: 3.15pm-4.15pm
Fee: $15 per lesson
Phone : 027-6555574 (Janet)
E-mail: janeto@xtra.co.nz
EZ lunch Term 1 Competition. Here’s how it works:
- Every parent who orders an ezlunch goes into a weekly draw to win $100 Kindo Credit for themselves AND $100 for your school. Starts Monday 10 February 2025 and runs through to Friday 11 April 2025.
- Plus, all orders automatically enter the Grand Prize Draw for a $1,000 JB Hi-Fi Voucher + $500 for their school!
Thank you to JB Hi-Fi for making our Grand Prize rewards possible!
JB HiFi has partnered with Kindo in 2025 to streamline BYOD for schools, and we appreciate their generous support.
Ervine & Wycherley Safety Improvements by Auckland Transport - See Drawing Below
ICON Trampoline AfterSchool Classes
Icon Trampoline is one of New Zealand’s best trampoline training facilities based in Mangere.
Our amazing coaches train beginners through to international level athletes and have classes
available this term. We will offer the first class for free!
Classes start Monday 3rd February
Wednesday 5.00pm to 6.00pm
Thursday 4.00pm to 5.00pm
Saturday 9.00am to 10.00am
Saturday 10.00am to 11.00am
To join visit our website www.icontrampoline.co.nz or email icontrampoline@gmail.com
Icon Trampoline | 137 Buckland Road, Mangere East, Auckland 2024
Do you need to purchase stationery still? We are now selling packs from the school office. Pop in and have a chat with Sally or Sharon and they will sort out all your stationery needs!
Term 1 2025 Events
Wednesday 19 February - Y5/Y6 Inter-school Softball Comp
Wednesday 26 February- Ready, Steady, Go Begins @1.45 (MPS Getting Ready for School Programme)
Friday 27 February - Emergency Procedures Practicer
**MARCH - DATE TBC - Parent Information Sessions: Maths, Literacy & ESOl @ Macleans Primary**
Wednesday 3 March - School Fun Swimming Sports (see sep. organisation)
Wednesday 3 and Thursday 4 March - Y4's EOTC Event at Botanic Gardens
Thursday 6 March - Pubertal Change Parents Evening
Thursday 6 March - 1st Week for Macleans Thunder After-School Basketball Competition
Monday 10 March - Board of Trustees Meeting (6pm)
Friday 14 March - Y5/Y6 Pubertal Change Lessons
Sunday 16 March - Howick Rotary Fun Run (see sep. details)
Monday 17 March - Student Leaders 'Grip Leadership Conference'
Monday 24 to Friday 28 March - Water Safety/Drowning Prevention Lessons For All Children
Wednesday 2 April to Friday 4 April - Y6 Camp
Thursday 3 April - Macleans primary Bollywood Dance Group Performs at Cultural Fest. (Sancta Maria)
Monday 7 April - Board of Trustees Meeting (6pm) - TBC
Thursday 10 April - Cazh Day (non-school uniform) for Winning House for Term 1
Friday 11 April - Last Day of Term 1
SKIDS B4 and Afterschool Care @ Macleans Primary
Calling all young food explorers! Book Now!
Join us for Flavour Detectives and discover the secrets of your favorite cuisines!
Feb 19 – Italian
Feb 26 – Indian
March 5 – Mexican
Your little chef will chop, mix, and taste their way through delicious recipes while learning essential cooking skills. Limited spots available - Book Now!
#FlavourDetectives #KidsCooking #FoodAdventure #LittleChefs #sKids
Writing Prompts: Y4-Y6 Amazing Race Team
An authentic writing experience for the Y4-Y6 children.
All students from Year 1 to Year 6 will be working on completing a writing samples. The writing samples provide teachers with a comprehensive analysis of the next learning steps to put in place. And jus as importantly, the teacher can work with the child to help them understand what they need to do next in their writing.
Sports in Term 1 2025 by M Sports
Free promotional football day and programme at Macleans Primary School. The dates are filling up for and we only have limited spaces left for February. The available dates for taster days and the programmes are below:
Taster Dates: Friday 7th Feb, Thur 13th Feb. Tues. 18th Feb
Programme Dates: Tuesday or Thursday after school starting week of 24 Feb
If term 1 is not ideal for you we are taking bookings for term 2 in April 2025
https://m-sports-footykids.org.nz/ for more details.
Sports in Term 1 2025 by Sports X Multi Sport
Begins last week. A 9 weeks programme. You may still be able to register. Link HERE for more details.
Fun at Morning Tea and Lunch With The New Deck Games
2025 Welcome To New Staff and Teacher Updates
We welcome Mrs Lynlee Dullabh to Macleans Primary School. Lynlee joins us from Meadowbank to begin the new ESOL Lead teacher role. Please join me in welcoming Lynlee to Macleans Primary School. Mrs Rakhi Sharma has been at Macleans Primary for a few months now and will be moving to teach a Year 6 class. Mrs Natasha Mostert (R5) and Mrs Amber Dawson (R3) who also joined us recently will be teaching full-time in 2025.
