Meigs Academic Magnet Middle School
August 13, 2024
Dr. Wilson-Rosse
Dr. Mullins
Dr. Vignon
Meigs Academic Magnet Middle School will uphold our values of respect, cultural awareness, acceptance, integrity, and responsibility by ensuring that every student feels valued and empowered.
08.13.24: Open House (5:00pm)
09.02.24: NO SCHOOL (Labor Day)
09.04.24: Progress Reports Issued
09.04.24: Activity Day #1
09.09.24: Mental Health Awareness Day
09.18.24: Activity Day #2
Please remind your student to use the buddy system for morning and afternoon commutes.
Melody Osborne, School Counselor
7th grade and 6th grade: HM/PLT with Science and Social Studies
Belinda Hotchkiss, School Counselor
8th grade and 6th grade: HM/PLT with ELA and Math teachers
It doesn’t matter how old your child is, back-to-school time is a mixture of excitement and nerves, often for everyone involved. This time of year presents the perfect opportunity to implement some tweaks in habits, procedures and routines at home. Here are three easy ways that parents can help their child be successful this year in school.
- Set limits. Creating consistent healthy routines for your child will help them be a better and happier student. Limiting screen time on school nights, taking away technology at a specific time, setting bedtimes and setting alarms are things that parents can do that will help their child be more successful each day.
- Set time for studying. Setting aside time for homework, parents are helping their children keep up with their peers and improve their grades. Make sure your child has a designated place to do homework or to study without distractions.
- Set bedtimes. Making sure your child gets to bed at a decent hour can help them be healthy and alert. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that children between the ages of 6 and 12 need nine to 12 hours of sleep each night, while kids ages 13 to 18 need eight to 10 hours per night.
For more information regarding our school counseling program and for resources, please join our Schoology Group! https://mnps.schoology.com/group/7291911979 Access Code: M86S-4MMQ-JCBD4
Students and parents have access to the school's daily menu. Please click on the link to view the options for breakfast and lunch: MealViewer Schools
Meal benefits form link for parents:
We want to continue to create a culture of belonging for ALL students. As an administrative team, we identified the criteria teachers will use to select a student. We will start recognizing students in September.
· Respect
· Cultural awareness
· Acts with Integrity
· Makes other students feel valued and empowered
Meigs Students Won 2nd place at the National History Day National Competition!
In June 2024, Meigs students represented Tennessee at the National History Day (NHD) competition held at the University of Maryland and walked away with 2nd place medals and a $500 cash award! Lucas Gonzalez, Aitan Martinez, and Connie Zhou won 2nd place in the entire nation for their junior group website titled “A Year without a Summer: An Explosive Turning Point in History.” The boys, 8th graders at Meigs last school year, participated in NHD Enrichment and after-school club with Mrs. Verner and Mrs. Tucker-Dye. Look for information about this year’s NHD Activity Period and after-school club coming soon!
Meigs Cavaliers on Stage Drama Club
After-School Rehearsals
Rehearsals occur Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 3:10-4:30 August-September. Rehearsals will extend to 5pm starting in October.
Performance dates are set for October 21-23 @5pm.
All actors are expected to attend every rehearsal to which they’re called. Some actors may not be called to every rehearsal until we get closer to performance time.
Alice in Wonderland Rehearsal Calendar (Tentative)
Tech Crew:
If any students are interested in volunteering for tech crew, click the link here to apply: Apply to be on Tech Crew!
Join the Schoology Group to Read the Script!
Log into Schoology and use the code below in the add a group to read the script! You will find it in the folder in the ‘Resources’ Tab.
Access Code: JV7X-T54P-3BD87
Break a Leg!
Mr. Randolph
Combine your love for Titans games with your passion for supporting Meigs! The Titans Fundraiser offers an incredible opportunity to be part of the action and give back to our school.
Use the exclusive code MEIGS2024 to secure your seats at a special rate for these upcoming games: Patriots on 11/3, Vikings on 11/17, and Bengals on 12/15. But that's not all – for every ticket you purchase using the MEIGS2024 code, a generous $10 will be donated to our PTO, supporting various programs that benefit our students.
We're aiming to reach a target of 150 tickets for the 12/15 showdown against the Bengals. Achieving this goal means an exclusive post-game photo session on the field for the Meigs community.
Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to enjoy Titans games while making a meaningful impact on our school. Secure your tickets now by visiting THIS LINK, and remember to use the code MEIGS2024 during your purchase.
6th Grade:
- 8/24 - Beginning BAND Jumpstart - 9am-12:30pm
- 11/2 - Fall Solo & Ensemble Festival
- 12/6 - 6th Grade Winter Concerts
- BAND - 5:30pm
- STRINGS - 7:30pm
7th and 8th Grade:
- 10/17-10/18 – MNPS All-County Honor BANDS @ M. L. King Jr. School
- 11/2 - Fall Solo & Ensemble Festival
- 11/7 – MNPS All-County Honors STRINGS @ M. L. King Jr. School
- 11/8 – TN All Mid-State Auditions Clinic
- 12/7 – TN All Mid-State Auditions @ Wilson Central HS
- 12/13 - 7th & 8th Grade BAND & STRINGS Winter Concert 6:30pm
- 1/9-1/11 - TN All Mid-State STRINGS Clinic
- 1/16-1/18 - TN All Mid-State BAND Clinic
To ensure grading is more equitable for all students, we created a school-wide retake policy aligned to the district's expectations. Students who score below a 70% on a summative assessment must be given an opportunity to retake the assessment. Teachers are required to offer a minimum of one retake for students as needed.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐LOST AND FOUND⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Parents, please help us by requiring your child to label his/her water bottle, hoodies, binders, etc. Our lost and found looks like we are running a Macy's buy one get one free sale. You pay a lot of money for your child's supplies, and we want to return all the items to the rightful owner.
School Safety Security is a top priority at Meigs and at the district level. Please take a moment to review the safety protocols put in place.
Enhancing School Safety - Metro Nashville Public Schools (mnps.org)
Enhancing School Safety
Safety features and protocols that have been developed and implemented over time in Metro Nashville Public Schools, as well as our plans for the upcoming school year. www.mnps.org
A fire can break out with little or no warning. The more prepared you are, the safer you will be. Smoke detectors should be located on every floor of your home and near all places that you and your family sleep. Smoke detector batteries should be changed on a regular basis.
TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT: https://technology.mnps.org/support
Meigs Website: www.meigsacademicmagnet.org
Location: 713 Ramsey Street, Nashville, TN 37206, USA
Phone: 615.271.3222