Emma L. Miller Friday Family Focus
Be Kind, Be Awesome, Be Present!
Friday, 1/10
Good morning E.L.M. Families,
Happy Friday! We've had a great week back to school and we enjoyed meeting and speaking with our families yesterday afternoon. As we head through the month of January, this is a friendly reminder that we have half days of school scheduled for every Friday until February break. This is also a great time to ask for your continued support with your student's attendance during these half days. Attendance on half-days is just as important as full days, and not to mention, we miss our kiddos when they are not here! 😊 Attendance Matters!
Photo of the Week: Student Becomes Teacher!
Matthew takes the lead to teach his classmates about coding and using a Microbit.
Next Week at a Glance:
Mon. 1/13 -
Tues. 1/14 -
Wed. 1/15 -
Thurs. 1/16 -
Fri. 1/17 - Half Day/Ski Club
News, Updates & Reminders:
* Our January classroom newsletters are included below. Check them out!
* Ski Club begins today! Students should bring all of their winter and ski gear to school this morning. The bus will leave after our regular dismissal, which is around 11:30am. The bus will return to the school at approximately 5:00pm. Deb LaCasse will be chaperoning our crew during ski, so please be sure to see her if you decide to take your student home. Deb will have a sign-out sheet available each week. We hope everyone has a fun and safe ski season.
* Supt. Franzoni sent an important notice to all families yesterday afternoon regarding a data breach with Powerschool, our student information system. The letter was sent in a separate email, is attached below, and will be sent in backpacks today. Please contact the NBSU office if you have any further questions or concerns.
* Bus Families - In case you missed it, there has been another request to remind our families to only utilize the lower entrance of the Town Garage, if you catch the bus at that location. The Highway crew is concerned about our safety, when using the upper entrance, especially while they are moving heavy equipment and trucks around the property. As always, we appreciate your efforts and support with this request, as we certainly do not want to risk losing that location as a bus stop, if safety is compromised. Thank you.
* Aftercare payments are due today. Thank you.
Planning Ahead:
* There is no school on Monday, Jan. 20th in observance of Martin L. King Jr. Day.
PTG Updates:
* The next PTG meeting will be held on Monday, Feb. 3rd at 5:00pm. It will be a virtual meeting.
Health & Safety:
* Check back next time.
🧡Mrs. Tierney🧡
Contact Information
Email: ttierney@savoyelementary.com
Website: www.savoyelementary.com
Location: 26 Chapel Rd, Savoy, MA, USA
Phone: 413-743-1992
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100074472651098