Welcome Back to School!
Dr. Ryan Glaze, Superintendent
Welcome Back to School!
We are excited to welcome students to the 2020-2021 school year on Wednesday! We are as ready as we can possibly be at this time. We are also looking forward to a productive partnership with our parents and the Tipton community to ensure our children achieve at their highest potential. We recognize that in these trying times our children need even more support from both the home and school.
Our goal at Tipton Community School Corporation is to strengthen our bond knowing that it will make a great difference in our children’s education. As partners, we share the responsibility for our children’s success and want you to know that we will do our very best to carry out our responsibilities as we have as a more-than-century-strong public education institution.
This is going to be an atypical year. It will take strong collaboration and thinking outside of the box to be effective. I want to assure you that during these uncertain times, you can count on us to: 1) ensure a safe and welcoming in-person learning environment; 2) keep you informed, 3) address your concerns; 4) ensure that your child has the tools necessary to be successful; and 5) provide the highest quality education, no matter the platform.
Our Reopening Plan allows us to pivot between various phases and platforms to best meet the needs of all students and their families. It also provides new safety protocols, precaution processes, and options to address the various scenarios that may arise related to reduce the risk of exposure and transmission as well as if a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19 on or off school grounds.
We encourage you to stay updated through reliable sources and follow the recommended guidance to reduce your family’s risk of exposure and transmission. Tipton Community School Corporation has a dedicated space for all things related to COVID-19 including its Reopening Plan, the latest guidance from local, state, and national partners, updates, helpful information, links, Q & A, and more which can be accessed direct at: https://www.tcsc.k12.in.us/o/tcsc/browse/149627
We appreciate our parents and community’s trust that we will make the type of decisions and do whatever is best for the safety of our students and staff while providing meaningful and engaging instruction during this pandemic. Do not hesitate to call at 765-675-2147 if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for doing your part to be good neighbors and show kindness and empathy as we move forward through these challenging times together.
Tipton Community School’s first day of the 2020-21 school year is this Wednesday. There will be a lot of new procedures and protocols to inside and outside school walls. What isn’t new is TCSC’s phenomenal leadership team and highly dedicated staff who make decisions that are always in the best interests of students.
Student First Day
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Tipton Community School Corporation’s graphic offers a snapshot of the options and platforms it is prepared to take to ensure students have access to continuous education throughout the school year.
Tipton Community School Corporation
Email: rglaze@tcsc.k12.in.us
Website: www.tcsc.k12.in.us
Location: 1051 South Main Street, Tipton, IN, USA
Phone: (765)-675-2147
Twitter: @drryanjglaze