The Edmond Creative
Edmond Public Schools Fine Arts Collective

Director's Thoughts... 💭
Greetings Edmond Fine Arts Educators and Administrators:
Fall is here and it is time to bring on the cooler temps, sweaters, and pumpkin spiced everything! But also with the season change brings shorter daylight hours, and sometimes this can be difficult for the well-being of students and staff. More than ever, this is the time to "share your light" to change the mood of those around you and encourage others as they become acclimated to the season change. Being intentional about doing things that make you feel better and focusing on the positives can be very beneficial during this time. Doing something nice for someone else can also help you feel better. More than ever, don't just shine your light, BE THE LIGHT!!!
As always, if have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to reach out!
The arts are ALIVE and WELL in Edmond Public Schools!
Edmond Visual Art Teachers at the OAEA State Fair Exhibit
Memorial Band Enjoying a Beautiful Sunrise at Morning Practice
Ms. Hall holds the Olympic Torch for the Memorial Orchestra "String Olympics"
Visual Art on Display at EPSAC
HS Marching Band Members Join 8th Grade Band at Heartland
Bubbles on Display at the Cimarron Art Room
Memorial String Olympics - Javelin Throw
Santa Fe Band during Halftime Show
North Band Features Their Flute Section
Heartland Student works on Creating a 3D Celebrity
EPS Teachers Hanging the OAEA State Fair Art Show
Kindergartener at Scissortail works on their Art Project
The Wolves "Rocked Out" with Santa Fe's Annual "Debut" 2024 🤘
On September 19th & 20th, students from Santa Fe High School showcased a variety of talent in the annual "Debut - Rebel Rock". Performances from vocalists, instrumentalists, and dancers from throughout the school were highlighted in this fun and exciting event. Congrats to all of the students, faculty, and families that worked together to make this event happen. Rock On!!!
UCO Broncho Band Day - November 16th 🎺
MS Orchestra takes us on a "Whirlwind" with their All-City Performance 🌀
On September 26th, 7th and 8th grade orchestra students participated in the annual All-City Orchestra hosted at Edmond North High School. Clinicians Janey Akagha (7th Grade) and Courtney Gilpin Monk (8th Grade) worked with our students on several selections and put on a performance that evening for parents and community stakeholders. Nearly 400 orchestra students participated and sounded amazing. Congrats on a job well done to all the directors, students, and families to make such an event a success!!! Kudos to all!!!
HMS Steam Art is "Creepin' it Real" with Monster Mugs! 👾
Heartland Middle School has been creepin' it real this month. It may be witchful thinking, but this Halloween is going to be absolutely fang-tastic!
Monster Mugs are Alive - they're Alive!
Register for the OkMEA Fall Conference - October 17th 🍂
Memorial Performing Arts Presents - "She Loves Me" 📬
A Day in the Life with OCU Music Education - November 6th, 2024 🎶
EPS Visual Art Department Well-Represented at State Fair Art Exhibit 🎨
For over fifty years, the Oklahoma State Fair (OSF) has supported youth, art and education through the Oklahoma Student Art Exhibition (OSAE). This program allows student art to be viewed by fairgoers, enables students to participate in a special traveling exhibition around Oklahoma and provides funding for art supplies and art scholarships.
Edmond North received several merit awards and will receive a $100 Gift Card to Hobby Lobby and $100 cash for their achievements!
HS All-State Choral Workshop hosted at Edmond North
Husky Band receives Outstanding Music Performance at Yukon Marching Invitational
On September 28th, the Edmond North Husky Band competed at the Yukon Invitational Marching Contest hosted at Miller Stadium. The Husky band took home 3rd place overall and received an award for Outstanding Music Performance. Congrats to all the directors, students, and families for a great showing and start to the marching band season!
OK Kodaly Educators Fall Workshop - October 5th 🎃
Science in Art - Art in Science Competition 🧪🎨🔬
CRITICAL MOMENTS: THE PATH TO THE HOLOCAUST: Students are invited to create artwork that reflects upon critical moments in Holocaust history. For example: Kristallnacht, the opening of Dachau (the first concentration camp) in 1933, Germany’s invasion of Poland, The Wannsee conference, the voyage of the Saint Lewis, the Nuremberg laws, etc.
All Oklahoma Middle and High School students (grades 6-12) are eligible to enter the contest. Art teachers are encouraged to utilize the Kristallnacht art contest as a resource for integrating the Holocaust in visual arts classes (70 O.S. § 11-103.6o). Integration is encouraged, but not required.
Submission Deadline: Friday, November 1, 5:00 PM. Submissions can be accepted anytime prior to the deadline Monday – Thursday 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM or Fridays 6:00 AM – 5:00 PM at the Jewish Federation of Tulsa, 2021 E 71st. St. Tulsa, OK 74136
On Thursday, November 7 at 7:00 PM, contest winners will be announced at the 2024 Kristallnacht Remembrance Event (location TBD). Winning entries will be displayed at the Sherwin Miller Museum of Jewish Art in the Education Gallery after the event.
Contest information is available now. Questions? Contact Sofia Thornblad, Director of Holocaust Education at: curator@jewishmuseum.net
Edmond Bands Travel up the Turnpike to the Owasso Marching Invitational 🎺
On September 28th, Memorial and Santa Fe participated in the 25th Annual Owasso Marching Invitational hosted at Ram Stadium in Owasso, OK. Edmond had a great showing with both bands making finals. Memorial ended up in 9th place overall and was awarded "Fan Favorite" from the crowd. Santa Fe placed 2nd overall and was awarded the band with Outstanding General Effect. We are so proud of all the students, directors, and families that took part in this amazing weekend!
