Gifted Social Studies Weekly Update
Week of 11/18-11/22
Classroom Happenings
- National History Day is Monday, December 16, 2019 at Hixson Middle School from 5 p.m.-7 p.m.
7th Grade Classes
In 7th Grade, we are excited to be moving into the last leg of NHD! A document has been posted on Google Classroom to help students plan and create their projects. It includes links to planning sheets and NHD rules and expectations for each type of project.
Mrs. Groene is usually available after school until 4:15 on Tuesdays and Thursdays if students need help or just a space to work.
8th Grade Classes
Students participated in their first round of debates this week!!
The students differentiated between arguments and debates. They enjoyed the active, learner-centered activity while enhancing their analytical, research and note-taking skills as well as developing effective speech composition and delivery.
Students are writing annotations and making their final plans for their NHD projects.
The magic number is 10. There are 10 more class periods to complete the NHD projects.
Upcoming Due Dates
7th Grade Due Dates
For NHD this week, each project should have:
- A thesis statement that is still in the revision process;
- Around 10 sources (balance of primary and secondary sources);
- A draft of their annotated bibliography updated with their new sources.
We won’t have new deadlines until after Thanksgiving. In the meantime, they can continue creating their project and researching to fill gaps in their information.
8th Grade Due Dates
Friday, November 22: Working Annotated Bibliography 15 Sources with Annotations Due
Final Product Plan Due
Bring in materials for NHD projects!!
Other Learning Opportunities
Eighth Grade students will travel to Springfield, Illinois, on Tuesday, April 21, 2020.
”What Does the Freedom of Speech Mean to Me” Contest essays must be submitted to the Elks Lodge no later than Sunday, December 15, 2019. Click on the following link for more information-
Things to Remember
Thank you for the supplies that have been sent in. It has helped so much!
We can still use some disinfectant wipes and paper towels for wiping germs from computers, desks, doorknobs, etc throughout the day.
GSS Webpage
If you would like to review a past weekly update, please go to our webpage to catch up on the archived updates.
Contact Us
Mrs. Woodard: