Chester Elementary School
February 3, 2025
CES Happenings
February is here! We are now half way through our school year. Thanks to those of you that were on campus this past week for parent conferences. It is at this juncture in the year when the ground work has been laid for a tremendous amount of learning to take place over the course of the next four months. We're excited about the second half of the school year.
It looks like we have some weather coming in! Today there were a surprising number of students that showed up without appropriate cold weather gear. A reminder that when it's snowing, we're outside. Please don't forget to send your student in snow pants, snow boots, jacket and gloves when the weather warrants it. Thanks!
Scott Cory
- 2/5 6th Gr. to Diversion Dam
- 2/14 Lincoln's Birthday - NO SCHOOL (4-day weekend)
- 2/17 President's Day - NO SCHOOL
- 4/14 - 4/18 Easter Vacation - NO SCHOOL
Chester Elementary School
Email: scory@pcoe.k12.ca.us
Website: ces.pcoe.k12.ca.us
Location: 158 Aspen Street, Chester, CA, USA
Phone: 530-258-3194
Facebook: facebook.com/ChesterElementary
Colly Fischer
Colly is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters