G-A Superintendent Newsletter
Check out this Newsletter for...
- Count Day
- Fundraiser & G-A Spirit Wear!
- Help us fill our RAMS STORE... see link below flyer
- TV Winner from Open House!
- Clean Up Day in Galesburg
- G-A Inspirational Award for Alumni Nomination Form -Due Nov. 1
- Primary, Middle & High School Newsletters (Check out for Homecoming)
- Lunch Menu, Website, Public Relations Links at bottom
October is Anti-Bullying Awareness Month!
As we enter October, we want to take a moment to recognize Anti-Bullying Month—a time dedicated to raising awareness and promoting kindness within our school community. Bullying can have lasting effects on students, and it is crucial that we work together to create a safe and supportive environment for everyone.
Throughout this month, we will be engaging students in various activities that encourage empathy, respect, and understanding. As well as the role of a by-stander and identifying the types of bullying that can occur. Our goal is to foster open conversations about bullying, its impact, and how we can stand together against it.
Here are a few ways you can support your child at home:
- Talk Openly: Encourage your child to share their feelings and experiences. Let them know that it's okay to speak up if they witness or experience bullying.
- Model Kindness: Show the importance of treating everyone with respect. Small acts of kindness can make a big difference.
- Educate: Discuss what bullying is and the different forms it can take—physical, verbal, and social. Help your child understand how to identify and address bullying behavior.
- Get Involved: Join us in school activities this month. Whether it’s participating in events or simply reinforcing our messages at home, your involvement is vital.
Together, we can cultivate a culture of kindness and support. Thank you for your continued partnership in making our school a safe place for all students.
Stay Tuned to the website on how we will learn together this month around anti-bullying!
We will wear ORANGE EVERY WEDNESDAY in October!
My Best,
Dr. Newton
Sports Fundraiser
TV Winner!
Alicia Sauber!
Congratulations, Ms. Sauber! You are the winner of the tv giveaway for attending open house and completing all your forms! We weren't ready to draw a name for September, but October is here and it's yours!
Clean Up Day in Downtown Galesburg
Sunday, October 13th at 2pm to 4pm and we will be cleaning up the sidewalks of our city.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Amanda Hawes at 269-873-8010 . Thank you!
G-A Spirit Wear!
Get your your Ram Spirit Gear ordered before September 27th! Please send orders to Advisorliaison@garams.org.
VOTE for G-A
G-A High School won this school spirit award last school year, vote to help us be BACK-to-BACK champs!
Last year we bought the students a slushie machine! They will vote on what they want to get this year.
Know a G-A Alumni? How did they Inspire You?
Nominate a G-A Alumni for the G-A Inspirational Alumni Award
The G-A Inspirational Alumni Award celebrates individuals whose endeavors have brought honor to Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools and who will inspire students on their road to success.
Nominate by NOVEMBER 1, 2024. For more information visit our school HS website or go to the
Primary School News
One great thing to do as a parent
There’s no doubt you’re tired of looking at your tablets, cell phones and computers. During dinner turn off all your devices and make this a night of mindful listening. Have everyone share one good thing that happened that day and celebrate that moment!
From Mr. Sportel
Galesburg- Augusta Primary Title I Program Galesburg-Augusta Primary School participates in a federally funded, school-wide,Title I program. This program allows for additional instructional support to assist students in strengthening their phonemic awareness and reading skills.
Teachers and the Title I staff conduct the Acadience Reading assessment, used to measure early literacy skills from kindergarten through eighth grade, three times a year. If students are identified as having a deficit in any of these skills, they are progress monitored throughout the year to ensure their instructional needs are being met. An Individual Reading Improvement Plan (IRIP) is created for students that are identified as having reading skills that are well below benchmark. These plans will change as students' skills continue to develop. Teachers will share these plans with parents and families during conferences, and we ask that families add some ways they could help support their students.
The goal of these plans is to ensure that students that may need extra support continue on the path to becoming proficient readers. If you have questions about IRIPs or Ram Reading, please feel free to contact me or your child’s teacher.
Heather Ledlow Title I Teacher 484-2040 extension 2066 heather.ledlow@garams.org
Parent / Teacher Conferences
Conferences are Wednesday, Oct. 16th from 4:00-7:00 and on Thursday, Oct. 17th from 1:00-3:00 and 4:00-7:00. There will be no school on Oct. 18th.
RAMS Reading
At the Primary, grades k-4 have a 25 minute Ram Reading block every day. During this time, all students spend time working on skills to help them become stronger readers and help them develop a love of reading. Small groups receive instruction from teachers and paraprofessionals based on diagnostic assessments of what each student needs. Progress of the students is monitored and plans are developed for students that may need additional instruction.
We are looking for volunteers to be a part of our Ram Fam Readers - a program that has volunteers come in once a week to help support our students as they practice their foundational reading skills and read books that they are learning to love. The commitment is a half an hour a week and we are looking for volunteers that are available from October to May. If this sounds like something you are interested in, please fill out this form.
First Day Shoe Fund
Mr. Russel and the First Day Shoe Fund were able to fit 324 PreK - 5th grade students with brand new shoes.
On Thursday, Oct. 31st, We are asking that students wear their costumes to school. Doors will open at 7:35 like normal. Students can get breakfast or head outside for recess. The students are dismissed to the classroom at 7:45. At 8:10 - We will have a parade outside. This will allow parents to take pictures and see the parade. Parents can line up anywhere around the sidewalks from the back of the school all the way around to the front. The students will be parading around from the back, up the sidewalk by the football field and in through the front door. The students will then head back to class and continue with the morning and what the teacher has planned for the students. At that time, if you are helping in the classroom, you may proceed inside.
