Longhorn Notes
A Newsletter for the Kimball Jr/Sr High School Community
August 22, 2024
Welcome Back!!
Welcome to Kimball Jr/Sr High School for the 2024-2025 academic year! Our mission remains the same: To educate every student for a lifetime of success. Success may mean different things to different people, but for us, it involves helping students align their passions and skills with a career that provides a fulfilling and satisfying life. With the support of our staff, parents, and community, we aim to work together positively to achieve an exceptionally successful school year.
This year, our theme is "Courage Up." Inspired by the resilience needed to face life's challenges, we encourage all our students to embody courage in every aspect of their lives. Academic learning is important, but it is not the main event of school. The main event is learning how to deal with adversity and overcoming the challenges that life presents. From forgotten locker combinations to peer gossip, from self-doubt to academic pressure, we want our students to develop the resilience needed to face these challenges head-on.
To our students, our staff is devoted to supporting you in and out of the classroom to help you succeed. You play a vital role in this process by investing your energy and effort in realizing your goals. This year, we challenge you to "Courage Up." No more excuses, no more justifications, no blaming, no quitting. Lift your head up, face your challenges, and let's do this together. Show up every day ready to learn, grow, and set an exemplary standard for the younger members of our community.
We believe that positive relationships promote positive behavior, which is critical for academic success and future accomplishments. Behaviors are learned, just like math, science, or music. When students misbehave, we will not only hold them accountable but also provide instruction and opportunities to restore relationships with their peers and staff. Therefore, we will continue utilizing Restorative Practices as an alternative to suspensions, whenever possible, to help students manage their behavior. For more details, please refer to the Student Conduct and Discipline Policies section in the Parent-Student Handbook.
Parents, we welcome your visits or calls to address any concerns or queries you may have. We encourage you to join us in fostering a supportive and courageous environment for our students. Together, we can help our students face their challenges and build the resilience they need for a successful future.
Thank you for your continued support, and let's make this year our best one yet!
A Recap of Our First Week of School!
Our first day back began with an all-school assembly in the auditorium, where we welcomed everyone back and introduced our new staff members. We also took the opportunity to review building rules and procedures, and of course, we got everyone fired up by practicing our fight song together.
Following the assembly, our Ranches gathered to plan the Branding Ceremony, a special tradition to officially welcome 7th graders and new students into their Ranches. The 7th graders and new students worked alongside staff to prepare the Student Center for our exciting Minute-to-Win-It games. Meanwhile, KIMB 104.3 was on-site, broadcasting live from 10 a.m. to noon, sharing the excitement of our back-to-school activities with the community.
The day's activities kicked off with a schedule scavenger hunt. Students received their schedules and set out to find their classrooms. At each stop, teachers challenged them with a fun task to complete before signing their schedule. Once all the signatures were collected, students turned in their schedules and earned points for their Ranch.
The highlight of the day was our Minute-to-Win-It Ranch challenges. Students faced off in fun and competitive games like Face the Cookie, Noodling Around, Bottle Flip and Flip Cup, Spoon Frog Relay, Speed Eraser, and Tilt-a-Cup. It was a great way to build teamwork and school spirit as we started the year on a high note.
The activities concluded with our Grand Finale - the Pie Eating Contest!
Thanks to Clean Harbors for sponsoring KIMB and the pies!
Thanks to Karen Hewitt for baking the delicious pies!
The Longhorn Ranch
Respect Agreement
During the first week of school, one of our key activities was the creation of our Respect Agreement. After the Ranches were newly formed, each group met to discuss and develop their ideas on how we should all treat one another and our shared spaces. This collaborative effort allowed both students and staff to contribute their thoughts and ensure that everyone's voice was heard.
By the end of the week, we consolidated all the ideas from each Ranch and finalized our Respect Agreement. This agreement outlines the principles and behaviors that we all agreed to uphold, fostering a positive and respectful environment for learning and growth.
The finalized Respect Agreement has been distributed to all teachers, and both students and staff will sign it as a symbol of their commitment to these shared values. The agreement will be displayed prominently in classrooms throughout the school, serving as a constant reminder of the standards we have set for ourselves and each other.
Ranch Challenge
On Thursday, we had our first Ranch challenge of the year - Tug of War! The Blazing Pitchfork Ranch was the champion!
New Staff/Positions
We are thrilled to welcome Monica Jensen as our new Agriculture teacher and FFA sponsor! Monica, formerly known as Monica Wasielewski, is a proud graduate of Kimball High School, and we’re excited to have her back as part of our teaching team. Monica recently celebrated the arrival of a new baby, so she will officially start in the classroom at the beginning of the second semester. In the meantime, Mr. Ken Smith will be stepping in as our long-term substitute for Agriculture during the first semester.
In addition to welcoming Monica, we're excited to introduce a new program this year called JAG (Jobs for America's Graduates), provided by the United Way of the Midlands. JAG is designed to help students explore career options, identify their interests, and develop essential skills for success in postsecondary education and entry-level careers. Samantha Walter will be leading this program as our JAG Specialist. To learn more about JAG Nebraska, click here.
