New Albany Intermediate School
Family Update- November 11, 2024
Dear Intermediate Families,
It was an honor to welcome over 80 veterans to New Albany Intermediate today for our Veterans Day assemblies. They shared valuable information with our students about their lives in the military, including jobs held during their service and how they communicated home with their families. It was a privilege to celebrate our veterans and their families on this incredible holiday. Thank you to our wonderful PTO for supporting this even by purchasing decorations and seeking volunteers to decorate each Wing space in red, white and blue to create a welcoming atmosphere for our honored guests.
Thank you,
Megan Ballinger, Principal
Important Updates
Due to the generous contributions of the Ruberto Family, the New Albany Women’s Network, the NAIS PTO, and the New Albany Community Foundation, author Christina Soontornvat will be spending two days, February 19 and 20, with our students. To learn more about our visiting author, click here.
If your child is interested in joining Mrs. Soontornvat for lunch during her visit, we are having a contest for the students. To enter the raffle, a student must read two of Mrs. Soontornvat’s books by February 3, 2025 (Click here for the entry form). If you would like to preview some of her books, click here.
This holiday season, gift your child a guaranteed summer of fun with their friends! Give the gift of Camp Invention! Register by December 31, 2024 using promo code GIFT35 to save $35. New Albany will host Camp Invention the week of June 2-6, 2025. This year's program is available to any child entering grades K-6 in the 2025-2026 school year. Please click here for more information.
Students in fourth and sixth grades will be taking the InView Cognitive Ability Test in November. Fourth grade students will take the test on November 12. Sixth grade students will take the test on November 13. To learn more about the InView test, click here.
Please check the lost and found and encourage your child to do the same as it is full of items found around the building and on the playground. All unclaimed/unlabeled items will cleared out this week.
Important Upcoming Dates
November 22- House Squad Meeting- Wear House Tee-shirt!
November 27 - No School: In Lieu of Parent Teacher Conference
November 28 - Thanksgiving
November 29 - Thanksgiving Recess
December 3 - 13 - Winter NWEA MAP Testing
December 20- House Meeting- Wear House Tee-shirt!
December 23 - Winter Recess Begins
January 6- School Resumes
PTO Information
Hello Intermediate Families!
Our annual Read-A-Thon was a success! The intermediate school raised $10,417.60
The winners of the Read-A-Thon were:
Class Pizza Party Winners for Reading
- R- Ivoska
- I- Warstler
- S- Fender
- E- Labuhn
Class Pizza Party Winners for Raising
- R- Swick
- I- Warstler
- S- Fender
- E- Labuhn
What is the PTO supporting at the Intermediate School in 2024?
- Purchase materials and construction of the Wheel for the newly adopted House System. The Wheel will be used as a fun, interactive way for students to be sorted into Houses. They will spin the wheel, which will have the four House colors, and whatever color the wheel lands on, that is the student's house for their entire time at NAIS! We will also use the wheel at "House Rallies" and for student House Leaders to spin when they achieve various accomplishments.
- Pay for field trip for all 394 6th grade students Skate Zone
- Pay for field trip for all 379 5th grade students Biztown
- Pay for field trip for all 365 4th grade students The Works
- Provide appreciation lunches/meals for 148 teachers and staff members 9 times during the school year
- Fall festivals expenses- DJ, game items, rental of the inflatables, photo booth, etc.
- 6th Grade Celebration expenses (DJ, games, prizes, etc.)
- Financial Aid for students in need for school supplies, etc.
- Annual Author Visit Contribution- cost split between all participating NA schools
- LIFT t-shirts purchased for the LIFT program
- Sponsorship of the Intermediate School Composting Program
- Academic and Cultural Arts Programs: Falconry, Skydrome, 4th Grade OWC Experience
- Popsicles on the Playground- provide popsicles and water to families new to our school community and host welcome event
Does your business or your family want to sponsor a staff luncheon? The PTO provides approximately 9 of these events throughout the school year. Donation would be just a portion of the total cost of the meal for over 148 teachers and staff members. Approximately $400-500 each meal would need to be donated. PTO will cover the rest of the expense of the luncheon. Please find a location to sign up at the end of this Sign up Genius: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0B4DA8A92AA4F49-50292468-ptohospitality#/
We look forward to a great year together! If you have any ideas on how to make our fantastic school even better, please let us know! Email us at: naispto@napls.us.
Mara Ackermann Ziminski
NAIS PTO President
2024-2025 NAIS PTO Board
President: Mara Ackermann Ziminski
President-Elect: Alix Hoekzema
Treasurer: Siobhan Twomey
Secretary: Andrea Wiltrout
Communications: Kiki Piletz and Katie Yun
Fundraising: Sarah Aklilu
Membership: Missy Matusicky
Programming: Brooke Keaton and Elizabeth Buck
Hospitality: Leanne Mohler and Erin Howard
Additional Information
The Intermediate School website has information about our daily schedule, drop off and pick up procedures, school supply lists, and much more. Please click here to visit the page. For information concerning transportation services, click here.
Do not hesitate to call the Intermediate school (614-741-3000) with any questions you may have. Have a wonderful week!
Megan Ballinger, Building Principal
Ryan Grashel, Assistant Principal
Mike King, Assistant Principal
Our Purpose
The New Albany-Plain Local School District is committed to creating a culture of accountability that achieves the best academic and developmental outcomes for each student.
New Albany Intermediate School
Email: news@napls.us
Website: www.napls.us/intermediate
Location: 177 North High Street, New Albany, OH, USA
Phone: 614-741-3000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewAlbanyIntermediate/
Twitter: @napls_is