November 20th, 2023
News For You!
November News
Hello Families,
I want to give a big shout out to our PTO board for their dedication, time and positive energy in supporting students, families and staff at Willagillespie. These volunteers spend many hours in creating opportunities for the entire Willagillepsie community and on behalf of the staff at WillaG, THANK YOU for all you do.
President - Megan MacDonald
Treasurer - Jessica Olive
Secretary - Alicia Lewis
Communications - Laura Bodner
Volunteer Coordinator - Angela Albin
Event/Fundraising - Lisa Lacey
At Large - Tiffany Roche, Mary Thomas, Rochelle Broderick, Liz Donavan, Stephanie Tendick
If you are interested in being part of our PTO or want to know what's coming up, you can find information on our PTO Website. Go Eagles!
Positive Behavior Support Intervention (PBIS) Booster -
From November 14 through December 12, we have a school wide PBIS booster for all our students. Our focus is KINDNESS with a theme of "Seeds of Kindness." This booster encourages students to show acts of kindness. If individuals are caught in an act of being kind, they can earn a seed of kindness to add to our kindness board with their name on the seed. If students collectively show at least 1000 seeds of kindness, they will all earn a special treat the last week before winter break. Please take time to ask your students how they were kind today. Even if they didn't get a seed, please let them know that kindness is a character we show in and out of school, because it matters how we treat one another.
Walking Reminder -
Just a friendly reminder, if you and your child(ren) walk along Willagillespie Road to get home, please make sure to keep them within a few feet of you. We've had a number of reports of kids running far ahead of their families creating unsafe situations with traffic and buses. Please keep your kids near at all times. Thank you for helping kids get to and from school safely.
Here is our Front Pick Up Video for your convenience. Overall, families are doing a great job. Thank you!
Sheila Minney
Principal, Willagillespie Elementary
Eugene School District 4j
- Nov. 21st - Nov. 24th - NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Holiday
- November 30th - School Picture Retakes
- December 8th - Family Fun Night & Open Library Night 6-8 PM
- December 18th - January 2nd - NO SCHOOL Winter Break
- January 3rd - Students Return from Winter Break
It's Snow Time!
It's the season to make sure all of our Willagillespie kids have a joyful winter break. We will be providing gift cards from some of our local stores to families who are experiencing hardship this year. If you are able to contribute one, or more, $20.00 gift cards for a family please click on the link to fill out the form below.
Gift cards need to be dropped off at the school by Tuesday, December 5th. (There is a secure drop box located next the front doors of WillaG for contactless drop off, or you can ring the bell and come into the office). Thank you for your generosity, you are what makes Willagillespie a true community!
News From The Counselor
Please click on the links below for some important information about how we look at and support twice exceptional (2e) students, and for timely information about student sleep and screen time habits.
Library News
Our Library is an amazing place for our students to visit, filled with books that open kid's imaginations and expand horizons. Taking good care of our books is a top priority! We would much rather spend our limited library budget on new books for students to enjoy, than replacing damaged books. When your student brings a book home, take a minute to talk with them about how to care for a book:
- Don't bend the spine or the pages
- Don't tear the cover or pages
- Leave all labels and barcodes intact
- Make sure the book stays dry (especially important now that we're in rainy season!)
And once you've done that, curl up together and read! It's one of the best ways to build wonderful time together!
PTO Meeting
Toys For Tots
4J Welcome Center will once again be hosting and collaborating with Toys for Tots this year to be a satellite distribution site for all 4J families with students from ages 0-13yrs old.
Deadline: Nov 24, no applications will be accepted after this date.
Click on this link: https://eugene-or.toysfortots.org/local-coordinator-sites/lco-sites/request-toys.aspx
Distribution Date: Saturday, Dec 9 Time/Location: TBD
El Centro de Bienvenida de 4J volveremos a tener una distribución de Toys for Tots de los Marinos para las familias de 4J. Si está interesado en participar favor de apuntarse, la fecha limité será el 24 de noviembre. Después de esta fecha no se aceptarán aplicaciones. Para apuntarse favor de visitar la página de inscripción aquí:
*Para cambiar el idioma de la aplicación vaya hasta el final de la página donde dice “Google Translate” y seleccione español. Esto cambiara el idioma de la página.
Fecha Distribución: Sabado, 9 de diciembre Horario/Locación: se anunciará después
YMCA Afterschool Program
About Us
Email: serra_d@4j.lane.edu
Website: www.willagillespie.4j.lane.edu
Location: 1125 Willagillespie Road
Phone: 541-790-7100
Facebook: https://facebook.com/willagpto