Term 1

Mid - Term 1 - 2025
Our Overarching Theme for the Year - Tapuwae- Footprints
Learning Power: Being Me
Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua.
I walk backwards into the future with my eyes fixed on my past.
Kia ora koutou (Hello everyone)
We started our year by inviting all our new tamariki, caregivers and staff to a Powhiri that was held in the hall.
A pōwhiri is a Māori welcoming ceremony involving speeches, cultural performance, singing and finally the hongi. It is used to both welcome guests onto a marae or during other ceremonies, such as during a dedication of a building or at the beginning of the school year.
Our News
Student Leaders 2025
A big congratulations to our Student Leaders for 2025.
From the front to the back:
Phoebe Darragh, Christopher Zheng, Owen Sutton, Elijah Pearson, Raphael Efremychev,
Mackenna Hilton, Maya Cazeiro, Amelia Smorag, Alice Webber, Jack Butler, Sofia McQueen,
Reign Ann Dela Cruz
Road Patrol
School patrols help to keep students safe on the road by controlling the flow of vehicles and pedestrians at pedestrian crossings and ‘kea’ crossings (school crossing points).
News worthy news ....
On Monday evening, 10 March 2025, MPS made it all the way to 7 Sharp News.
Lucas de Jong and his team filmed some of our staff, students and caregivers. Reporting on Wykeham Place that is now classified as a school street. The road can legally be closed off between set hours to ensure a safe space for kids.
Please go and watch Monday 10 March - the start of the show via the following link:
Wykeham Place
School Street
Mon - Fri
8:15 - 9:15 am
2:15 - 3:15 pm
Garden to table
Last week was "sea week" so we used seaweed and made sushi in the kitchen. It was messy and lots of fun. When it did not work out so well we just ate the evidence.
Ross from the council came and did waste audits with some classes. We found out that some people (hint ... hint ... The teachers) at school are not recycling as well as they could. Children were very fired up about this and are determined to teach the teachers about recycling.
- Karen Jones
Meet the Teacher BBQ
Mid February we hosted a Meet the Teacher and Whanau BBQ.
Here caregivers got to meet the teacher of their tamariki and get an overview of the year from Whaea Michelle and Mrs. Wotton. Afterwards our whanau and staff mingled over some barbequed sausges and salad.
The Wednesday Challenge
MPS has joined in on The Wednesday Challenge this year.
If you would like to join in, please follow the following link:
Since the last quarter of 2024 two bee hives has found their new home to be at MPS.
This week some of our students were granted the fortunate opportunity to put on some bee suits and harvest honey.
Little Library
Our little library has been revamped and is now bigger and brighter and full of books ready for children to take home and enjoy. The idea of the Little Library is that children choose a book and take it home to read. When they have a book they have finished with, it can be dropped back for someone else to enjoy. It doesn't have to be the same book that they took. You'll find our Little Library by the road patrol room inside the sliding gate. Take a walk to see it and browse our wide range of books.
- Deanne Wotton
Mud Kitchen
Maya and Eliza generously donated their mud kitchen to us now that they no longer use it. Day 1 saw children making delicious "cakes" and "coffee" at break times. You'll find the mud kitchen outside the hall.
- Deanne Wotton
Kaipātiki Community Recovery Survey
Answer the survey and go in the draw to win one of two $100 prezzy cards.
About the survey
Individuals, families, streets and communities suffered in many different ways during and after Cyclone Gabrielle and the Auckland Anniversary Floods of 2023.
While many may feel recovered on a day-to-day basis, when we look a little harder, we may realise the adjustments we have had to make to get on with life with an unresolved slip on our property or street, our local bush walking track having been closed these two years, or friends having had to move out of the area. When there is a storm forecast or heavy rain, we may feel a rush of emotions, and our overall sense of safety in our home may be compromised.
Local recovery planning is about communities working together to identify their recovery needs and make plans to actively address these needs at the street, neighbourhood or community level.
In this survey, we ask you to think about the past, present and especially the future - what can you do to move towards the future you want for yourself, your whānau, your neighbourhood and your community?
Answer the survey before the end of March to be in to win.
Shore to Shore
Harcourts Cooper and Co Shore to Shore is a great day out along our sunny shores with thousands of participants running or walking the 5.9 km route!
The event starts at Takapuna Grammar School, heads along both the picturesque Takapuna and Milford beaches and ends at Milford Reserve.
This event brings together the North Shore community and supports local schools by providing them with an opportunity to raise funds for much-needed sports gear.
A great opportunity for friends, parents, aunties, uncles and grandparents get together, dress up, and join us for the fun!
A fantastic event with plenty of awesome costumes and spot prizes!
Register with Marlborough Primary School with the link below.
- Brad Ogg
Principal's Office
Some of our students have earn some bragging rights, visiting the principal's office with some good work. Read Maya Cazeiro's work below for a great example of a job well done!
Maya Cazeiro Rm06
Firefly Forest
Orange fireflies glazed through the serene, unknown forest.
They slide through trees without making a peep and if they did, only the tiniest mouse could hear it.
As the whimpering freezing cold trees stood in the serene unknown world, the fiery warm light shone through the ark ice cold branches.
From our Board
Bumble Bees
We have a bumblebees hive in the orchard for a very short while.
Bumblebees and honeybees differ in appearance, behavior, and nesting habits. By observing both our tamariki can compare and take notes of how the two different species are both the same but also unique in their own ways.
Chicken Coop
Having chickens can be beneficial for children in many ways, including learning about responsibility, empathy, and companionship. In some cases chickens can also teach children about where food comes from.
One of the new projects, is to build a chicken coop similar to the one shown in the picture. Keep an eye out as the coop will be up soon!
Outdoor Kitchen
We will update you on this in our next newsletter ....
Our big canopy is finally done and we can't wait to reap the ample benefits it holds.
Today at 9am we had a blessing led by Matua Les for our new shade canopy space.
Pump Track
The pump track is completed and ensures a great deal of excitement.
Every Friday is Wheels Day when students then have the opportunity to ride on the pump track with their bike or scooter during break times. Just a reminder that helmets are compulsory and students will not be allowed to ride without one.
We now have a whare
A whare is a Māori hut or dwelling place, especially at a beach or in the bush.
Thank you Matua Les for paint the beautiful panels on the front.
Outdoor Music Equipment
Along the pump track weather proof music equipment has been placed in the whanau gardens. Please go and have a look or maybe play a little tune ....
Goal posts
And to top everything off, we also have some new goal posts on the field. How extremely lucky are we to have so many added in such a short while to enrich our children's time spent at school.
A big thank you to our Board and Whaea Michelle for everything they do for our school and all the excitement our tamariki get to join in on.
Colour Run
Our Colour Run Fundraiser is off to an amazing start!
A huge thank you to all the parents who have signed their children up so far—it’s fantastic to have your support!
We're fundraising for a new outdoor stage to complement our shade cover, with a goal of $30,000.
Sign your child up for a fundraising page here:
Then, share it with family, friends, and colleagues to help us raise as much as possible!
Prizes up for grabs include:
- Spot prizes
- Vouchers for the top three fundraisers
- A Whānau Pizza Lunch
- A lucky class will get to slime Whāea Michelle and Mr Kay!
Save the date! Our Colour Run event is on Thursday, 27 March, from 5–7pm. It’ll be a fun family evening with food for sale—more details to come! White T-shirts will be on sale soon too —watch Skool Loop for updates!
Last year’s event was an absolute hit, and we can’t wait to do it all again! Thanks for your support.
We've already held two spot prize draws, with 16 fundraising students winning prizes! Here are just a few of our lucky winners.
Want a chance to win? Sign up for our online fundraiser and start collecting donations—every contribution counts! The next prize draw is this Friday, 14th March!
Most of the communication going out goes through our Skool Loop and Facebook apps. Please make sure to join these.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Marlborough-Primary-School-112129594831867
Parent Helpers
We need some assistance from caregivers with maintaining the garden and library. If you have some spare time on your hands and would like to help us out, please come and see Deanne Wotton or Karen Jones.
Stay safe and be kind.
🌿Your Marlborough Primary Team 🌿
Enrolment Application
A reminder to parents that we are open for enrolment applications for Term 1 to 4 of 2025 and Term 1 of 2026. If you have a child that is due to start school between now and Mid April 2026, please complete your enrolment forms so we're able to plan appropriately.
Enrolment can be done online (the link is on our website) or on paper, with application packs available from the office.
Out of zone enrolments:
Term 3 2025
Deadline for receipts of application - Monday 26 May 2025 at 15:00
Term 4 2025
Deadline for receipts of applications - Monday 18 August 2025 at 15:00
Please contact the office if you have any queries regarding enrolment - office@marlboroughprimary.school.nz
Dates to remember
Term 1
4 February - 11 April
14 March - Junior Assembly - Piwakawaka hosting
19 March - BOT Meeting 15:30
20 March - Whole School Triathlon
21 March - Senior Assembly - Takahe hosting
27 March - Colour Run
28 March - Junior Assembly - Takahe hosting
4 April - Senior Assembly - Tui hosting
11 April - Junior Assembly - Tui hosting
Term 2
28 April - 27 June
21 May - BOT Meeting 17:30
2 June - King's Birthday - SCHOOL CLOSED
18 June - BOT Meeting 15:30
20 June - Matariki - SCHOOL CLOSED
Term 3
14 July - 19 September
16 July - BOT Meeting 17:30
20 August - BOT Meeting 15:30
17 September - BOT Meeting 17:30
Term 4
6 October - 19 December
15 October - BOT Meeting 15:30
27 October - Labour Day - SCHOOL CLOSED
30 October - SCHOOL CLOSED
11 November - photo day (class / portrait / sibling)
19 November - BOT Meeting 17:30
17 December - BOT Meeting 15:30
Contact us
Marlborough Primary School
Email: office@marlboroughprimary.school.nz
Website: www.marlboroughprimary.school.nz
Location: 4 Wykeham Place, Glenfield, Auckland, New Zealand
Phone: 09 - 481 0365
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Marlborough-Primary-School-112129594831867
Connecting in our community
Sushi Day - Sushi
· To order weekly sushi lunch, please visit www.sushiday.co.nz and if you are a new parent, you can go to the link www.sushiday.co.nz/sushi-login to register under Marlborough Primary School.
· Don’t forget – Order cut off time is 9pm (Wednesday) for THURSDAY order delivery.
· Any question, please contact Dan on order@sushiday.co.nz or 021 339 700.
Vietnamese Summer Rolls only.
Summer rolls can be prepared in a packet of 2 pcs for $6. The ingredients are as follow.
- Rice Paper
- Mixed green salad including cabbage
- Carrots
- Capsicum
- Cucumber
- Chicken Katsu (Crumbed Chicken)
- Honey Mustard and Sweet Chili
Please call 09-442 2040 to place your order.
Please note: