The Trojan Times
November 24, 2024
Mission Statement
St. Maria Goretti is a living testament to our Lord's work in His youngest disciples, exemplified by academic excellence, spiritual formation, and compassionate service to others.
St. Maria Goretti Catholic School aims to form what is True, Good, and Beautiful in the souls of our young disciples of Christ.
Principal's Message
Dear SMG Catholic School Families,
Mark your calendars for the iGiveCatholic event on Tuesday, December 3, 2024! We will begin the evening with our Advent program in the church at 6:30 PM. Following the program we vote on our favorite Faith Family Christmas Tree, complete a Christmas craft, visit Vendors, enjoy Christmas cookies and hot chocolate and a visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus in the cafetorium. Please be sure to make plans to stay and enjoy fellowship during the Advent season.
We are looking for students in grades 5th-8th to volunteer for the iGiveCatholic event. Please use this link to sign up!
Finally, we will NOT have a Trojan Times on December 1, 2024 due to the Thanksgiving Break. We will send our next edition on December 8th.
The campus will be closed November 25-29, 2024. Have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving Break. We look forward to welcoming our students back on Monday, December 2, 2024.
St. Maria Goretti, Pray for Us!
Amy Utendorf, M.Ed.
GorettiFest Update
GorettiFest 2024 was a HUGE success thanks to your generous sharing of gifts. These gifts of your time, expertise, connections, and donations of both money and items were/are not only appreciated but were crucial to that success.
We are now at a point where we can share the results of our efforts.
Survey feedback, follow-up conversations, and smiles onsite were all overwhelming in their conclusion that the event achieved the goal of building community at St. Maria Goretti.
From the beginning of the planning, we decided that was important to note 5 numbers when discussing an event like this and we will use round numbers for ease.
1) Conservatively speaking, for a corporate entity paying retail this event would have cost around $50,000 and that is before even thinking about paying for the staffing or renting the campus facilities.
2) We were able to negotiate around $10,000 provable but probably closer to the mid teens in vendor discounts / allowances off that retail cost.
3) Our actual expenses landed around $27,000.
4) Our actual revenue landed around $83,000.
5) Our resulting net profit was around $56,000!
It is difficult to know a dollar amount of things that people simply paid for and gave us. Assuming some round numbers for the SignUpGenius items, and booth supplies people generously did not report for reimbursement, we are well over $30,000 in donations with provable deposits in the high $20,000.
As a result of these donations offsetting our expenses, and counting the vendor booth fees as income before the event, we were profitable before a single ticket was sold.
The GorettiFest planning team has all signed up for another year and with your help, we plan on spring boarding from this success and improving on all of these numbers.
If you have any questions about any of these results, or if you would like to help with GorettiFest next year please email
Happy Thanksgiving!
GorettiFest Planning Team
What is iGiveCatholic?
The mission of #iGiveCatholic is to unite Catholic communities and donors throughout the country to express their generosity in support of the organizations that have helped to shape our lives of faith: our parishes, schools, and ministries. #iGiveCatholic inspires faithful stewards to "Give Back and Give Catholic" on Giving Tuesday, a global day of generosity and kindness, which is December 3 this year.
We invite you to pray and discern what God is putting on your heart related to supporting the Catholic organizations you admire. Where can you make a heartfelt impact to benefit lives in your community? And don't forget to share with your friends and family on December 3 for #iGiveCatholic on GivingTuesday! Donations will be accepted starting on November 18, 2024. SMG has set a $20,000 goal to help the school to upgrade technology and equipment in the school.
I have challenged our students to raise $50 each. Each teacher has a class goal. If the class reaches their goal I will provide a pizza or Chick-fil-a lunch for these classes.
Please share the school's link with your family and friends:
We will be celebrating SMG on December 3rd at the Tapestry of Light program and fellowship following. Please make plans to attend. We will see you there!
Manner of the Week (Dec. 2-6)
December School Lunches
Advent Program - Dec. 3
Please join us for our 2024 Advent Program, Tapestry of Light, on Tuesday, December 3, at 6:30 p.m. in Saint Maria Goretti Catholic Church. This festive evening will showcase our PreK-4th Grade Music Classes and the Saint Maria Singers. Afterward, we’ll gather for an #iGiveCatholic Giving Day reception in the cafetorium. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. We look forward to celebrating this joyful season with you!
