The warrior news 5th edition

September 8th Edition
Dear Winston Campus Families,
We are thrilled to share that the first two days of having our students back have been a great success! It has been wonderful to see their smiling faces and feel the excitement throughout the school. We are delighted to have your children back at Winston Campus Middle School!
We would like to extend a warm invitation to our Parent Orientation Night on Thursday, September 12th. The evening will begin at 5:40 pm with a short presentation about school expectations in the cafeteria, followed by an opportunity for you to visit your child's classrooms and meet their teachers.
Your child will be bringing home a letter (see below) with their daily schedule and a map of the school. Please remember to bring this with you on Thursday night to help you navigate the building with ease.
We look forward to meeting you and sharing more about the exciting year ahead!
Warm regards,
Maricela Macias
Principal, Winston Campus Middle School
Sports Start this Week!
We are excited to announce that sports tryouts will begin this week! Please see the information below for details on the schedule for each sport.
- Students should come prepared with appropriate attire and water bottles.
- Please ensure that your child's physical forms are up to date and submitted to the school office before tryouts begin.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to the coaches. We look forward to a great season ahead!
All 6th - 8th grade students are welcome to join. All runners will be expected to run either the 1.5 or 2 mile distance. There are No tryouts. This is a NO-Cut sport. All abilities and experience levels are welcomed and encouraged to register. First Day of Practice September 10th. Practices will take place Monday -Thursday {2:15-3:45}
COACHES: Alex Soto (sotoa3@ccsd15.net), Susie Gronwick (gronwics@ccsd15.net), Kyle Reid (reidk@ccsd15.net), Parker Buetow (buetowp@ccsd15.net) & Gina Ruta (rutag@ccsd15.net)
All 6th - 8th grade students are welcome to try out. There are 4 teams, that are arranged by different grade levels. (6th/7th Team; 7th/8th Team). This is a cut-sport and the coaches will post the team roster after tryouts are completed.
Tryout Schedule: (All tryouts will be from 2:15 - 3:45 pm)
September 9th: 6th grade
September 10th: 7th grade
September 11:6/7 grade callbacks
September 12: 8th grade
COACHES: 6th/7th: Emmie Galan (galane@ccsd15.net) & 7th/8th: Kristina Wagner (wagnerk@ccsd15.net)
All 6th - 8th grade students are welcome to try out. There are 4 teams, that are arranged by different grade levels. (6th/7th Team; 7th/8th Team). This is a cut-sport and the coaches will post the team roster after tryouts are completed.
Tryout Schedule: September 9 - 12, 2024 {2:15 - 3:45 pm
COACHES: 6th/7th:Michael Mauro (maurom@ccsd15.net) & 7th/8th: Diane Hellard (hellardd@ccsd15.net)
MAP Testing September 11th
We will be conducting the NWEA MAP testing in Reading and Math. This assessment is an important tool to help us understand your child’s academic progress and identify areas where they may need additional support. Testing will take place during the week of September 9th. To ensure your child performs their best, it's important that they attend school during this week and are well-rested each day.
We appreciate your support in making this a successful testing experience for all students. If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to your grade level assistant principal.
Bus Route Assignments
Transportation information for the 2024-25 school year will be finalized the week of August 26 and will be available via the MyRide12parentapp. Please visit the MyRide K12 page for instructions on how to acquire the parent app in English or Spanish. Login information for the app will be provided soon. Please contact your school office if you need to request an alternate pickup or drop-off location for your student(s). No changes will be made until September 9, 2024.
Upcoming Dates to Remember,
- September 11th- NWEA MAP testing starts
- September 12th- Parent Orientation 5:40 pm
- September 18th-PTA General meeting 7:00-8:00 in the school Library
- September 26th-Half Day Of Student Attendance
September 30-Picture Day