"Paw Prints"
Farley School's Newsletter Update
Dear Farley Families,
This week's enormous thanks goes to our yearly custodians, Joe, Paul, Chester, and to our summer custodians Jordan, and Ben (all pictured to the right). Their dedication and commitment to our school has not gone unnoticed, and I am truly grateful for everything they have accomplished. This summer presented unique challenges with the installation of new air conditioning systems and the carpeting of several rooms. Not only did this double their workload, but it meant carrying out their tasks in spaces that were still not air conditioned, making the work even more demanding. Yet, despite the heat and the extra responsibilities, they continued to show up every day with the same level of dedication and care that we’ve come to appreciate. Their efforts have made a huge difference, ensuring that our school is ready and welcoming for the first day. The clean and comfortable environment they have created is a testament to their commitment to our entire Farley Family.
Other thanks this week goes to caregiver Jacqueline Worley who suggested creating a Farley Digital Calendar for caregivers this year. Jaqueline will be working with our main office staff to create the calendar. It will house all important yearly events as well as field trip dates, Home and School meeting dates, spirit wear days, etc. It will essentially have the "Need to Know" information below on a monthly calendar that can be printed and/or easily bookmarked on your device for easy access. It will updated whenever anything new pops up! Thank you for the suggestion Jacqueline and for volunteering to make this happen. Be on the lookout once school starts for the link to the digital calendar.
Usually, all Home and School updates are located in their designated section below. However, they have some important information to share so I am including it in my message. Please take a moment to read the following from Farley's Home and School Association:
"For the past five years, Farley Elementary School’s Home and School has partnered with Boosterthon experts to hold an exciting, school-wide Fun Run. This FUN RUN event is the ONLY MAJOR FUNDRAISER of the year. This Fun Run is a healthy alternative to traditional product sales that raises much-needed funds for our school. Family and friends anywhere in the world can support Farley by giving pledges to our student runners!
Typically held on Farley’s baseball field, the Boosterthon Fun Run event is a high-energy day, full of enthusiasm from students, staff, families, friends, and of course, Boosterthon team members. Each grade assembles on the field (for about an hour per grade) and has a blast running laps while our community cheers them on, waving homemade signs and snapping pictures. Upbeat music plays continuously through the speakers as Boosterthon team members join the students around the Boosterthon Speedway, dancing and running to themed laps. You may see students laughing in a conga line, whipping lassos around their heads, driving a racecar, or racing a Boosterthon team member. The goal of this event is to provide an enjoyable experience that builds community and school culture, while including fitness in the students’ school day.
So, you may be wondering, “What exactly happens during the Boosterthon Fun Run Fundraiser?” Here’s a quick run-down of what you can expect as part of our fitness, leadership, and character-based fundraiser.
About two weeks before the Boosterthon Fun Run event begins, students will learn about this year’s character-based theme. Each day brings new learning and another day closer to the Boosterthon Fun Run event. Our fun, fitness event will encourage your children to let loose, be active and play with their classmates! All caregivers, staff, and community members are invited to join us by attending the event and cheering on students as they run an average of 30-35 laps around the “Boosterthon Speedway”. The Boosterthon Fun Run event is designed to celebrate every student learning valuable character and leadership principles while helping their school.
Home and School is excited to kick off our Farley Fun Run on 9/16. Our goal is to raise $25,000 for more playground upgrades and to support student events like last year’s incredible cultural programs that strengthen our school community. Our school relies on this ONE and ONLY fundraiser for the year to provide exceptional opportunities to enhance student learning. We need YOUR HELP to make it successful. What can you do now? You can start by registering your student (register on MYBOOSTER.COM) and by sharing with friends and family. Mark your calendars for the Farley Fun Run fundraiser. It will be kicking off soon!
Key dates to remember:
● Farley Fun Run Kick Off - 9/16
● Event Day - 9/25
If you are interested in helping to support this event in any way, please contact Tara Sagor at tara.sagor@gmail.com. Stay tuned for more info to come!"
This weekend, I'll be finalizing the Google Slides and presentation for the first day of school with staff on the morning of the 26th. This year's theme is "The Olympics"! I'm eager to welcome them all back to their "home away from home". I hope to see many of you at the Principal's Coffee hours next week as well as at Home and School's playground meetups next week. I will try to attend all the playground events but may have to miss one due to a prior family engagement. Also, just to clarify, Pre K students are also welcome to join the playground meetup on the 19th. Pre K students will also be having their own Open House on the 26th from 3:15-4:30. Lastly, be on the lookout this week for your Farley Informational Packet that is being mailed out today!
Read Always,
Rachel Scanlon (she, her, hers)
978-567-6153 - rscanlon@hudson.k12.ma.us
- Morning Coffee Hour with the Principal-Since our school is getting air conditioning this summer, we will meet outside at the playground for a Morning Coffee Hour on 8/20 @ 8:00am. Coffee and snacks will be provided.
August 21st:
- Virtual Afternoon Coffee Hour with the Principal @ 4:00pm. Grab your beverage of choice and join us from home using the link: meet.google.com/mxo-fgkv-amt
August 19th-21st: Home and School Sponsored Playground Meetups
- 8/19 @ 6:00-Grades PreK and K
- 8/20 @ 6:00-Grades 1 and 2
- 8/21 @ 6:00-Grades 3 and 4
August 27th:
- First day of school. School Hours are: 8:35-2:55pm with drop off starting at 8:20am.
- PreK and Kindergarten Meet and Greet is scheduled for August 26th from 3:15pm-4:30pm.
August 30th and September 2nd:
- No School
September 12th:
- Open House for Grades 1-4. This is an evening event. More information to follow later.