In an effort to reach as many people in-person and potential viewers of the live-stream - we are trying to promote and share the Facebook Invite for the Performance. The link below is a quick step-by-step guide to help anyone who wants to help by inviting friends and family through Facebook. Give it a watch and follow the steps to invite your friends. There will be a live-stream so even Uncle Marty in Minnesota will be able to participate, and the Facebook event page will have the youtube link to watch on the day of the show.
Step-by-Step Video Guide:
Christmas Store Shopping - Dec. 4-6
Christmas Store Donations & Volunteer Sign Ups:
Christmas Store Wish List - Items may be dropped off Monday, December 2nd.
Save the Date - Dec. 19
SMG students receive a Terrific Trojan sticker when they are "caught" being safe, responsible and respectful. After wearing the sticker during the day, the Terrific Trojan places it on the hallway bulletin board. We love seeing how full the bulletin board becomes by the end of the school year.
Congratulations to students earning the Stewarship award this month. These students recognize that everything we have and everything we are is a gift from God and are grateful and generous with those gifts.
Cluck! Cluck!
Thanks to SMG Alumni, Harvey Richey, for building our new chicken coop. A special plaque has been added to the coop commemorating his Eagle Scout Project. We are clucking with joy!
Welcome to our new SMG residents: Chick-fil-a, Chicken Little, Maria Goretti and Buttercup!
Home & School Meeting
The Folklorico Club provided a delicous meal and wonderful entertainment prior to the Home & School Meeting.
Faith Family
Faith families deocrated their individual trees with hand made ornaments. Join us on December 3rd after the Tapestry of Light program to vote for your favorite tree.
A special thanks to Sister Thuan who taught us hand motions and led us in song. You may view the video here.
Art Class
Eighth graders used a powerful means of communicating the Virtues of the Month through the visual language of Graffiti.
Kindergarten & 1st Grade
The Turf Clean Up Crew clears acorns and sticks from our new playground area weekly. Thanks for being so responsible and keeping our grounds pristine!
1st Grade Readers Theatre
Stone Soup is a European folk tale about travelers who trick villagers into sharing their food to make a meal. Readers theatre is a great way to practice meaningful, purposeful and engaging fluency in the classroom.
1st Grade Catapult
Building the trusty catapult is one of the most iconic simple machine STEM projects for kids. It has a strong focus on engineering, but also math and physics all rolled into one amazing learning project.
3rd Grade Gave Thanks in the Prayer Garden
4th Grade: My Only Desire - To Be a Saint
SMG & St. Rita Students Teamed Up This Soccer Season
Please enjoy this audio/visual experience of the goings on of Saint Maria Goretti. Consider that a "Subscription" to the YouTube channel and/or a "Like" on any video will help us grow our exposure and impact. Please do share anything you enjoy with other family members and friends that would similarly delight in the successes and accomplishments of the students.
SMG Broadcast Channel Link:
Lunchroom / Playground Volunteers 2024-25
Please consider volunteering to help during lunch and recess. Service hours will be earned. Click on the signup genius link for a description of duties. All volunteers must be current with their Virtus training.
Use gift cards or shop online through RaiseRight for your everyday purchases and earn money for your organization. It's easy to enroll today!
Our goal is to have 100% of the families enrolled. Be sure to enroll by September 30th so that your child’s class has a chance to win an ice cream party! To enroll email Olivia Bradley at for the enrollment code.
SMG Sports
Use the QR codes to sign up and help us plan how many teams we will have. Once teams are set, you will be contacted via email with the coach, practice times and payment information. You may contact the SMG Athletic Director, Ms. Bara, with any questions at
SMG Track
SMG 6th-8th Baseball
Boys Only
SMG Basketball
Fall 2024
NHS Spring Musical Tryouts - Dec. 6
NCHS Director of Theater, Christine Collard, Nolan Catholic High School is hosting tryouts for the NCHS Spring Musical on December 6th for 2nd through 8th graders.