Attendance/Tardy Policy
We firmly believe that being present in the classroom during instruction is vital for student success. While we understand that students may need to miss school for reasons such as medical appointments, orthodontic visits, funerals, and illness, regular attendance greatly increases the likelihood of academic achievement.
This year, we have clarified the distinction between excused and unexcused absences in our handbook. Excused absences include court-ordered appearances, a death in the family, medical absences (with a doctor's note or a completed Request for Excused Absence Form), and school-related activities. Any other absences will be considered unexcused.
Students are permitted up to six unexcused absences per semester. On the seventh unexcused absence, the student may lose one credit in the corresponding class. Each semester, students earn five credits per class, and losing a credit could impact their academic progress. However, students have the opportunity to make up the lost credit by either completing an online course over the summer (at their own expense) or successfully retaking a semester of the course before graduation.
We encourage families to schedule vacations and trips during summer or other school breaks. However, we understand that unique opportunities may arise during the school year. If parents notify the office at least one week in advance and the student maintains an A or B average in the classes they will miss, these absences will be considered excused.
Additionally, please note that three unexcused tardies in the same class will count as one unexcused absence. We hope this policy encourages students to be punctual and ready for class each day!
Longhorn Time
At our Jr./Sr. High School, completing work on time is a key component of student success. We believe that failure should never be an option, and we are committed to providing the necessary support to help every student succeed. For students who struggle to turn in their assignments on time, we offer Longhorn Time—a dedicated after-school program designed to help them catch up and stay on track.
Longhorn Time takes place every day after school and is specifically aimed at supporting students with missing work. Teachers will refer students to Longhorn Time if they fail to submit assignments by the deadline. These students are required to report to Longhorn Time at the end of the school day. If they manage to complete their missing work during the school day, they can submit a completed Missing Work form at the library and are free to leave after school. However, if they need more time to finish their assignments, they will remain in Longhorn Time until the work is completed.
Because this extra support is crucial for academic success, we strongly encourage parents not to excuse their student from Longhorn Time unless absolutely necessary. Once their missing work is finished, students will be free to participate in extracurricular activities or return to their jobs. Please note that students who miss Longhorn Time without an excused reason (such as school business or other valid circumstances) will unfortunately receive a '0' on the missing assignment.
If your student is referred to Longhorn Time, you will be notified via email. To ensure you receive these important updates, please make sure the office has your correct email address on file.
Cell Phones
Cell phones have become a significant distraction in the classroom, hindering students' ability to focus and engage in learning. Furthermore, research has shown that excessive use of smartphones, particularly social media, can have adverse effects on adolescents and teens. At our school, we are committed to helping students develop the social skills they need for success beyond high school.
To support this goal, students will not be permitted to use their cell phones during the school day.
Students who bring their phones to school are required to turn them off and store them in their lockers before 1st period. Phones may be turned back on at the end of the school day. If you need to reach your child urgently during the day, please contact the office, and we will ensure your message is delivered promptly.
If a student is found using their cell phone during the school day, the phone will be confiscated and held in the office until the end of the day. After the first offense, the student may pick up their phone. However, after a second offense, a parent or guardian will need to come to the school to retrieve the phone.
For those interested in understanding more about the potential negative effects of smartphones on adolescents, I highly recommend the book The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt. You can watch a summary of the key points here.
Food Service
We're excited to share that breakfast and lunch will be free to all students this year! Students can choose Option 1, Option 2 or a chef salad each day for lunch. They will have to pay for more than one option or if they want to go back for seconds. Students will also have to pay for a la carte items.
Streamlining Communication with the Rooms App
This year, our district is excited to introduce Rooms as the single communication platform for all direct interactions between staff, coaches, students, and parents. Previously, parents with multiple students in the district had to manage various apps which made staying informed a challenge. With Rooms, we're simplifying communication by consolidating everything into one easy-to-use app. This change will make it easier for everyone to stay connected and ensure that important information is never missed.
Click on this link to learn more about how to access Rooms.
- August 23rd - Fall Sports Scrimmage and Booster Club Feed ($6)
- August 27th - Girls Golf - Sidney Invite
- August 29th - Girls Golf - Bayard Invite
- August 29th - Girls Volleyball at Hemingford @ 3 pm
- August 29th - Cross Country at Scottsbluff
- August 29th - Varsity Football @ Hyannis @ 7 pm
As highlighted in our welcome section, this year’s theme is "Courage Up!" During our assembly, students watched an inspiring video that embodies this theme, encouraging them to face challenges with resilience and determination.
We believe that fostering a positive partnership between our school, parents, and community is essential in helping our students become the best version of themselves. Our mission, "To Educate Every Student for a Lifetime of Success," is a shared commitment that requires the involvement of all adults in our community.
We invite you to join us in this important work. Together, let's support our students as they "Courage Up!" and strive for success throughout the year. To watch the video that inspired our theme, click here.
About Us
Email: Dreader@kpslonghorns.org
Website: Kpslonghorns.org
Location: 901 S. Nadine St.
Phone: (308) 235-4861