Hannalei Stingray Parent Connection
August 11, 2024
Principal's Message
We are excited to invite you to join us for our school’s Friday Flag Ceremony, a special event held on the first and fourth Friday of each month at 8:00 AM on the school playground.
This is a wonderful opportunity to come together as a school community and celebrate our students. The Friday Flag Ceremony is led by our incredible student leaders, who will share important school news, recognize students for their accomplishments, and highlight the values of the Hannalei Way—our guiding principles of kindness, respect, and responsibility.
We look forward to seeing you there! Your presence and support make these events even more meaningful for our school community.
Thank you for your continued involvement in your child’s education!
*Our school calendar is published in ParentSquare on the Events tab
Erik Korporaal, Principal
Olga Neri, Assistant Principal
Upcoming Events
Sept 25: Picture Day
Sept 27: Friday Flag
Sept 27: Stingray Family Campout
Oct 4: Friday Flag
Oct 4: Ohana Lunch
Oct 25: Friday Flag
Oct 31: Halloween Parade (students may wear costumes in the morning)
Nov 1, Friday: NO SCHOOL
Every Monday is a Minimum Day.
School Year Calendar -- Calendario Escolar
*Our school calendar is published in ParentSquare on the Events tab
Spirit Wear Sale Extended!
Tomorrow is the last day to place orders!
Items will be delivered to students within a few weeks.
The Hannalei Family Campout is Coming!
Pitch a tent on the field and spend the night or just come for the activities.
Send in the 25$ payment with your child now to reserve your spot.
Hannalei Parent Teacher Association
Hannalei PTA is motivated to provide improved experiences for all of our students! PTA is a partnership between parents, teachers, and staff.
Support PTA by becoming a member today through the easy online link below:
Picture Day is coming!
It will be held on September 25, 2024. Get ready to say “cheese” and don’t forget – please don’t wear green.
Community Liaison Corner
As a Community Liaison, I am here to serve our families’ needs through a variety of means:
Coordinating Parent Workshops (parenting, health-related, on academic topics, tech workshops, financial literacy, Rosetta Stone, etc.)
Setting up Teacher-Parent meetings when needed
Providing information about resources for families
And much more!
My goal is to empower parents to become active participants in their children’s education, and to help families who need assistance accessing services and making connections with our school and community.
I am located in the Parent Center (Room 24) and I’m usually in the front gate of the school greeting parents and students during morning drop-off. Please feel free to reach out to me anytime.
Lili Gonzalez
Family and Community Liaison
760-631-6248 x42124
E-mail: liligonzalez@vistausd.org
Facebook: Hannalei Liaison Lili Gonzalez
Twitter: @HannLiaison
In need of support with food?
The North County Food Bank provides nutritious food to individuals and families in need in communities throughout San Diego County
Here's the link to North County Food Bank website.
Address to their Vista location:
3030 Enterprise Ct Suite A, Vista, CA 92081.
It is by appointment only. To schedule an appointment call 858-863-5177 or schedule an appointment online.
Counseling Corner
Free Student Wellness Program
Healthy Campus provides mental health services to meet the needs of students. Behavioral Health Providers are available to create an individualized Mental Wellness care plan for each student.
- Universal Mental Health Screening
- Begin 12-week mental wellness sessions with a behavioral health professional
- Virtual and in-person on campus 1:1 sessions available
- Year-round services available
Scan the QR code to enroll or come by our office for help with enrolling.
There is still space available on the bus!
Bus Routes to Hannalei
Bus Stops and Times:
Buena Creek @ Verona Hills - Depart 7:05 AM, Return 1:32/2:52
Buena Creek @ Lone Oak - Depart 7:07 AM, Return 1:34/2:5 4
Postal Way @ 955 - Depart 7:15 AM, Return 1:15/2:35
Postal Way @ 987 - Depart 7:19 AM, Return 1:17/2:37
How to get a Bus Pass:
Qualifying families will receive an email to fill out an electronic bus pass application or you may use the link below. Transportation Department will print out bus pass for those qualifying families that fill out bus pass application. Bus passes will be delivered to the pupil by the school bus driver.
Bus Pass Application 2024/2025
Solicitud para transporte escolar
You will need your child's 9 digit student ID number to complete the application. It can be found by logging into Parent Portal.
You can also apply in person at our Transportation Office
VUSD Transportation Office
760-726-2170 EXT. 92802
Parking Lot Safety Is Everyone's Responsibility
I want to emphasize the importance of driving safely in our school's parking lot. Our parking lot is a shared space where pedestrians and vehicles must coexist safely. Please drive slowly - no more than 5 MPH.
Be vigilant for pedestrians at all times. Avoid distractions like texting or phone calls while driving, and always yield the right of way to pedestrians.
In addition, PLEASE DO NOT EXIT YOUR CAR IN THE DRIVE THROUGH PICK UP LANE. Please pull all the way forward. If you need to exit your car, please park in an appropriate parking stall. This will help the traffic flow smoothly.
Let's work together to ensure that our parking lot remains a safe environment for everyone. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Before School Drop Off Procedures
Refer to the map for drop off procedures in the morning.
After School Pick Up Procedures
Main Parking Lot - TK/Kindergarten-3rd grade
TK/Kindergarten - park and use the blue crosswalks. Do not park in the pick up lane!
Grades 1-3 - use the drive through cage or park and pick up at gates. Use crosswalk.
Bus Parking Lot (with the solar panels) - Grades 4-5
No parking to pick up in this lot. There is no crosswalk or crossing guard.
Grades 4-5 - use the drive through pick-up lane. 4th and 5th grade students with siblings should pick up their younger sibling and go to this lot
Be alert and kind in the parking lot. Drive slowly. The speed limit is 5 mph.
Important: Please Complete
Registration for 2024-2025 - Final Step - Please Complete Now
Please note: If you log into Parent Portal and do not see an alert that says “Click Here to confirm information about your student” then you have completed this final step.
All parents of students TK-5 must now complete the Data Confirmation Process in Parent Portal. This is the final step in confirming your child’s enrollment for 2024-25! This process allows parents to verify student data, update emergency contact information, and acknowledge and review critical district information and policies.
Step 1: Begin the data confirmation process by logging into Parent Portal HERE.
If you forgot your password, select the “forgot password” option. (New families: An email from Parent Portal will have been sent to you after you registered in the office with a link to create an account)
Step 2: You will need your child’s 9 digit student ID to complete several of the forms. You can locate this number in parent portal by following these steps:
Select Student Info from the menu on the left in the blue section
Demographics in the drop down menu
Student ID is in the top left corner (9 digit number -Student ID)
Step 3: In a yellow box at the bottom of the screen, select “Click Here to confirm information about your student.”
Step 4: Be sure to fill out these required documents while you complete data confirmation in the “Documents” section.
Alternative Income Verification
Acceptable Use Policy/Device Insurance. Please be prepared to purchase the $20 device insurance with your credit card or come to the office with cash to complete the process. Device insurance protects the iPads so students can bring them home.
Student Health History (if needed)
Step 5: Repeat the data confirmation process for EACH child attending Hannalei.
Select “change student” on the top tab to complete for another child.
Please Note: You do NOT need to print out the documents
A Better Way To Communicate!
The Information Technology Department is working to transition away from REMIND to ParentSquare.
Parents who download the ParentSquare app and create an account can interact by viewing photos, downloading attachments, leaving comments, messaging teachers, signing permission slips, and managing their communication settings and preferences.
What is our Cell Phone and Smartwatch Policy?
The following policy is directed by the VUSD Board of Education.
Summary: Students must keep phones and all smart watches in their backpacks during the entire school day.
If you need to contact your child during school hours, please call the office. Likewise, if your student needs to contact you, they will be permitted to use the school phone.
See the complete policy below:
Students are not to use a smartphone or other electronic signaling device (including cell phone, smartwatch and personal tablet) on campus. Specifically, such devices must be turned off during instructional time and kept in their backpacks, except under the following circumstances:
In case of an emergency or in response to a perceived threat of danger.
When a teacher or administrator grants permission to the student, subject to any reasonable limitation imposed by that teacher or administrator.
Students who violate any school rules related to the use and possession of personal technology may have the following consequences:
- 1st and 2nd Offense: Device is taken away, student picks it up from Administration after school.
- 3rd Offense or Above: Device is taken away, parent/guardian picks it up in the office after school.
- Continued offenses will result in the student being placed on the Loss of Privilege list and a parent/guardian conference with Administration.
Misuse of personal technology resources on or near school property, in school vehicles and buses, at school-sponsored activities may result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the District. Examples of misuse include, but are not limited:
Taking photos or recording of any person at school without specific permission from a teacher or administrator (see notification below, Electronic Listening or Recording Device)
Accessing, posting, displaying, or otherwise using material that is discriminatory, libelous, defamatory, obscene, sexually explicit, disruptive or without permission
Bullying, harassing, intimidating, embarrassing or threatening others (“cyberbullying”)
Disclosing, using, or sharing other people’s personal identification information (such as name, address, telephone number, email, or other personal information) with the intent to threaten, intimidate, harass, or ridicule that person
The school assumes no liability for personal technology, including computers, cell phones, smartphones, network access devices, or other electronic signaling devices, if such devices are damaged, lost or stolen.
What is our smart watch policy?
Our Smart Watch Policy is the same as our Smart Phone Policy. Smart watches include any watches that can send or receive messages, make calls, or make recordings.
Students are allowed to bring watches to school but they are not allowed to use them on campus during school hours. Watches and Phones should be left in their backpacks. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
If you need to contact your child during school hours, please call the office. Likewise, if your student needs to contact you, they will be permitted to use the school phone.
School Hours
In the 2024-2025 school year, all elementary schedules will have Minimum Day Mondays.
Mondays 8:00AM -12:58 PM
Tuesday-Friday: 8:00AM- 2:18 PM
2024-2025 School Calendar linked HERE
Office Support
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. We are here to help in any way we can.
Phone: 760-631-6248
Registration/General Questions: Johana Ramirez johanaramirez1@vistausd.org
Registration/Health/Attendance Concerns: Vorie Medellin voriemedellin@vistausd.org
Registration/General Information: Gina Anderson ginaanderson@vistausd.org
Anything at all: Erik Korporaal erikkorporaal@vistausd.org (principal) or Olga Orozco Neri olgaorozco-neri@vistausd.org (assistant principal)
Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Learners
Breakfast and lunch is free for all students at Hannalei. You do not need to fill out an application.
Fruit and salad bar is also available.
Before and After School Care: AM-PM Comprehensive Program
Looking for before or after school care?
Job Opportunities in VUSD
We are hiring!
All types of positions available: Noon Duties, Bus Drivers, Instructional Assistants, Cafeteria Assitants, and more. Visit edjoin.org/vistausd
The safety of our staff and students is our first priority. We have been working on tightening up our security and would like to communicate the following:
1. There is only one entrance into school for general education students (Main Gate).
2. Gates open at 7:30AM. Breakfast will be available at 7:30AM each morning. Students must not be dropped off before 7:30 as they will be unsupervised.
3. Gates will be supervised at all times.
4. Only authorized individuals are able to check students out from the office early. Please make sure to bring your ID when picking up your student. If someone on the emergency contacts will be picking up your child during the school day, you must call and notify the office first.
TK and Kindergarten Registration
On March 1, registration for Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten opens for the 2024-2025 school year.
Did you know 4 year olds can now enroll in TK? If a students turns 5 by the end of the school year they are eligible to start TK. (The child must turn 5 between September 2, 2024 and June 2, 2025.)
See the flyer below or call the office with questions.
Transfers to Hannalei
Intradistrict and Interdistrict Transfers Open January 10 - March 15, 2023 for 2024-2025
Families living in VUSD boundaries who would like to apply to attend a school other than their neighborhood school for the 2023-2024 school year can apply using this linked process for Intradistrict Transfers.
Families living outside of VUSD boundaries who would like to attend a VUSD school or families living in VUSD boundaries who would like to apply to attend school in another district can apply using this linked process for. ENGInterDT.pdf SPANInterDT.pdf
Contact the Student Support Services Department for more information.
Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten Pre-Enrollment Opens March 1st for 2024-2025
Parents and guardians can reach out to any VUSD elementary school for assistance with the pre-enrollment process. Enroll early to secure your spot!
Enroll in our Dual Language Immersion Academy
All incoming TK and Kindergarteners are eligible to enroll in the Dual Language Immersion Academy at Hannalei, whether they reside within the Vista Unified district or outside the district.
Complete the interest form to reserve your spot today.
In March, Kindergarten registration officially opens. We ask that you complete the interest form (link above) and then follow the regular registration process and then our staff will reach out to you regarding a space in our Dual Language Immersion program.
Using Digital Learning Programs at Home
Are you looking for ways to support your child at home? All students have access to digital learning programs that challenge them at their current level, and extra time at home on these programs is a huge benefit!
How to access:
- On a computer or tablet go to: https://launchpad.classlink.com/vistausd
- Username: 9 digit student ID number
- Password: Stu # (if the Stu# is 4 or 5 digits, add zeros to the front, for example 005678)
- Your child's Student ID and Stu # can be found in your Parent Portal account or you can send a message to your child's teacher.
Apps in Classlink to use:
- Imagine Language & Literacy
- Renaissance - myOn
- Zearn Math
** If you need access to wifi at home, let us know. We have a limited number of hotspots we can check out to you.
Our Preschool has Openings!
Educational Enrichment Systems (EES) partners with VUSD to provide high-quality, part-day preschool at Hannalei Elementary School.
- 8:1 Student to Teacher ratio (3-5 years)
- Free for families that qualify
- Health meals and snacks included
- Tuition assistance available
- Bilingual staff
- Afternoon Session, half day
If you are interested in enrolling your child or would like some more information, please call (760) 639-4175
PSST World Report It
"Psst World Report It!" is a secure, anonymous, and confidential safety tip line.
The report will be forwarded to school adiminstrators for immediate and further investigation.
Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports is a proactive approach to behavior management in schools and other settings. PBIS emphasizes teaching and reinforcing positive behaviors rather than solely focusing on punishment for negative behaviors. It involves creating a supportive and structured environment, setting clear expectations, and providing rewards or incentives to encourage desired behaviors. The goal of PBIS is to improve overall behavior and create a more positive and productive atmosphere.
All of our students are learning "The Hannalei Way: We are Respectful, We are Kind and Caring, We are Responsible".
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Hannalei Elementary School
Email: hannaleies@vistausd.org
Website: han.vistausd.org
Phone: 760-631-6248
Facebook: facebook.com/HannaleiStingrays
Twitter: @HannStingrays