Nolan Softball Skills Camp - Dec. 14
Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth Sports Calendar
- 7:00-7:40 Cheer (Saladino/Risinger) Gym
- 12:16-1:01 Open Library Checkout (4th-8th)
- 12:16-1:01 STUCO (Daly) Computer Lab Begins TBD
- 3:30-4:45 Folklorico Current Members (Zavala) Hope Rm
- 3:30-4:15 PSIA Spelling (Daly) Computer Lab Nov. 18, Dec. 2, 9, Jan. 13, 27, Feb. 3, 10, 24
- 3:30-4:15 PSIA Maps/Graphs/Charts (Utendorf) Rm. 110 Dec. 9, Jan. 13, 27, Feb. 10, 24
- 3:30-4:15 Math Tutoring 6th-8th (Tran) Rm. 121
- 3:30-4:15 PSIA Ready Write 4th-8th (Vasquez) Nov. 18, Dec. 3
- 6:00-8:00 Robotics (Morales) 4/5 Sci Lab
- 7:00-7:40 Cheer (Saladino/Risinger) Gym
- 12:16-12:36 Library Leaders (Richards)
- 12:16-1:00 NJHS (Jones)
- 3:30-4:15 Cantoring (Breed) Church
- 7:15-7:45 Math Tutoring 2-5 (Sister Mary Monica) Rm. 116
- 7:15-7:45 AM Saint Maria Singers (Richards) Library
- 12:16-1:01 Open Library Checkout (4th-8th)
- 12:16-12:36 SMG Broadcast (Jones) Rm. 120
- 3:30-4:15 4th-8th Detention Rooms Vary
- 3:45-4:30 Run Club (Gutierrez)
- Dec. 11, Feb. 12, 26, March 12, 26, April 9, 30, May 7
- 3:30-4:15 PSIA Drawing (Jamison) Art Room
- Dec. 4, Jan. 15, 29 Feb. 12, 26
- 3:30-4:30 Chess Club (Tran) Rm 121
- 3:45-4:15 Science Tutoring (Saladino) Rm. 109
- 3:30-4:00 Rosary Group (Utendorf) - Conference Room
- 7:15-7:45 AM PSIA Math 2nd/3rd (Sr. Mary Monica) Rm 116
- Dec. 5, Jan. 16, Feb. 6, 20
- 7:15-7:45 AM PSIA Math 4th/5th (Sr. Mary Monica) Rm 116 Dec. 12, Jan. 9, 23, Feb. 13, 27
- 7:00-7:45 AM PSIA Math 6th-8th (Tran) Rm 121
- Dec. 5, Jan. 16, Feb. 6, 20
- 3:30-4:45 The Trojan Troupe (Richards) Library/Stage
- End time extended to 6PM beginning in March
- 3:45-4:45 Card Club (Saladino) Rm 109
- 12:16-1:01 Open Library Checkout (4th-8th)
Dec. 3, Tuesday: 6:30 iGiveCatholic events: Tapestry of Light, Christmas cookies and tree contest
Dec. 4-6: SMG Christmas Store Shopping
Dec. 7, Saturday: 8th Grade Diocesan History Fair at Nolan
Dec. 9, Monday: 12:30 A Charlie Brown Christmas
Dec. 12, Thursday: 2:00 Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Day
Dec. 16, Monday: 6:30 Las Posadas
Dec. 16-20: Junior High Mid Terms
Dec. 17, Tuesday: 3rd Grade Field Trip
Dec. 19, Thursday: 9:00 Band Concert, 2:00 Greek Theatre
Dec. 20, Friday: 12:00 Dismissal, 2nd Quarter Ends, No SMEED
Dec. 23-Jan.7: Christmas Holiday
Jan. 8, Wednesday: Classes Resume
Need Prayers?
We all do!! The St. Maria Goretti Catholic School Community would love to pray for you and your intentions. Please send all prayer requests to:
Meet Our Priest!
St. Maria Goretti Parish Website:
Father Samuel Maul
Join the SMG Family
Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth
Serving the North Texas Catholic community by providing the faithful opportunities to grow in Christian discipleship and strengthen their relationship with Jesus Christ.
St. Maria Goretti Catholic School
Location: 1200 South Davis Drive, Arlington, TX, USA
Phone: (817)275-5081