VAJH Panther Press Newsletter
September 27, 2024
- Friday, September 27 - First UIL Eligibility Check
- Wednesday, October 2 - Custodian Appreciation Day! We love our custodians! Let our custodians know how much you appreciate them!
- Thursday, October 3 - Social Studies & Science Quarter 1 Testing (Alternate Schedule)
- Friday, October 4 - VAJH Picture Day
- Saturday, October 5 - Fall Festival in the VAJH parking lot from 3:00 - 7:00 PM
- Monday, October 7 - Math/Algebra Quarter 1 Testing (Alternate Schedule)
- Tuesday, October 8 - Pep Rally at 3:00 PM - Parents and community members are welcome to attend! Parents and guests can enter through the west gym doors. - We will be on a pep rally bell schedule this day, which impacts grade level lunch times.
- Wednesday, October 9 - Reading Quarter 1 Testing (Alternate Schedule)
- Thursday, October 10 - VAJH Band Fall Showcase 7 - 8:30 PM
- Friday, October 11 - House Games from 1:15 PM - 3:30 PM - Kona Ice will be available for purchase! (more information below)
- Friday, October 11 - End of 1st Quarter
- Monday, October 14 - NO SCHOOL - Columbus Day
- Thursday, October 17 - Fall Choir Concert 6:00 - 7:00 PM (at VAJH)
- Friday, October 18 - STAR Card Treat Day
- Monday, October 21 - NO SCHOOL - Staff Professional Development
- Tuesday, October 22 - Pep Rally at 3:00 PM
- Wednesday, October 23 to Thursday, October 31 - Red Ribbon Week
- Friday, October 25 - VAJH Halloween Dance (organized by parent volunteers) from 6:00-8:00 - free admission (more information below) Only VAJH students can attend.
Other Important Dates:
- Pep Rally Dates - Oct. 8 @ 3:00 PM, Oct. 22 @ 3:00 PM
- Student Dance/Activity Dates - Dec. 6, Feb. 7, May 2
- Student Dance/Activities Times - 7th & 8th Grade dances/activity nights are 6:00 - 8:00 PM. Only VAJH students are allowed at dances.
- Thursday, May 15 - 8th Grade Promotional Ceremony 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM ( VAJH Gym)
- Thursday, May 15 - 7th Grade Awards Ceremony - 1:30 - 2:30 PM (VAJH Gym)
- Thursday, May 15 - 8th Grade Farewell Dance from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM. (This dance is for 8th grade VAJH students only.)
This is the link to view your child's grades and attendance. If you need any help with this process, you may send an email request to twhitaker@vanalstyneisd.org or call the school office.
Donations Needed
Fall Festival is coming up! Please click the link below to make a donation to the 7th grade booth and/or baskets! If you would rather make a cash donation, please send to Sarah Coleman or Rebecca Rhodes.
Donations & Volunteers needed for 8th Grade
Please click the link below for our sign up genius to volunteer. Students are welcome to work! We still need baskets for the silent auction and 12 packs of drinks to sell. We hope to see everyone at the Fall Festival
UIL Eligibility Check
UIL has a No Pass No Play eligibility rule that governs students participating in school-related extra-curricular activities. This pertains not only to junior high school athletes, but to all school-related extra-curricular activities in which students compete, including but not limited to: athletics, cheerleading, showing animals, choir, and band competitions, etc. Here is a brief explanation...
The FIRST ELIGIBILITY CHECK will be on Friday, September 27th. Any student failing at that time will not be eligible to participate in any UIL club or team. After the September 27th eligibility check, all other eligibility checks will be made at the end of each 9 weeks. If a student is passing all subjects at the end of a nine weeks grading period, he/she will remain eligible to participate in extra-curricular activities until the end of the next nine weeks grading period. A student who fails any subject for the nine weeks becomes ineligible to participate in any extra-curricular activity at 3:00 the Friday following report cards.
Students can regain eligibility if they are passing all classes at the following times: at the end of the three weeks reporting period, at the end of the six weeks reporting period, and at the end of the nine weeks grading period. They will regain eligibility at 3:00 the Friday after progress reports or report cards come out.
VAJH Yearbook Information
2024-2025 Van Alstyne Junior High yearbooks are on sale now! Yearbooks are $40 until December 20. Costs will go up after December 20. You can also send $40 cash or a $40 check made out to VAJH.
Kona Ice
On Friday, October 11, our students will have an opportunity to purchase a Kona Ice in the afternoon during House Games. If you would like for your child to purchase a Kona Ice, then send $3-$5 with them. 25% of the proceeds go back to our school to support our teachers and students.
