HHS Weekly Preview

Friday, January 31, 2025
Weekly Announcements
New semester has begun and the students seem excited about their new classes and lunchmates.
February 3th-MONDAY-Back to School Night 2 starts @ 6PM in Block 1. Hope to see you there!
College and Career Ready
College and Career Ready Information
SAT Dates in 2nd Semester
See screenshot below from CollegeBoard Website
Seniors-Mid-Year Grade Request
The mid-year grade request portal is open. Mid-year grades will begin being sent on Monday, 2/5.
Please follow the instructions below to request mid-year grades for schools that require it or schools where you have not yet received a decision.
Mid-Year Grade Request Process
***You should have already requested Initial Transcripts before requesting Mid-Year grades.
1. Log in to Naviance.
a) Go to: http://Launchpad.classlink.com/haverfordsd
b) Click “Sign in with Google”
c) Select your Haverfordsd.net email address
d) Click the Naviance student icon
2. Click on Home at the top of the page. Then scroll over to the section labeled “Welcome to Naviance.” Click on the link Additional Information from Your School. Under Pages, click on Mid-Year Request, and right-click on the Mid-Year Grades Request link. Select Open in New Window. Complete the Mid-Year Grades Request. (Opening the link in a new window will allow you to refer back to Naviance to view the schools and methods of transcript delivery for each school.) You must complete this form one time for each grade report that you are requesting.
Please reach out to your counselor for specific questions.Junior College Planning Night
Naviance, Common App & How to Navigate the College Application Process
Please join the HHS Counselors to discuss the Common Application, Naviance, college visits, letters of recommendation, and the process of requesting transcripts.
Tuesday, February 25th from 6:00-7:00 pm in the HHS auditorium
AP Testing
AP exam payment and registration forms will be collected in the HHS Counseling Department from March 10th-March 21st. Exams are $99 per exam.
Details for the reduced fee are $20 for the first exam and $53 for each additional exam.
A link to the AP exam schedule is below:
Nurses' Department
CONTACT US FOR ANY MEDICAL NEEDS. Send documents to mosullivan@haverfordsd.net or ashubert@haverfordsd.net
Choral Cabaret
Come out and see the stars of Haverford High School Chorus!
Eagles Fight Songs-From HHS Chorus & Orchestra-Click on links below
1) Spring Girls' Flag Football for any female HHS student interested in pursuing an additional opportunity this spring. Girl's Flag football is an "emerging PIAA sport" and interest will help us to identify if we have enough student interest to start a program at HHS. Please do not hesitate to stop by the HHS Athletic office to see Mr. Decina if you would like to signup.
2) Hope Classic- 11th Annual LMHS Hope Classic, to be held on Saturday (TOMORROW) February 1-See Below
3) Spring Sports Night-See Below-February 20th.
- Bocce teams were big winners on Senior Day versus Marple this past week!
- Ice Hockey Senior Night will be at 8 PM Monday at The Skatium.
- The Boys and Girls Swimming and Diving Teams have a meet today at The Haverford School.
- Girls Competitive Spirit are in Reading at The State Championship competition.
- Girls' Hoops is presently ranked #6 in District 1 with a 15-3 record.
- Boys Hoops were big winners versus Ridley this week on Senior Night! They are presently ranked #22 in District 1.
- Wrestling is still in 1st place in the Central League! They beat Harriton 68-4. (Might be a Haverford margain of victory record)
- Indoor Track continues to run all over Pennsylvania. They were at the Polor Bear meet OUTSIDE yesterday! No temperature slows down any of the Fords!
- Winter Sports Family ID is open. Families can access it using this link: HHS Winter Athletics Family ID
"H" Magnets of All Kinds on Sale
1) "H" Magnets are on sale in main office for $5. Does your car need a refresh before the winter or buy magnet in #3 below:
2) Robotics' Pancake Breakfast-See Below
3) Boys' Baseball Magnet Sale-See Picture Below