Blanche Sprentz Newsletter
November 15, 2023
BSE Book Fair at Ruby's Books on November 8-10, 2023
Principal's Update
- Attendance Matters - Please allow plenty of time to arrive to school ON TIME.
- Report an absence at 916-294-9110 or complete the Absence Form HERE.
8:00 AM - Peterson's AM Transitional Kindergarten (TK)
8:15 AM - Grades Kindergarten-5th grades
11:24 AM - Napton's PM Transitional Kindergarten (TK)
12:06 PM - Jess's Preschool Class
- Site Council Parent Representatives: Christina Cogil, Silpa Patel, Katie Salcone, Jeff Shunta, Ming Yang, Khoa Tran (ELAC Representative) - Thank you!!!!
- Every Friday is School Spirit Day - Wear BSE gear OR red
PTO Announcements
THANK YOU to everyone who showed up to our Ice Rink Takeover and bookfair at Ruby's Books!
Mark your calendar for our last Dine & Donate of 2023 at Chipotle on Wednesday, December 6th from 5-9pm. Take a night off from cooking during the busy holiday season and come hang out with your BSE community. Hope to see you there!
Our next PTO Meeting is Thursday, January 17, from 7-8pm in the library and on Zoom. Ms. Hio & Mrs. Wallace will be hosting another fun Game Night from 6:45-8:00pm for our 1st-5th grade students so parents/guardians can attend the PTO meeting. We hope to see you there!
Join us on Facebook and Instagram! BSE PTO provides regular updates on upcoming events, dress up days, bell schedule changes and so much more.
1. Website
2. Facebook
3. Instagram
- Spirit Wear is available online here.
- All parents, guardians and teachers are encouraged to join the PTO! Fill out this form to join.
Thank you for your support and partnership!
Jenna Schuette, Principal
Thank you, Ms. Spatari, for a beautiful and scrumptious tea and treat spread!
Mrs. Julie Smith's multiplication fact award winners!
Ms. Poorvi in the TK class dressed up for Diwali
Explore the world of TK!
REMINDER: Breakfast doesn't open until 7:40AM
Our cafeteria does not open until 7:40AM. Please wait at least until then to drop kids off as we do not have any supervision before then.
Mark your calendars!
Starstruck Rehearsals Begin October 31st!
Starstruck Performance is December 14th!
Renaissance Opt-in for Parents
Help us reunite these items with their owners!
A Focus on Learning
Help Through The Holidays
Holiday season is upon us! If your family could use some extra support or TLC during the holidays, there are options available.
Twin Lakes Food Bank provides Thanksgiving turkeys and meals. Families need to register with the Food Bank here. Food distribution for Thanksgiving will be November 20 from 11-1 p.m.
Orangevale Food Bank requires in person registration, starting 10/26/23 for food distribution on Monday, November 20.
Powerhouse Ministries is serving a Community Thanksgiving Meal on November 19. There will be kids' activities and a worship service and dinner starting at 2 p.m.
Twin Lakes Food Bank, Powerhouse Ministries, and local churches collaborate to host Christmas Around Towne on December 9th. The program includes breakfast for the family, childcare while the adults pick out presents for the children, and presents for the families. The program is limited. Applications are available November 6 and 7 only (3:30-7:30pm), at Powerhouse Ministries at 311 Market Place. Photo ID and proof of Folsom residency is required. Each family member must be registered on the application, regardless of age. For more information, please contact Powerhouse Ministries at 916-983-0658.
Twin Lakes Food Bank will be providing Christmas Baskets with a Christmas turkey or ham, stuffing, potatoes, cranberries, milk, eggs, butter, fruit, and all the trimmings. Please call 916-985-6232 for event details.
Sacramento County Sheriff’s Toy Project. Residents in the unincorporated areas of Sacramento County may apply from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at 10117 Mill Station Rd. Suite C, Sacramento, CA 95827. The deadline was extended, but the program is first come, first served. Toys are only available for children under the age of 12. Please do not bring children to complete the applications.
Toys for Tots. Toys are collected and distributed by the US Marine Corps. Applications are available online here.
If you have a specific need, reach out to Scarlett Stoppa (sstoppa@fcusd.org) and she will help find resources.
Student Wellness and Social-Emotional Learning Websites
Blanche Sprentz Elementary and Folsom Cordova Unified School District strive to support family and student wellness, mental health, and school- and home-based social-emotional learning. To ensure the information families need is readily available any time of day, we regularly update both the school-based and district-generated Wellness websites.
BSE's Student Wellness Website provides information on mental health crisis care and support; school- and community-based mental health, behavioral, and grief counseling; social service agencies and programs available to support families in need; and social-emotional learning at home. If you want more information and guidance on a particular subject, please don't hesitate to email Ms. Scarlett (sstoppa@fcusd.org) with your request or questions.
FCUSD's Wellness Resources Website guides families on suicide prevention; school- and community-based mental health; the Community Schools initiative; LGBTQ+ resources; and tips for having difficult conversations with our children.
Buy your yearbooks now!
Picture Make Up Day is Thursday, November 16, 2023
Every minute counts!
I look forward to meeting all of the new faces this year and continuing to build partnerships with our established Blanche Sprentz families! Cheers to a wonderful school year!
Kandice White
Attendance Clerk & Parent Coordinator
Session 4 Strengthening Families Program begins January 11th!
No Food Sharing School Policy
Non-Edible Birthday Items Encouraged
The American Academy of Pediatrics' Screen Time Guidelines
CDC Sleep Recommendations based on age
AquaSmart Live Water Safety Video
This company puts on entertaining puppet shows that the students love. Please feel free to watch with your students anytime. It runs about 30 minutes.
About us
Website: https://www.fcusd.org/bse
Location: 249 Flower Drive, Folsom, CA, USA
Phone: (916) 294-9110