If your child starts to struggle a bit with coming back to school, try using some of these books to help. I have found an online library full of picture books related to the beginning school. Click the link below to be directed to the library document. Then click each book. This will bring you to a YouTube video of each book read out loud! I hope you enjoy the selections.
Students in Grades 1-4 have the opportunity to join the Boys and Girls Club in Hudson. They provide an affordable option for after-school care. Please click the posters below for more information or head directly over to their website: https://www.bgcmetrowest.org/hudson-after-school. Alexis Carvalho, the Program Administrator, mentioned that registration is now open, however, it looks like her page isn't updated yet. Feel free to reach out to her to her to register. Her contact information is below. Space is limited, so please sign up as soon as you can.
Alexis Carvalho (she/her)
Program Administrator
Boys & Girls Clubs of MetroWest
21 Church Street
Hudson, MA 01749
Tel: 978-562-9924
The first day of school is 8/27. School Hours are: 8:35-2:55pm with drop off starting at 8:20am.
- Caregivers are invited to “Morning and Afternoon Coffees with the Principals”.
- Since our school is getting air conditioning this summer, we will meet outside at the playground for a Morning Coffee Hour on 8/20 @ 8:00am. Coffee and snacks will be provided.
- Virtual Afternoon Coffee Hour will take place on 8/21 @ 4:00pm. Grab your beverage of choice and join us from home using the link: meet.google.com/mxo-fgkv-amt
Farley’s Home and School Association (Caregiver/Community group) is hosting Playground Meetups at Farley’s playscape. The dates are listed below. Please make sure to bookmark Farley’s Home and School’s Facebook page to keep current on all the amazing things that are happening! Here is the link: https://m.facebook.com/FarleyHSA.
August 19 @ 6:00-Grades Pre K and K - August 20 @ 6:00-Grades 1 and 2
August 21 @ 6:00-Grades 3 and 4 - Rain Date is August 22
Massachusetts has extended the free school breakfast/lunch program another year which means breakfast and lunch will be free for all students.
Bus information will be published prior to the start of the school year on the district website under the “Transportation” section: https://www.hudson.k12.ma.us/parents/transportation. Bus information will also be available to view in the ASPEN database.
Farley’s Handbook can be found on our school website: https://cafarley.hudson.k12.ma.us/ and will also be available on the district website: https://www.hudson.k12.ma.us/
Pre K and Kindergarten Meet and Greet is scheduled for August 26th from 3:15pm-4:30pm.
Our Farley family is eagerly looking forward to welcoming our students back to school this fall. On Friday, August 16th, we plan to send our placement letters to families. These letters will let you know who your child/children will have as their homeroom teacher. We are very proud of our thoughtful, careful process in considering best placements for students. Considerations regarding learning styles, social emotional development and students’ needs were carefully balanced in support of all students. Our class lists are thoughtfully and carefully made with input from teachers and support staff given their thorough knowledge of their students. While we acknowledge that at times, there are surprises regarding a placement, we respectfully appreciate your support in encouraging your student in having a positive start to the new school year.
If by Monday, August 19th, you have not received your letter, please email our office administrator Heather Paquette at hapaquette@hudson.k12.ma.us
Please click HERE for the specific, grade-level lists. Thank you!
Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Wright wanted to share a few reminders:
- Any new students and all incoming grade 4 students need to provide the nurses with a physical.
- Any medication, both prescribed and over-the counter, must be brought to the nurse by the legal caregiver with a medical doctor's order.
- For your child's comfort, feel free to provide a complete change of clothes to be left in student lockers in case of spills, accidents, etc.
- Please make sure to email or call Mrs. Hill if there are ever any medical changes that occur throughout the year.
- Vision, Hearing, and Height/Weight (Grades 1 and 4) will take place in September. Email Mrs. Hill if you do not want your child to participate in the screening.
- Make sure your child eats a healthy breakfast (at home or at school) and gets lots of sleep!
Nurses' Contact Information:
- Tina Hill, tmhill@hudson.k12.ma.us
- Carla Wright, cjwright@hudson.k12.ma.us
Don't forget about Home and School's Playground Meetups this week! More detailed information is described above and below (in poster form).
For those who are new to Farley here is information again on what exactly a "Home and School Association?
The Home and School Association is an organization made up of students’ caregivers for the purpose of supporting the education of children at Farley Elementary by fostering relationships among the school, families, and teachers. The Home and School Association provides a vital and much-appreciated service to school leadership and the entire school community. The activities sponsored by the Home and School are designed to build community and enhance learning.
As a caregiver of a Farley student, you automatically become a member of Home and School and are welcome to attend our monthly meetings (either in person or virtually) as well as take an active role as a volunteer in our school.
Here are some of the amazing ways the Home and School Association (HASA for short) has supported our school in the past:
· The HASA has hosted numerous events and provided volunteers when needed. Here are are just a few examples of the events: the Book Fair, the Farley Fun Day, the Valentine's Dance, Farley Gives Back Bingo Night, the Ice Cream Social, and so many more.
· The HASA has provided funds for field trips and sponsored cultural assemblies
· The HASA puts on the Farley Fun Run-our only fundraiser of the year which has provided funds to upgrade our library, create an outdoor classroom in our courtyard, and most recently enhance our playground.
Pleas join Farley's Home and School Association's monthly meetings. More information to come on the day meetings will be held. Free childcare is always provided for these meetings.
Just in case you don't have Farley's Home and School's Facebook link--here it is:
FARLEY AWARDED $3,000 from McGovern Subaru!
Farley Elementary School
Email: rscanlon@hudson.k12.ma.us
Website: https://cafarley.hudson.k12.ma.us/
Location: 119 Cottage Street, Hudson, MA, USA
Phone: 978-567-6153