Mrs Kathryn Stankovich continues to teach at Macleans Primary moving from her part-time role to a full-time, Lead Teacher specialist teaching position. Kathryn will be teaching the STEAM and Technology specialist programme with Mrs Lyn Dunbar who is new to Macleans Primary joining us from Farm Cove Intermediate.
Also joining the specialist team will be Mrs Jess Codling. Jess has been a regular reliever at Macleans Primary over the past few years and will be teaching fine art for two days a week.
Mrs Donna King and Miss Caroline Van Heerden are both currently training to be teachers and have 'Limited Authority to Teach' through the NZ teachers Council. Specialist Donna will be teaching ICT: coding, robotics & media and Caroline will be teaching fine art 3 days a week.
Teacher Aides and learning Assistants 2025
ESOL Team 2025: Lynlee Dullabh (Lead Teacher) and T.Aides Fion Yin and Deanna Van Heerden
All of our 2025 teacher aides and learning assistants will be returning for 2025. Macleans Primary recognises the importance of Teacher Aides and Learning Assistants as an integral part of our school's vision for teaching and learning. We have increased teacher aide and learning assistant hours for 2025. Our Learning Assistants for 2025: Melinda Fourie, Zeenat Dean, Diana Honey, Saffron Main, Davinia Massold, Renee Elder, Liz Krueger, Dorothy Yung, Wendy Clarke.
Support Staff 2025
All of the students, teachers and teacher aides have a great team behind them. Everyday the suppprt staff come together at Macleans Primary and do the 'mahi tahi'. The 2025 support staff team is as follows:
Office Team - Sally Jarvis & Sharon Waller
Caretaking & Grounds - David Marais and contractor Andrew Harris from Garden Monkeys
Resources & Library - Tulsi Parbhu
ICT & Computer Support - Donna King
Gills Road Patrol (am & pm) - Tulsi Parbhu
Water Safety: Drowning Prevention NZ
Teachers have had some Professional Learning & Development from Drowning Prevention Auckland. Please see the downloadable presentation below that you may be able to use at home to remind and educate your children on aspects of H2O safety. Please note that Drowning Prevention Auckland will be back at Macleans Primary from 24-28 March to work with teachers and students during a pool session on H2O Safety.
Specialist Programme 2025
A reminder that this year we will running a specialist programme whereby once every 6 school days or so, each year group will receive specialist teaching in:
1. STEAM & Technology - taught by Kathryn Stankovich & Lyn Dunbar
2. ICT - taught by Donna King
3. Fine Arts - taught by Jess Codling and Caroline Van Heerden
The Pool is Open After Being closed For A Few Days
Houses: Kokawai, Moana, Atarau, Punamu
Every adult and child at Macleans Primary will soon be sorted into a house (it's not quite the Harry Potter Sorting Hat) for 2025. Each week the student leaders will tally up the Macleans values counters that children receive for showing the Macleans values. The Values Counters are dropped into the house boxes by the children. These become the 'House Points'. House points are also earned through sporting and other events. The house with the most points at the end of each term will receive a Cazh Day (non-uniform). The winning house cazh for term 1 is on Thursday 10 April.
Meet The Teacher 4 February 2025
Thanks to everyone who attended the Meet The Teacher two weeks ago. The school-wide presentation can be downloaded below. Individual classroom presentations have been sent home.
2025 Classroom Timetables
Chess At Macleans Primary Friday Lunchtimes. Download Details and Costs Below.
Please Ensure Your Child Has The Correct Footwear - Solid Black Shoes or Sandals
2025 Teacher Organisation: Classes and Teams
Senior Leadership Team
Matthew Cooke - Principal
Angelique Wendzich - Deputy P. School wide Curriculum & Y0-Y6 Alignment (2iC)
Derryn Chapman - Assistant Principal & SENCO Y4-Y6
Ambie Govender - Assistant Principal & SENCO Y1-Y3
Middle Leadership Team & Team Leaders
ESOL Lead - Mrs Lynlee Dullabh
Kathryn Stankovic - Tech/Spec. Team Leader
Ludene Lefevre - Y6 Team Leader (R23 Teacher)
Mina Ramjee - Y5 Team Leader (R19 Teacher)
Mrs Louise Ely - Y4 Team Leader (R15 Teacher)
Mrs Viona Schulz - Y3 Team Leader (R12 Teacher)
Mrs Madelein Nieuwoudt - Y2 Team Leader (R6 teacher)
Mrs Shone Swanepoel - Y1 Team Leader (R3 Teacher)
Kahui Ako Team
Within School Leader - Viona Schulz
WS Leader #2 - Mrs Louise ELy
WS Leader #3 - Mrs Derryn Chapman
Across School Leader - Mina Ramjee (CoL on Thurs & Fri.)
Waiheke Team - Year 1 (Rooms 1-5)
Rm 1 - Pippa Van Wyk
Rm 2 - Kate Norton
Rm 3 - Natasha Mostert
Rm 4 - Shone Swanepoel
Rm 5 -New Entrant Class Later - TBD
Motutapu Team- Year 2 (Rooms 6-9)
Rm 6 - Madelein Nieuwoudt.
Rm 7 - Tanya Roux
Rm 8 - Caylor Conway
Rakino Team - Year 3 (Rooms 9-12)
Rm 9 - Louise Love
Rm 10 - Caitlin Kwok
Rm 11 - Lauren Manson
Rm 12 - Viona Schulz
Rangitoto Year 4 (Rooms 13-15)
Rm 13 - Amber Chan
Rm 14 - Michelle Von Solms
Rm15 - Louise Ely
Kawau Team - Year 5 (Rooms 16-18)
Rm16 - Bianca Fourie
Rm 17 -Abby Marias
Rm 18 - Alice Khiu
Rm 19 - Mina Ramjee & Adelle Hunkin.
Great Barrier Team - Year 6 (R20-R23)
Rm 20 - Rakhi Sharma
Rm 21 - Amber Dawson
Rm 22 - Georgia Taylor
Rm 23 - Ludene Lefevre.
Sport Coordinator - Mrs Adelle Hunkin (Teaching Thursday and Friday in R19 and sport for a few hours from Monday to Wedneaday)
Part-Time Teachers: CRT & PRT
Jill McCleneghan, Diana Ready & Jason Cox
Tech/Spec Team
Kathryn Stankovic, Caroline Van Heerden, Donna King, Jess Codling & Lyn Dunbar
2024 Yearbooks For sale - Now Just $10.00
2025 Student Leaders
Our 2025 student leaders have been selected. We look forward to working with you and having you support all of us at Macleans Primary School. The school leaders will be involved in many aspects of school life, from helping at assemblies to supporting and leading their respective houses. Mahi Tahi everyone! The 2025 Student Leaders are:
Tessy Zhao
Lucy Modericker
Akani Athapaththu
Leander Diedricks
Dwiti Rupani
Adeya Pereira
George Li
Caleb Fick
Chloe Munro
Tanish Patel
Kyle Vilocillo
Skylah Zhang
Maddie Lowthian
Risindu Edrisinghe
Not on Kindo Yet? Pay The Easy Way (Download Info. below, inc. Chinese Version)
Dropping Off Your Child In The Morning or Picking Up After School? Remember...
Yummy Apple Stickers: 1Sticker = 1 House Counter
Please collect and send in your yummy apple stickers. Collect the Yummy cut-out labels from bags (each cut-out label is worth 10 stickers) and individual Yummy apple stickers and Macleans Primary School can get free sports gear. Yummy apples are available from New World, PAK’nSAVE and participating Four Square stores. The more we collect, the more sports gear we can get so get going and start collecting your Yummy cut-out labels and stickers now. With each yummy apple sticker brought in, children get a House Counter! The sticker sheets are available for pick up from the office. They can also be downloaded below.
Dates For Your Diary - Term 1 2024
Wednesday 19 February - Y5/Y6 Inter-school Softball Comp
Wednesday 26 February- Ready, Steady, Go Begins @1.45 (MPS Getting Ready for School Programme)
Friday 27 February - Emergency Procedures Practicer
**MARCH - DATE TBC - Parent Information Sessions: Maths, Literacy & ESOl @ Macleans Primary**
Wednesday 3 March - School Fun Swimming Sports (see sep. organisation)
Wednesday 3 and Thursday 4 March - Y4's EOTC Event at Botanic Gardens
Thursday 6 March - Pubertal Change Parents Evening
Thursday 6 March - 1st Week for Macleans Thunder After-School Basketball Competition
Monday 10 March - Board of Trustees Meeting (6pm)
Friday 14 March - Y5/Y6 Pubertal Change Lessons
Sunday 16 March - Howick Rotary Fun Run (see sep. details)
Monday 17 March - Student Leaders 'Grip Leadership Conference'
Monday 24 to Friday 28 March - Water Safety/Drowning Prevention Lessons For All Children
Wednesday 2 April to Friday 4 April - Y6 Camp
Thursday 3 April - Macleans Primary Bollywood Dance Group Performs at Cultural fest.
Monday 7 April - Board of Trustees Meeting (6pm) - TBC
Thursday 10 April - Cazh Day (non-school uniform) for Winning House for Term 1
Friday 11 April - Last Day of Term 1
Copyright © 2025 Macleans Primary School, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Macleans Primary School
10 Wycherley Drive
Bucklands Beach
Auckland, 2014New Zealand
Email: admin@macleansprimary.school.nz
Website: www.macleansprimary.school.nz
Location: Macleans Primary School Wycherley Drive, Bucklands Beach, Auckland, New Zealand
Phone: (09)534-591
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Macleans-Primary-School-and-PTA-194780747573611