Scott 6th Grade Center
May 6, 2024
Scott 6th Grade Center's Motto- "We Enter to Learn and Leave to Achieve"
What Has Been Happening in Our Related Arts Classrooms?
STEM: Mr. Haitz and his second semester STEM students began the semester by completing a technology readiness unit where they learned: the parts of a computer, what makes a computer run, cyber safety, online behavior as well as email rules and manners. Students finished the unit by completing Google’s “Be Internet Awesome",
learning about digital safety and digital citizenship. Students helped their Internauts combat badly behaved hackers, phishers, oversharers, and bullies by practicing the skills they need to be good digital citizens.
STEM Students have also been working on typing.com and completed their beginner typing lessons. During the fourth marking period, they will continue with their intermediate typing lessons looking to improve upon their speed and accuracy.
Finally, STEM students have been working in Project STEM where they are learning what computer science is and how to work collaboratively through pair programming. These activities will teach students about persistence by developing a growth mindset as they receive an introduction to computer science.
During the fourth marking period, STEM students will continue with Project STEM and learn how they can use Scratch programming to instruct computers to trigger instructions, making things happen within their programs.
Physical Education: Mrs. Gehris's students are finishing up their volleyball unit in PE class. Students started out working on serving, setting and bumping skills and then they focused on using those skills to play volleyball games. Students are having a lot of fun and continuing to work on their sportsmanship as well.
Art: Students are creating simple gestural line drawings of ostriches.
Spanish: The Spanish classes have been studying how to say the weather expressions and seasons in Spanish. We've practiced identifying the new words, writing complete sentences and making weather forecasts. As a culminating project for this work, students are writing and illustrating their very own books in Spanish to demonstrate all they have learned so far!
Music: The music classes are preparing for our Spring Concert on May 23rd and the Hershey Park field trip on May 31st. Students are learning academic skills such as error detection and balancing within and ensemble, as well as life skills like perseverance.
Health: Over the course of the past few weeks in Health Education, students have been watching the educationally enhanced version of the movie Super Size Me, written and produced by Morgan Spurlock. This movie chronicles the 30-day experiment in which Morgan eats nothing but McDonald's for a whole month! We answered questions that coincided with the movie and learned the importance of a balanced diet along with the consumption of fast food.
Students have also created a week-long dinner menu and built a shopping list comprising of all the foods that the students would need for their planned meals. They even took it a step further and shopped online using the Aldi website to see how much it would cost!
April Golden Ticket Winners
Congratulations to our April Golden Ticket prize winners! Last Wednesday, ten Golden Tickets were pulled from the box in the main office. Golden Tickets are earned when students go above and beyond our expectations of Respect, Ownership, Courage, Kindness and Safety. Staff give them to students when they are really impressed. The following 10 students were given the choice of a Dunkin Donut or a sweet treat at lunch.
Congratulations to: Gio Iozzo, Tamira Carroll, Atalyn Bourne, Elaina Clark, Ben Smiley, Ian Porter, Adrian Figuroa, NJ Quattlebaum, Anabel Best, and Eddie Mojica.
Keep up the great work! We are so proud of you!
Doris Cooper, April's Student of the Month
Congratulations to our Student of the Month, Doris Cooper! Doris is a wonderful young lady. She is kind, helpful and always tries her best in classes. Doris will jump in to help her friends and classmates whenever she is needed. She looks out for students and will get an adult if needed. Doris participates in her classes and works hard to complete her assignments. We are so proud of you, Doris. Keep up the great work!
Employee of the Month for April...Mr. Platt.
We want to congratulate our Employee of the Month for April, Mr. Ian Platt. Mr. Platt is extremely supportive of colleagues and is quick to lend a helping hand. He has often been witnessed supporting colleagues on various occasions. He has high expectations for students and works on holding students to those standards. He also goes above and beyond to support school activities running well.
Mr. Platt is a true team player. Congratulations, Mr. Platt! We are so happy you are here at Scott.
We also want to congratulate our runners up: Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Hall, and Mrs. Shumate. All three staff members were given a gift card to treat themselves at Dunkin. We have an amazing team here at Scott!
Special Olympics
On Friday, May 3rd, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. DiGiacomo and Ms. Guy took some of our Scott students to participate in the Special Olympics held at CASH. They had a wonderful day of competition and enjoyed themselves very much. Congratulations, we are so proud of all of you!
Spring Fling
I want to thank Mrs. Waterman, and the Scott Student Council for organizing a wonderful event last Friday. Also, thank you to the many chaperones that came to support the event. We had a fantastic evening of basketball, bingo, coloring, dancing and food. All in attendance thoroughly enjoyed themselves!
Teacher Appreciation Week: May 6-10
Spring Literacy Family Engagement Night
Please click on the link below to RSVP for our Spring Bingo Night. We are looking forward to a great night!
PTO Fundraiser at Boulder Falls
Scholastic Book Fair- May 16th and May 17th in the Scott Library
Get ready! The Scholastic Book Fair is coming our way (YAY!). Choosing their own books empowers kids and inspires them on their journey to becoming lifelong readers. AND—as always—every purchase at the Fair benefits our school. Here’s what you need to know about the big event, which will take place: May 16th and 17th during the school day in Scott's Library, with an opportunity to shop before the Spring Literacy Night on May 16th from 4:00 to 5:30.
Say goodbye to cash and hello to eWallet—your child’s digital payment account. Before the Fair, set up eWallet for worry-free, cash-free purchases. Anyone can contribute! Share each child’s eWallet so friends and family can add funds and give your kids more books to enjoy. If you can’t make it to the Fair, then shop at our school’s Book Fair online. All orders ship directly to your home, and shipping is free for book orders over $25. Every online purchase will also benefit our school. Visit our Book Fair homepage at https://www.scholastic.com/bf/scottms to learn more and get started with eWallet and online shopping: The countdown to more Book joy is on! Catch you at the Fair!
Vaping Resource
Hear them Out: Foster open communication about vaping
Here are some tips to help parents initiate an intervention to optimize their child’s ability to hear them:
- No matter who you are, this will be hard. And that’s okay. Any confrontation of a hidden behavior or addiction will be messy and take time to resolve. Expect your child to be embarrassed, outraged, anxious, fearful, sad, or completely withdrawn.
- Consider widening the circle. The goal is to give your child the best possible chance of hearing your concerns and being open to getting help. Having a third party that genuinely cares about your child in the room could really help, especially if dynamics at home have become tense. Is there any trustworthy person outside the family that your child still respects, trusts, and feels safe with? It could be a coach, a grandparent, a member of clergy, a counselor, or even a family friend.
- Prepare a quiet, safe time and place. Find a place where everyone will feel safe and able to focus. This might require meeting outside the home. whether it is at the school counselor’s office, a church, or even a park that is not busy.
- Tell the story – don’t accuse. Simply share what you have observed. Focus on what was said or done and the impact. Reserve bringing out any discovered paraphernalia for when it comes up in the story. Avoid discussion of motives, accusations, etc. Stick to what was done and how you have observed it affecting each person. Between people sharing, give your child an opportunity to acknowledge what they heard.
- Invite your child to share. Listen to find the struggles and challenges that they are attempting to get vaping to solve. Is it a distraction from anxiety? Is she just lonely, and the only friend(s) she has enjoy vaping? And… how long has it been going on? Has it already become an addiction? Vaping causes its own problems, but it is also attempting to mask, dull, or compensate for something else. Listen to what is going on beneath the vaping. Work together to find new ways to resolve these deeper needs.
- Seek help. Look for help that starts to meet the needs you see. Counselors and therapists are a great place to start. Your child may benefit from mentors, safe places to go before/after school, service activities or team sports.
Source: Vaping: What Families Need to Know e-book - Partnership to End Addiction (drugfree.org)
Free Sports Physical Information
Nurse's Corner
Please read the attached allergy information for guidance.
As a reminder, school does not provide routine allergy medicine or eye drops. Please check with your child's doctor and follow their advice for allergy care. If your child needs to take medication during school, please have your doctor complete the medication form and have an adult bring in the prescribed medication, including over-the-counter medication.
Any questions, please contact Ann Keenan, School Nurse
Upcoming Dates
May 14- PTO Meeting at 5:00 in Scott Library (and virtually via Zoom)
May 15- Early Dismissal for Students/ PM Professional Development for Staff
May 15- PTO Fundraiser at Boulder Falls 12:00 to 6:00
May 16-17 Scholastic Book Fair in the Library
May 16- Spring Family Literacy Night at Scott 6- 7:30
May 24-27 No School for Students and Staff/ Memorial Day Weekend
May 29- The Campus Field Trip
May 31- Music Field Trip to Hershey Park for Trills and Thrills
June 4- Field Day (Rain Date June 5)
June 6- Last Student Day/ Award Ceremony/ Early Dismissal
School Bus Safety Tips
Coatesville Kid Raiders Registration
Coatesville Kid Raiders Football & Cheerleading
Registration for the 2024 Fall Season opens April 5th
Online registration: www.Coatesvillekidraiders.com
Flag football & flag cheerleading Ages 5-6
Tackle football & varsity cheerleading Ages 7-13*
Practices begin over the summer and our first game is played around Labor Day, so sign up today and don't miss out on the 2024 Season!
*Child’s league age is determined by the child’s age on July 31, 2024
Football and cheerleading programs are open to all genders and abilities.
Visit our website and if you have additional questions:
FACEBOOK Coatesville Kid Raiders Official
Red Raider Marching Band Interest Meeting
Contact Information
Website: https://www.casdschools.org/scott
Location: 800 Olive Street, Coatesville, PA, USA
Phone: 610 383 6946
Additional Contact Information
Mrs. Kathryn Lamothe- Principal lamothek@casdschools.org
Mr. Peter Altland- Assistant Principal altlandp@casdschools.org
Mrs. Megan Murray- Guidance Counselor murraym@casdschools.org
Ms. Ashley Russum- Principal's Secretary russuma@casdschools.org
Mrs. Sue Shumate- Assistant Principal's Secretary shumates@casdschools.org