CES Weekly Update
September 27th, 2024

January 10, 2025
Weekly Lunch Menu
Monday: BBQ pulled pork sandwich
Tuesday: Beef nachos
Wednesday: Pizza
Thursday: Baked ziti
Friday: Dress your own burger or veggie burger
CES Lunch MenuImportant Dates
Feb 6: Early release at 11:30
Feb 24-March 4: Winder break
Principal's Message
Happy New Year! It has been quite a week of continuous snow, wind, and cold weather! I am thrilled that we were able to be at school for the entire week! I wanted to take a moment to thank Al Young and his maintenance crew who were constantly clearing snow from our walkways throughout the week in the frigid temperatures. Our bus drivers should also be commended for safely traversing the roads while transporting their precious cargo. Mr. Ben and our teachers who help with drop off and dismissal also spent a lot of time outside! We are so lucky to have such dedicated staff members!
It was so nice to finally see the sun today!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Learning in Action📷
Early Childhood Program Preschool Developmental Screening
Will your child be turning 3 or 4 by September 1, 2025? Cambridge Elementary Early Childhood Program invites families with eligible preschool students to call 802-521-5613, to make an appointment for a developmental screening.
Who: Community of Cambridge/Jeffersonville children (ages 3 and 4 by September 1, 2025)
What: Preschool Screening
Where: Cambridge Elementary School/ Preschool
1. Wednesday, March 26th 1:30-2:30
2. Wednesday, April 16th 4:30-5:30
3. Wednesday, May 21st 1:30-2:30
How: Contact Erin Vaillancourt (802-521-5613), no later than 12/20/2024, to reserve a time for your child.
Screenings will take approximately 60 minutes. During this time, parents will fill out a brief developmental questionnaire about their child while educators interact with the children to gain information about each child’s development in the areas of speech and language, social/emotional, motor, and cognitive. This is also a time for parents to ask questions about their child’s skills and about our preschool program.