Multilingual Support, Elementary #2

🌏 Supporting Multilingual Students 🌎
Multilingual Parent Conferences
- We have translation available! Ask your administrator to schedule a translator, if needed. We have translators for many languages.
- If parents don't respond to your electronic form for scheduling, please reach out by phone, note, email or personally. Many multilingual parents who are new to schools respond better to personal invitations.
- Invite students to share something they're proud of with parent and focus on what they CAN do!
Progress Monitoring Forms Look Different in Ellevation This Year!
Teaching ELD
Just In Time Strategies
According to the EL Roadmap Principles (CDE, 2017) " Rigorous academic learning for language learners includes appropriate scaffolds to support students as they engage in challenging intellectual tasks. Scaffolds are purposeful, flexible and future oriented."
When we begin to learn a new language, a silent period is natural. This lasts longer for some than others. Begin to encourage oral language through rhyme, song and chants. Use sentence frames and practice by repeating with different words. Create a sentence patterning chart with students to extend their sentences. Give opportunities to practice with their peers.
Integrate content and language
Integrated learning builds content knowledge AND language proficiency. Create a language function wall and intentionally provide practice with extended oral discourse about academic content using academic language.
Site Highlight
PES held a family art fair and club night. Holly Bowron, AP, invited parents of multilingual students to participate by leading matching games in Chinese and Spanish and teaching students to write words in other languages. Students and families were excited about learning a new language and our multicultural families were empowered. The EL Roadmap Principle 1 asks educators to leverage students' languages and cultures as assets. Reflection: How can we use our students' linguistic/ cultural assets to assist them in mastering English AND to benefit all of our other students?
Your Support Team
Email: kfielstra@tvusd.us
Website: https://ca02208611.schoolwires.net/Page/21758
Location: 31350 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, CA, USA
Phone: (951) 294-6283