Beauty and the Beast Matinee Opportunity at OC - October 30th 🥀
MS Art Teachers participate in PD hosted at Heartland - All Things Kiln 🏺
On September 3rd, MS Visual Art teachers attended, "All Things Kiln" hosted at Heartland MS. Teachers discussed loading and unloading the kiln, firing to cone 06 and 6 (low fire to high fire), exhaust and overall safety and awareness.
Teachers focused on throwing various forms (bowl, vase, altered pottery, lidded jar, pitcher), pulling a handle, creating lids, making a bake dish, trimming, centering, etc. It made for a great session by simply unplugging from the rest of the world and playing with clay, very therapeutic.
Free Upcoming String Workshops Hosted by UCO Strings🎻
Upcoming Art Camps with Edmond Fine Arts Institute 🎨
Educational Program Opportunities with the OKC Philharmonic 🎻
Our Fall Youth Concerts will be on November 12 and 13, 2024. We have two concerts each day at 10am and 11:40am. The programs are specially geared towards 2nd through 6th grade students, and beginning Band and Orchestra. Choir students are absolutely welcome as well. Of course, these programs are designed for everyone to enjoy, not just music students! The entire orchestra will be performing a 50-minute program of exciting music highlighting every instrument at the Civic Center Music Hall stage. The concerts are completely FREE! Schools are responsible for providing transportation to the Civic Center (please do let us know if you need help arranging transportation for your students). If the Fall dates do not work for your school, we also have Spring Youth Concerts on March 11 and 12, 2025.
Additionally, our "We've Got Rhythm" program in which a small ensemble of Philharmonic musicians visits your school. Performances are fun and interactive!
You may email me at angelica@okcphil.org, or contact our Education Manager directly at chase@okcphil.org.
The Month at a Glance...
October 1st
Cheyenne 6th Grade Orchestra Demonstration Concert
Cheyenne MS Gym
6:30 pm
October 1st
SFHS Orchestra Fall Concert
Santa Fe HS Auditorium
7 PM
October 2nd
OkCDA All-State Jazz Chorus Auditions
Southern Nazarene University
All Day
October 3rd - 6th
Bands of America Marching Contest
Flagstaff, Arizona
Santa Fe HS Marching Band
October 4th & 5th
Moore Speech and Debate Contest
Moore High School
October 4th
Edlam #3 - Santa Fe v. Memorial
7 PM
October 5th
Mustang Marching Invitational
Mustang Bronco Stadium
Edmond North Marching Band
All Day
October 5th
North Central Honor Orchestra Auditions (NCHO)
Santa Fe HS
All Day
October 7th
EPS School Board Meeting
6 PM
October 10th - 12th
EMHS Theatre Arts presents "She Loves Me"
Memorial Auditorium
7 PM
October 10th
ENHS Choir Fall Concert
North HS Auditorium
7 PM
October 11th
Cheyenne & Sequoyah Choir Fall Concert
North HS Auditorium
7 PM
October 12th
Oklahoma Bandmasters Association 4A Marching Contest
SFHS Wolves Stadium
All Day
October 15th - 16th
Chisholm Elementary - ROCKTOBER!
Chisholm Elementary
9 AM
October 15th
Cross Timbers Elementary Music Program - 3rd Grade
Cross Timbers Elementary
October 15th
Orvis Risner Elementary Music Program - 4th Grade
Orvis Risner Elementary
October 15th
Edmond North Orchestra Fall Concert
North HS Auditorium
7 PM
October 16th
Vocal Music Tenor/Bass Festival
Santa Fe HS
All Day
October 17th - 18th
Fall Break
October 21st
Staff Development Day - No Students
October 22nd
Memorial Choir Fall Concert
EMHS Auditorium
7 PM
October 24th - 27th
Bands of America Marching Contest
St. Louis, Missouri
Memorial HS Marching Band
October 24th - 26th
The Seussification of Romeo and Juliet
Central MS Theatre Arts
October 24th - 26th : 7 PM ShowtimeOctober 26th: 2 PM Matinee
October 24th
Elementary Music Program - 4th Grade
Charles Haskell Elementary
6 PM
October 24th
Elementary Music Program - 4th Grade
Redbud Elementary
6 PM
October 24th
Santa Fe Vocal Fall Concert
SFHS Auditorium
7 PM
October 25th - 26th
Cheyenne Spotlight
Cheyenne MS
October 25th - 7 PM October 26th - 2 PM
October 25th - 26th
Gravestone Manor
Cimarron MS
7 PM
October 26th
Edmond North Stadium
All Day
October 28th
Heartland Choir Fall Concert
SFHS Auditorium
7 PM
October 28th
Cimarron Choir Fall Concert
EMHS Auditorium
6:30 PM
October 29th
6th Grade Vocal Festival
EMHS Auditorium
8 am - 2 pm : Festival7 pm: Performance
October 29th
Elementary Music Program - 1st Grade
Angie Debo Elementary
October 29th
OSSAA West Regional Marching Band Contest
Western Heights Stadium
All Day
October 29th
Elementary Music Program - 5th Grade
Sunset Elementary
October 29th
Sequoyah 6th Grade Orchestra Demonstration Concert
Sequoyah Gym
6:30 PM
October 30th
SF UCO Festival
University of Central Oklahoma
All Day
October 31st
OBA Send-Off Marching Band Performances
North, Memorial, Santa Fe HS Marching Bands
SFHS Wolves Stadium
7 PM