Upcoming dates
Oct. 2nd - Count Day - Lets make it count
Oct. 4th - Walk to School Event
Oct. 7th and 8th - Picture Day here at the Primary School
Oct. 11th - Homecoming Game @ 7:00
Oct. 16th - Conf. 4:00-6:00
Oct. 17th - Conf. 1:00-3:00 and 4:00-7:00
Oct. 18th - No School
Oct. 31st - Happy Halloween
Middle School News
RAMS Ticket Store
This year we will be creating a RAMS Ticket Store. Students earn RAMS tickets from their teachers by following our RAMS expectations. Students will want to save their tickets so they can shop in the RAMS store at the end of each month, beginning at the end of October.
Halloween is a half day this year. 5th and 6th grade students will be parading through Augusta in the morning. Students will be allowed to wear costumes to school, but no full face masks, blood, gore, weapons, or other inappropriate attire will be allowed. We will send out more detailed Halloween dress code expectations as the date gets closer.
Student Council will be hosting the following activities in the month of October.
Boo-Grams 10/7-10/29 (selling during lunches)
Spirit Week 10/7-10/11
- Mon.10/7 Pajama Day
- Tues. 10/8 Twin Day
- Wed. 10/9 Color Day
- 5th gr - Yellow
- 6th gr - Red
- 7th gr -Blue
- 8th gr - Pink
- Thurs. 10/10 - Favorite Sports team Day
- Fri. 10/11 - Spirit Day
Penny Wars 10/7-10/11
Pink Day 10/15
Bake Sale 10/16,10/17 (selling during lunches and conferences)
Halloween Dance 10/23- 6th, 7th, and 8th grade only (6:00pm-8:00pm/$3.00 admission)
MI Career Quest:
Our 8th grade students will be traveling to the Kalamazoo Expo Center on October 22nd to participate in the MI Career Quest event. This is an amazing opportunity for our students to learn about jobs and careers they may want to pursue in the future.
Please come out to support our Middle School teams! Below are the dates of all the HOME middle school athletic events during the month of October.
October 2nd: Volleyball
October 2nd: Football
October 9th: Football
October 15th: Volleyball (Pink Out Game)
Middle School Footbal
Middle School Cross County
Middle School Volleyball
Important Reminders for Parents:
Doors open at 7:55 for all students who are eating breakfast. Students must go directly to the cafeteria upon entering the building and they must get breakfast. Students will remain in the cafeteria until 8:05. Doors open to ALL students at 8:05. Classes start promptly at 8:14. Please make sure all students are dropped off no later than 8:10 each morning.
Important Dates at the Middle School:
Oct. 4th: Attendance Party
Oct. 16th: Parent Teacher Conferences 4:15-7:15 pm
Oct. 17th: Parent Teacher Conferences 1:00-3:00, 4:00-7:00
Oct. 18th: No School K-12
Oct. 23rd: Half Day for Students
October 31st: Half Day for Students
Nov 1st: No School K-12
High School News
G-A One Stop
Through generous private donations and a partnership with Kalamazoo Loaves and Fishes we are excited to open this space for students and families that contains clothing, food and personal hygiene items. If you need support please reach out to the office and we can connect you to the right person.
High School Staff Shout-Outs
Each week we celebrate at least one staff member for their hard work and dedication to the staff and students at G-AHS. During the months of August and September we celebrated the following staff:
Theresa Shepherd, Brandi Smith, Edward Plegue, Kayleen O’Donnell and Brandan Mitchell for meeting over the summer to collaborate around Flex Time.
Bethany Stanton, high school counselor, for her hard work and diligence in creating schedules, it is an incredible puzzle to get everyone scheduled and she is amazing at this!
Kate Smith for her dedication in supporting students with online classes. She is very organized and supports students to stay on top of their coursework.
Amanda Brincks for intentionally building the Cheer Program through MINI Rams Cheer Camp. They did an excellent job performing at the game!
Mike Woodard and Adam Gifford for jumping in and helping with lunch supervision!
Coley Church, our new Art teacher, is starting to teach our kids how to digital announcements on the Tvs. We appreciate the ownership from the students to provide communication to students in our building each week.
Classroom Spotlights
We have had a great start to the school year! Our building focus is on academic conversation and there are many great opportunities for students to work together in a variety of settings and to learn from one another in this collaborative mode. Students in Eric Curtiss’ class wrote Silhouette poems to both express personal characteristics of themselves and to get to know their respective group members through the sharing of their writing. Pictured Right: Students in Coley Church’s class created collages and are on display in case outside of her room. Students are so proud of their artwork and upon visiting that classroom, students share how much they love being creative and making their own masterpieces.
New Staff /Teammates
Dontrell Bowden
-Retainer Sub
Coach Bowden also coaches our Girls' JV Basketball Team
Zach Eberstein
Special Education Paraprofessional
New Hires for the High School
Coley Church-Art
Caleb Piersma-Band
Bruce Lack-English Language Arts
Edward Plegue-English Language Arts
Important Dates
October 1st: Picture Day
October 2nd: Count Day: Hats and Hoods all day, Ice Cream Sundaes during 6th Hour
October 4th: Attendance Challenge Celebration
October 6th:Color Walk & Run
October 7th-11th: Homecoming Week
October 16th: Parent Teacher Conferences 4-7 p.m.
October 17th: Parent Teacher Conferences 1-3 p.m & 4-7 p.m.
October 18th: No School
October 23rd: Half Day for Students (Teacher Professional Development)
October 31st: Half Day
November 1st: No School
National Applesauce Day in First Grade
G-A Teaching Alumni
Thank You
Thank you to our volunteers: Jessica Eberstein, Linda Dunithan, Linda Rogers, Shirley Kupiecki Jeanne Wilson, and Joyce Henson
National Apple Day
We appreciate our volunteers