Madeira Middle School News
July 26, 2024
Where Learning is Personalized and Success is Ensured
Teaching & Learning
Climate & Culture
Communication & Partnership
Sound Operational Management & Financial Stewardship
Principal Update
Madeira Middle School Families,
We hope everyone is enjoying these summer months. No need to worry, there is still plenty of time for relaxing and having fun. We have been working hard getting ready for the the 2024-25 school year. We wanted to extend some important information and dates to add to your calendars as you are organizing your August calendars.
August 6th - 6th Grade Open Building/Schedule Pick-up 11:00-2:00
August 7th - 7th & 8th Grade Open Building/Schedule Pick-up 9:00-1:00
August 14th - 1st Day of School
August 20th - 6th Grade Meet the Team Night 6:00
August 22nd - 7th & 8th Grade Meet the Team Night 6:00
For those of you who are already scheduled to be out of town on August 6th & 7th, your student's schedule will be mailed home and they can stop by on August 12th & 13th from 8-3:00 to pick-up a copy and drop things off at their locker.
If you ordered a School Supply Kit from PTO, you can pick them up on the day of your Open Building/Schedule Pick-up.
Our office team looks a bit different this year! We are excited to welcome Erin Haney and Alison Lubert as our MMS Administrative Assistants. Both Alison and Erin are here to support our staff, students, and families. We are also excited to welcome Kyle Jepson, as our new Assistant Principal. Mr. Jepson will be here at MMS full-time! Our office team will be together starting August 1st and Mrs. Cabral, our School Counselor will return August 2nd.
I addition to many new faces in the office, we welcome several new faces to our MMS team. Sarah Brossart - 6th Grade Language Arts, Jackie Marsh - 6th Grade Math, Catie Sherman - 8th Grade Math, Susan Walouke - 6th & 7th Grade Encore, Rosie Zoller - School Psychologist, and Susan Bell - Educational Assistant.
Please watch for further communication with additional details the first week of August. We look forward to the new school year! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.
Nicole Huelsman
Principal, MMS
Building Information & Forms
Important Dates for the 1st Quarter
1st Quarter - August 14 - October 17
August 6 - 6th Grade Schedule Pick-Up/Open Building 11-2:00
August 7 - 7th & 8th Grade Schedule Pick-Up/Open Building 9-1:00
August 14 - First Day for Students
August 20 - 6th Grade Meet the Team Night 6:00
August 22 - 7th & 8th Grade Meet the Team Night 6:00
September 2 - No School-Labor Day
September 3 - Picture Day
September 6 - 7th Grade Vaccination Verification Due
September 27 - No School - Teacher In-Service Day
September 30 - Chromebook Insurance Due
October 2 - Conferences 3:30-7:30pm
October 8 - Conferences 3:30-7:30pm
October 17 - End of 1st Quarter - Early Release
October 18 - Fall Break - No School
Supply Lists
Specific grade level school supply lists can be found on our building website and in the below attachments:
Madeira Middle School Schedule
Students in grade 6-7 will report to their Core 1 class at the start of each day. Any 8th grade student taking a World Language class will start their day at Madeira High School at 7:35 (bus riders will be on the high school routes). If you are an 8th grade student not taking a World Language class, your day begins at 8:00 at MMS.
8th Grade IMPORTANT: There will be no World Language for 8th graders at MHS on the first day of school, August 14th. EVERY 8th grader will report to MMS at 8:00 and report to their homeroom.
- A booster dose of the Tdap (adult vaccine for Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis)
- One (1) dose of MCV4 meningococcal (serogroup A,C,W, and Y) vaccine (for Meningitis)
Verification is due by September 6, 2024.
Lunch Accounts
Students can purchase a lunch daily for $3.50 (regular) or $4.25 (deluxe). At MMS we do have some extra items that can be purchased that are not covered in this price. You can add money to your student's account by following the steps below (please note this is NOT the same account to pay school fees).
To set-up/access your PaySchools account:
Go to PaySchools Central.
Click Register/Login.
Complete the information on the next few pages.
NOTE: When you get to the "District" questions - scroll down and choose Milford EVSV.
Continue to log in and complete.
Free and Reduced lunch applications will be available on our website August 1, 2024. If your student received Free or Reduced lunches last school year, a new application is required by September 28, 2024.
Additional information on school lunches, menu's, and contact information can also be located on our website by clicking the "Lunch" link.
Madeira Middle School PTO
We are excited to have all three of our district PTO's working collaboratively this year. Please take a minute to visit the Madeira PTO website https://madeirapto.com/
If you would like to donate to one or all of the PTO's to show your support, please use the link below:
If you have an interest or would like more information about specific volunteer opportunities for MMS PTO please email mmspto@madeiracityschools.org and click on the Volunteer tab. Below are a list of of some that you may find:
1. Board members: Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer
2. Picture Day Photographer Assistant: September 3rd (8am-11am)
3. Parent Teacher Conference Meal Organizing Committee or Day Of Volunteer
4. Veteran's Day Program Refreshments Day Of Volunteer
5. Annual Luminaria Organizing Committee
6. Spring Fundraiser Organizing Committee
7. All MMS Spring Social Organizing Committee
Transportation Information
You will be able to check your student's bus stop location, bus number(s), and pick-up/drop-off times closer to the start of school by going to the Madeira City Schools website and selecting the "Parent/Student" tab for the Transportation page. Please also make sure you "re-check" this information the night before the first day of school, as times will continue to be adjusted.
Madeira Booster Palooza
August 2nd at 6:00-10:00pm At McDonald Commons
You're invited to the Madeira Athletic Boosters Booster Palooza!
Music, food trucks, craft, domestic beer, and adult seltzers, and LOTS of activities for the kids!
Come support the Boosters and Madeira athletes as we recognize our fall sports teams and kick off the fall season!
Additional Resources
Madeira Middle School
Email: nhuelsman@madeiracityschools.org
Website: madeiracityschools.org
Location: 6612 Miami Avenue
Phone: 513-561-5555
Twitter: @MadeiraMiddle