GCCC Newsletter
GCCC Dress Rehearsal
We will be holding our Dress Rehearsal at the Chester Fritz Performing Arts Center on Thursday, November 14 (see the times below). "Dress Rehearsal" means that singers come to the rehearsal wearing all of the pieces of their formal concert uniform in the required manner (keep reading). We will be taking "Individual Singer Photos" on this night as well.
Singer Drop Off Location: The end of the side walk that leads to the south side doors of the CFPAC (next to the loading dock area)
Poco - 5:15-6:30pm - Report up the stairs to the stage (NOTE: Altered starting time)
Canto - 5:15-6:30pm - Report downstairs to the large rehearsal room (NOTE: Altered starting time)
Accordo - 6:45-8:00pm - Report down the stairs to the large rehearsal room
Primo - 6:30-8:45pm - Report up the stairs to the stage (NOTE: Altered starting time)
UNIFORMS for Dress Rehearsal & Concert
Formal concert uniforms should be worn to the dress rehearsal. The descriptions of what should be worn, as well as a photo demonstrating how it should be worn. If you ordered a polo shirt, it will arrive on the night of dress rehearsal.
Formal Concert Uniform: (see the total "uniformity")
Poco, Canto, & Accordo
•Choir Polo Shirt
•Black Skirt or Black Pants (Black skirt issued by GCCC, Black pants provided by you)
•Black Tights or Black Socks
•Black Dress Shoes
•Star Pins
Primo Treble
•Green Top
•Appropriate undergarments (no bra straps showing)
•Black Pants
•Black Knee-Hi's (feet & ankles covered in black)
•Black Dress Shoes
•Star Pins
•Jewelry - small earrings only, no necklace or bracelets
Primo Tenor/Bass
•Black Pants
•Black Vest
•White Tux Shirt
•Black Crew Socks
•Black Dress Shoes
•Star Pins
Time has flown by and now we are just a couple of rehearsals away from our fall concert! We are excited to perform for you!
Our concert is Saturday, November 16, 3pm, at the Chester Fritz Auditorium (CFA). Admission is free and open to the public. Here are the details:
Important Parking Instructions: ***You are suggested to leave your home a little earlier as a precaution to assure your singer arrives in time for their choir photo and warmup time.
Singer Drop Off Location: Drop your singer off at the end of the side walk that leads to the south side doors of the CFA (next to the loading dock area). Look for the black and gold GCCC flag.
Call Time for Singers: 1:45pm "Call Time" means that singers are in their seats ready to sing (and this time ready for their choir photo).
Doors Open for Seating: 2:30pm Choirs will be warming up & taking group photos on stage until this time.
Concert Begins: 3:00pm There is nothing better for a child than knowing someone is in the audience to watch them and share in this exciting, in-person event. However, it is also good to know that the concert will be live-streamed for family and friends who might live out of town on our Facebook page on the day of the concert. facebook.com/grandcitiescc/
Concert Ending Time: 4:30pm The concert ends with all choirs singing together.
After Concert Singer Pickup:
•One Parent of a Poco, Canto or Accordo singer should exit out the side doors and go to the basement to meet their singer.
•Primo parents can wait in the auditorium as Primo singers will collect their jackets backstage and then return to the auditorium.
GCCC Picture Day is on Thursday, November 14th during our Dress Rehearsal time. Individual singer photos will be taken at this time with choir photos taken prior to the concert on Saturday. Each singer will be photographed and 9th grader photos will be used in their memory book. Please make sure that your singer arrives early or on time on both days to ensure that they are included in the photographs.
If you would like to order photos, follow the link below and place your order by 11/16/24. Search for your singer's name and follow the instructions. If you have questions, please contact Monica Danielson at mjdphotographygrandforks@gmail.com.
What's Happening After Our Fall Concert?
•After our concert we will have one more rehearsal night before Thanksgiving. The choirs will be meeting during their regular rehearsal times and engaged in a variety of activities.
•After Thanksgiving, Primo Voce will have Dessert Cabaret auditions on Thursday, Dec. 5th from 5:30-8:30pm, at UND in the Hughes Fine Arts Center. Only singers auditioning with a special act need to attend.
•After Thanksgiving, Poco Voce, Canto Voce, & Accordo Voce will not meet again until January 2nd. Primo Voce will also begin rehearsals again on January 2nd.