What: Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
When: Friday mornings at 7:15
Where: Mr. Pierce's classroom (Room 312)
Who: Any 7th or 8th grade student. You do not have to be an athlete to attend.
Join Remind for announcements and updates: https://www.remind.com/join/fh86a2 or text the message @vajhfca24 to 81010.
Glow Dance Volunteers NEEDED!
Our parent volunteers are organizing a Halloween themed Glow Dance! The dance will be on Friday, October 25 from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM. The Halloween Dance is for VAJH students only. If you are interested in helping with the dance, please contact Rene Sanchez Mosley at renesaleshomes@yahoo.com.
Behavior Expectations
Our top priority at Van Alstyne Junior High is to provide all of our students with a safe learning environment. In order to do so, we need your help. Please take time to talk about the following things with your child.
- Everyone will be treated with kindness and respect. Name-calling and teasing are unkind. Racial slurs will not be tolerated.
- Students need to understand that saying anything about violence towards the school or others will be taken seriously.
- Students should always keep their hands and feet to themselves. Physical violence will not be tolerated.
- Please talk to your child about the responsibility that comes with social media. Students need to be careful about the things they say on social media, the posts they comment on, and the people they interact with.
- Please know that if a student’s behavior in or out of school disrupts the learning environment, that student could receive a consequence.
We appreciate your partnership at home to help educate your child about appropriate behaviors at school. We encourage students to be kind, respectful, and friendly to all students and staff at all times. You are always welcome to contact the school if you have any concerns.
Weekend Backpack Program
The local food pantry (Feed My Sheep) has gracious volunteers who donate each month for the Weekend Backpack program. This program sends a bag full of food home each Friday with students who are signed up. If you think your family would benefit, please pick up a copy in the front office (various languages provided) or complete the form attached and return it to Nurse Wilson at lwilson@vanalstyneisd.org .
The parent/guardian will need to return the bottom portion of the flyer to Nurse Wilson to receive this service.
Cell Phones
Students are allowed to bring cell phones to school. They are allowed to listen to music and play games on their cell phones before school, during lunch, and after school. Students must keep cell phones out of sight and turned off (not on silent) during the school day. Please reinforce this rule with your child so they are well aware.
Also, please do not allow your child to call or text you from school using their cell phone for any reason, including to come pick them up when they do not feel well. Proper procedure is to report to Nurse Wilson and allow her to use her training to make that determination. Misuse will result in confiscation of the cell phone and the parent will be required to come pick up the phone. If the student continues to misuse their cell phone, the student will be required to check their cell phone
Student Food Service Needs
Panther Nation,
We have a new way of taking care of your students' food service needs. Everything will now be in one spot! . You can now download the School Cafe Family Hub app. This app will let you see menus, put money on account, complete free and reduced lunch applications, as well as many other custom functions that you can choose to set up. You can also log in on a computer as well at https://family.schoolcafe.com/ We will no longer be using My School Bucks. All My School Bucks balances have been transferred to the new system(School Cafe).
Visitor Procedures
When visiting our campus this year, we will have safety procedures in place. After pushing the button at the front door, you will need to provide the following through the speaker.
Full Name
Valid Picture Identification
Student’s full name and reason for visiting the school
Once in the building, you must provide your picture identification to the receptionist at the front desk. It will be scanned, a badge will be made, and identification will be held in the office. When you leave, you will need to walk back through the office to pick up your identification. We appreciate your cooperation while we try to keep our students and staff safe.
Emergency Concerns Outside of School
Parents and guardians, when you have emergency concerns about one of our students outside of school hours, please call the Van Alstyne Police Department. Oftentimes, our staff do not check email outside of school hours and the goal is to provide immediate assistance to the student or family. Some examples of emergency concerns would be: students claiming self-harm, students sharing suicidal thoughts or suicidal attempts, or any other situation where a student would be in danger and needs immediate help/assistance. Rather than emailing staff or submitting a StopIt App report, please call 911 or call The Van Alstyne Police Department at 903-482-5251.
A note from the counselor, Mrs. Walters...
Food Regulation
As a parent, you have the right to bring food to your child. However, to be in compliance with federal law, you are not allowed to bring in food for a child other than your own (for example, bringing a pizza for your child and his/her friends). This also includes bringing cupcakes and snacks on your child's birthday. To be in compliance with law, we cannot offer them during the lunch period. Therefore, the only time we could legally do that is during class time; which is not something we are going to be able to do as the students are busy in their classes and we do not want to disrupt the learning environment.
