Lawrence 3-8 School
November 2024
Principal's Letter
Dear Lobo Families,
November 2024 promises to usher in the beginning of the fall weather and end of semester activities. Please take a moment to review the dates below.
-November 1-Fall Festival
-November 8-Foof Pantry
-November 11-No School-Veteran's Day
-November 22-Site Council Meeting
-November 22-Food Pantry
-November 28-29-No School Thanksgiving Break
DIBELS testing begins on November 11 and Benchmark 2 Testing begins on December 2. Please make sure your child is well rested and ready to do their best on tests.
Please continue to check our website, Facebook and parent link messages for any updates throughout the school year. If you have any questions or need further assistance, you can always all the front office at 908- 3900 or email the school.
Ms. Stanbrook
Bell Schedules
School hours are from:
Elementary- 9:15 am to 3:35 pm (Early Release on Wednesdays at 2:35 pm)
Middle School-9:15 am to 4:15 pm (Early Release on Wednesdays at 3:15 pm)
Dress Code-Uniforms are Required
Lawrence 3-8 Uniform Policy: Included TUSD Dress Code
Based on grade level, every student is required to be in school uniform unless parent(s)/guardian(s) have received written notification from the school of a scheduled Free Dress Day. Every student is eligible for Free Dress Day Incentives but may not have the opportunity to participate if they do not meet the incentive expectations. Teachers are expected to check for uniform compliance at the beginning of the day. Every effort will be made by the morning support staff to identify students out of uniform so class time is not disrupted. Students who wear sweatshirt tops will be expected to show the collar of their top if requested by a staff member. Send any student out of uniform compliance with a pass to the Dean of Student’s office for consequence process. Depending of availability, the student may receive a school uniform for the school day.
Grades 3-5
Tops: Maroon or white collared shirts
Bottoms: Navy blue pants*, short, skorts, jumpers or skirts. Shorts, skorts, jumpers and skirts must be longer than the length of the longest finger when arms are straight at the student’s sides.
Grades 6-8
Tops: Maroon, white or black collared shirts
Bottoms: Navy blue or Khaki pants*, shorts, skorts, skirts, or jumpers. Shorts, skorts, jumpers and skirts must be longer than the length of the longest finger when arms are straight at the student’s sides.
*Navy blue pants do not include jeans in any form. Jeans are not allowed.
Food Pantry
Our partnership with the Community Food Bank has returned for another year. This partnership gives all of our students the opportunity to take home food from our school food pantry. The events are also opened to the public.
Here is the schedule with upcoming dates:
November 8th and 22nd
December 6th
January 17th
February 7th
March 28th
April 11th and 25th
May 16th
No Sharpies
TUSD School Calendar
Lobo Store
- Don't forget to get your Lobo gear at our Lobo Store!