The Raider Report
September 6, 2024
Mission Statement
St. John's Lutheran School exists to educate each child in a Christ-centered environment for a life of service to God and man.
Monthly Devotion by Pastor Craig Muhlbach
“One Way Only”
“I, even, I am the LORD, and apart from me there is no savior” (Is. 43:11)
As you get up early to head to work and take your children to school, here is a question to ponder “Do you pour your breakfast cereal into the bowl and then pour milk over it? Or do you pour the milk into the bowl and then add the cereal? Similar questions to ponder are: When you mow the lawn, do you bag the clippings, or do you leave them to the wind? Do you eat Chinese food with a fork or do you try to use the chopsticks? Do you have your family devotions in the morning, at dinnertime, or before going to bed? With all these things, there is more than one way to do it. Despite the variations, in the end, the cereal gets milk, the lawn is cut, the food is eaten, and the devotions are read. There is more than one way to do the job.
However, that is not the case when it comes to being saved from our sins. Though many try to carry this world view over to the area of salvation. There is only one way to have eternal life and that is through faith in the Lord, the world’s only Savior. The true God says, “I, even, I, am the LORD, and part form me there is no savior.”
Some people take pride in being open minded and progressive about the matter of salvation. They think there may be many routes to eternal life with God. But the Lord calls that kind of open mindedness, idolatry.
The Triune God alone proves the way to salvation. No other god can do what our God does. He reveals himself by His Word and by his works. He proclaimed through his prophets what he was going to do to save us, and then he proceeded to fulfill his promise with perfection. He saved us by giving his Son to fulfill all things for us and to die for us.
There is no other way. The Lord alone is God. Faith in Jesus—the way, the truth and the life—is the one and only way to eternal life with the Father.
September Birthdays!
Reed Hobson 4th; Harper Hackman 8th; Luke Pollert 10th; Elliot Lambring 12th; Hallie Percival 13th; Jacob Rubin 14th; Owen Snyder 14th; Parker Broshears 17th; Samuel Florine 17th; Lela Sommers 18th; Lily Jones 19th; Letty Wehmiller 21st; Eric Johnson 22nd; Collins Beard; 26th; Sawyer Bohall 27th; Ryli Burton 27th; Kasen Markel 29th; Frankie Wesner 29th; Miss Stuckwisch 29th; Alli Dulaney 30th
Theme for the 2024-25 School Year
The LCMS School Ministry Theme for the 2024-25 School Year is "Endure" based on the following scripture verse: "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfector of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.
Hebrews 12: 1-3
Seeking Volunteers the week of September 30!
Trina Hoevener, our school cook, will be on vacation the week of September 30-October 4, and we are looking for groups/volunteers to come in and help prepare & serve the students’ lunch or sponsor a lunch for the day! Please contact the school office with your ideas!
- Prepare and serve school lunch from the school lunch menu
- Grill hamburgers or porkburgers
- Sponsor a Snappy Tomato Pizza lunch for the students
All meals must meet the USDA guidelines for school lunches
Chapel Mission for Quarter 1
🎄🎁Our chapel offering for quarter one will support the Operation Christmas Child mission. This will be our fourth year packing boxes for Operation Christmas Child. In the month of September, we will collect items in addition to offering to pack our boxes. The Operation Christmas Child organization sends boxes all across the world to children in need.
September Lunch Menu
September has 19 hot lunch days
$0.50 Extra Milk/Classroom Milk
$1.50 Extra Main Entree
Volleyball Scoreboard Sign-Up
We need volunteers to work the scoreboard for our home volleyball games! Please use the link attached to sign-up!
Athletics this Week
Mon., Sept. 9: 5th/6th Volleyball @ Lutheran Central
Tues., Sept. 10: 6th Volleyball @ Seymour Middle
Thurs., Sept. 12: 6th/8th Volleyball @ White Creek
Thurs., Sept. 12: 5th Volleyball vs. Brownstown
Sat., Sept. 14: 8th Volleyball Tourney @ Sauers
Raiders Resale Shop
Lutheran Junior Honor Association Project
The members of the LJHA will be organizing a Raiders Resale shop as one of their projects for Lutheran Junior Honor Association next school year. They will be collecting St. John's Sauers Raiders apparel that you or your children have outgrown. The students will then organize and price the items to resale to our families. The funds raised from the resale shop will be used to support chapel mission projects or other service projects throughout the year.
The Raiders Resale Shop will be open at the volleyball game on September 24!
Weekly Calendar
Sept. 9: Progress Reports sent home
Sept. 11: School Board Meeting @ 6:00
Sept. 13: Picture Day PreK-8th Grade/Volleyball
Sept. 15: Kids Sing in Church
Upcoming Events
- Sept. 27: Grandparents' Breakfast
- Oct. 1: Indiana Pacers Boomer presentation for K-8
- Oct. 4: Quarter 1 ends
- Oct. 9-11: Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Oct. 11: Early Dismissal @ 1:00pm
- Oct. 14-18: Fall Break
- Oct. 24: Picture Retake Day/Beginner Preschool Pictures/Basketball/Cheer Pictures
School Calendar 2024-25
Below is the approved school calendar for the 2024-25 school year. (a couple minor changes from the calendar that was posted last school year.)
St. John's Sauers Apparel
Needing any St. John's Sauers apparel?? For yourself? For gifts? Check out these sites below!
1st Place Spiritwear (A portion of sales is donated back to SJS PTO)
Kelly Creek Boutique (A portion of sales is donated back to the SJS Athletic Fund)
We are a Box Tops 4 Education School!
Earn Cash for our School!
It’s easy, just download the app on your phone, scan your receipts right from your phone within 14 days of purchase & our school earns cash! Every box top earns 10 cents, so the more we collect, the more our school receives!