Lunch Drop Off
You are certainly welcome to bring your child a lunch. Since there are classes going on during each lunch period, we are not able to call students over the intercom to come and pick up their lunch from the front office. If you drop off a lunch for your child, there is a bookshelf in the front entryway for you to leave your child's lunch. There are sticky notes and markers to label their lunch. You will need to text your child to let him/her know they have a lunch in the front office. Your child will see the text when they are allowed to turn on their phone at lunch. We will not accept food deliveries.
Free & Reduced Lunch Applications
Free and Reduced Applications are now open for the 2024-2025 school year. Complete only one application for all the students in the household if you feel that you are eligible.
Panther sports
Monday, September 30 - JH Volleyball Game vs. Quinlan (Home)
7A & 8B at 5:00 PM
8A & 7B at 6:00 PM
Monday, October 7 - JH Volleyball Game vs. Wills Point (Away)
7A & 8B at 5:00 PM
8A & 7B at 6:00 PM
Monday, October 14 - JH Volleyball Game vs. Community Edge (Home)
7A & 8B at 5:00 PM
8A & 7B at 6:00 PM
Cross Country
Thursday, September 26 - JH Cross Country Meet at Blue Ridge High School
7th Grade Football
**CHANGED** Tuesday, October 1 - Combined 'B' Games will begin at 4:30 vs. Pilot Point (Gainesville does not have a B team) (Home)
Tuesday, October 1 - 7th Grade 'A' JH Football Game vs. Gainesville (Away) 5:30/6:30
Tuesday, October 8 - 7th Grade JH Football Game vs. Krum (Away) 5:30/6:30
Tuesday, October 15 - 8th Grade JH Football Game vs. Sanger (Home) 5:30/6:30
8th Grade Football
**CHANGED** Tuesday, October 1 - Combined 'B' Games will begin at 4:30 vs. Pilot Point (Gainesville does not have a B team) (Home)
Tuesday, October 1 - 8th Grade 'A' JH Football Game vs. Gainesville (Home) 5:30/6:30
Tuesday, October 8 - 8th Grade JH Football Game vs. Krum (Home) 5:30/6:30
Tuesday, October 15 - 8th Grade JH Football Game vs. Sanger (Away) 5:30/6:30
Coach Moore, Junior High Athletic Coordinator - pmoore@vanalstyneisd.org
Athletic Venue Rules
The graphic above shares new rules for our athletic venues. Please help us by going over the prohibited items with your students before attending the games.
Panther Blue Seats - The blue seats are reserved for Season Ticket holders for Varsity games. We appreciate your cooperation in allowing Season Ticket holders to occupy their reserved seats.
Prohibited Items:
In conjunction with the UIL and for the safety of our guests and employees, the following are prohibited:
- Backpacks
- Outside food or drink (bottles, cans and beverage containers of any kind*)
- Abusive, foul or disruptive language or clothing
- Alcohol
- Animals (except service dogs to aid guests with disabilities)
- E-cigarettes/Vaporizers/Tobacco
- Balls (including but not limited to footballs, soccer, and lacrosse)
- Firearms or weapons of any kind
- Any other item or action deemed dangerous or inappropriate
Post Game:
The field of play is limited to participating athletes, coaches, trainers and officials. At no time will fans be allowed to enter the field area. (before, during or after.)
Parent Volunteer Group
A Note From Our Nurse....
Our clinics must have a Medication Parent Consent Form on file for students requiring medication administered during school hours. This form must be signed by parent/legal guardian. Medication must be kept in the ORIGINAL bottle. (see links below)
Children who have the following symptoms should stay home and not come to school until these symptoms have been gone for at least 24 hours without the help of medication.
- Fever (100 degrees or higher)
- Sore Throat (with fever or swollen neck)
- Persistent Vomiting or Diarrhea
- Rash (with fever and itching)
- Conjunctivitis/Pink Eye (your child can attend school 24 hours after starting medical treatment)
A child with a typical cold, but no fever or green drainage, may come to school.
If a student becomes ill during the school day, he or she must receive permission from the teacher before reporting to the school nurse. If the nurse determines that the child should go home, the nurse will contact the parent.
Community Service Hour Log
Promoting community service is a goal of VAJH! In order to promote and foster serving our community and others, students can earn a community service award at the end of the year awards assemblies to recognize students who give their time, talents, and hearts.
Find opportunities throughout the school year for your child to work on their community service hours. Make sure your child is documenting their community service time on their hour log.
VAMS Community Service Hour Logs are due on Thursday, May 1st.
Click on the link below "VAJH Community Service FAQ Flyer" for more information.
Volunteer Approval Form
Click the button below to access the Volunteer Approval Form. We appreciate our volunteers!
Van Alstyne Junior High
Website: https://jhs.vanalstyneisd.org/
Location: 1722 N. Waco Van Alstyne, TX
Phone: 903-482-8803
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61560526280581