Bogan Weekly News
February 21, 2025
A Message From Ms. Cannon
Happy Friday!
We hope you had a restful President's Day weekend and enjoyed Thursday's snow day! We are continuing our implementation of our new Bookworms curriculum, which includes daily shared reading. During shared reading, students share a book and read the story together, which helps improve reading fluency. The more fluently a student reads, the more likely they will understand what they are reading. It is really enjoyable to watch our students partner read and I am impressed by how much progress they have already made this year.
When possible, we prefer to go outside for recess instead of staying inside. We have had an increase number of students coming to the office during recess asking for coats. If your child does not have a coat, please call the Bogan office at 513-273-3400 or email our Social Worker, Kelley Franks, at franksk@talawanda.org
Stay warm and have a great weekend!
Kirsten Cannon, Principal
Around Bogan
Musical Dates
With the transition of music teachers, we have altered our musical dates. This was done to ensure all students are able to participate in a musical with adequate preparation time.
March 26th: 3rd grade @ 6:30pm
April 8th: 4th grade @ 6:30pm
April 22nd: 1st grade @ 6:30pm
May 8th: Kindergarten @ 6:30pm
May 14th: 5th grade @ 6:30pm
Yearbook Orders
See below for information to order your yearbook!
Book Fair!
Mrs. Dallman and the PTG are looking for volunteers to assist during the book fair. HERE is a Sign-Up Genius that you can use to sign up for a time!
Please click the photo below for the online store.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
We have moved to grade-level incentives in the cafeteria. Grade levels have the opportunity to earn a "star" when they follow the expectations. We have had several grade levels already earn their movie party and they are working towards their next reward.
We rolled out restroom expectations this week and there are posters in the restroom to remind students of the expectations.
Our PBIS team will work on creating expectations for the hallways and buses in February.
Lunch Accounts
As a reminder, you are able to add funds to your student's lunch account through the Talawanda EZ Pay system. If your student's account reaches -$50 it will be rolled into your school fees. Please be mindful and keep your student's account current. You can use Talawanda EZ Pay, send a check or cash to the school office to take care of your student's balance.
February Lunch Menu
Here is our lunch menu for February!
Counselor's Corner: updated February 14th
Hello parents and guardians!
We are continuing to work hard in our Second Step lessons on understanding empathy and practicing kindness towards not only our peers, but towards adults in our lives as well. We are close to wrapping up this unit before moving on to our final unit of the year, which will cover problem solving and understanding someone else’s point of view.
As mentioned in the Counselor Corner over the past couple of weeks, we are looking to get small groups up and moving. We have a couple that have started already, and students are enjoying connecting with their peers, making new friends, and learning new skills.
We have space to start a couple more groups, so if you are interested in your child participating in a small group, please fill out the google form and we will follow up with more information. Please fill out THIS Google form if you are interested in your student participating in a small group with their peers.
Do not hesitate to reach out if there is anything I can do to help support your student!
Nurse's Notes: Updated February 7th
We have seen an increase in nurse visits this week in the clinic. We are asking you to please evaluate your children prior to sending them to school each day. Please keep your sick children at home to help prevent the spread of illness in the school.
February 25th: 5th Grade Music Trip to THS: 12:30pm-1:45pm
February 26th: Spring Photos
February 26th: 2nd Grade ACT Day: 8:00am-12:00pm
February 28th: Book Fair begins
February 28th: 5th Grade Scheduling Visit: 9:00am-9:30am
March 4th: BookMobile (1st-4th)
March 6th: Spring Conferences
March 11th: Spring Conferences
March 16th: 3rd Grade Musical: 6:30pm
March 31st-April 4th: NO SCHOOL: Spring Break
April 8th: BookMobile (1st-4th)
April 8th: 4th Grade Musical: 6:30pm
April 14th: KKids: 3:15pm-4:15pm
April 16th: Art Show: 6:00pm-7:00pm
April 18th: NO SCHOOL: Conference Exchange Day
April 22nd: 1st Grade Musical: 6:30pm
May 5th: NO SCHOOL: Data Collaboration Day
May 8th: Kindergarten Musical: 6:30pm
May 14th: 5th Grade Musical: 6:30pm
May 16th: Field Day
May 22nd: Last Day of School
PTG Corner
Pebble Go
We are excited to have Pebble Go! Pebble Go provides access to a lot of different digital books that you can read with your children at home. Many students also use Pebble Go in the classroom and have really enjoyed the content! Please see below for the login information. The subscription will expire August 30, 2025.
Site Login: https://login.pebblego.com/
Username: bogan
Password: bogan
Around Talawanda
Please click here for the Talawanda Community Events Page.