August 11, 2024
Carroll High School Weekly Community Newsletter

Message From The Principal
Greetings Carroll Community!
We are excited to kick off the school year and welcome our Tigers back to Carroll High School. Our teachers and staff have done an amazing job preparing for the year of learning ahead, and we cannot wait to see our students again.
During the first few weeks of school, we will focus on setting expectations, reinforcing procedures, and building strong relationships between students, faculty, and staff. On day 1, students will receive their course schedules in their first-period class, so as they arrive on campus, students can check the rosters posted in the common areas to find their first-period classes. Simply report to that room number to get schedules. All staff will help to make sure we are in the right places.
Also, to ensure a smooth first day, I will be plugged in virtually into classrooms during 3rd-period via Microsoft Teams to discuss important items and set expectations for a smooth lunch transition. Tomorrow starts it all, and we are looking forward to a very successful 2024-25! Have a wonderful week ahead. It's a great time to be a Tiger! #TPND #WeAreCarroll
Your Proud Principal,
Mr. Arredondo
Points of Emphasis and Reminders to Start The Year
Traffic the First Week - Please Practice Patience and Extend Courtesy
As we kick off the new school year, please be aware that traffic around the school will be heavier than usual during the first week. With students, parents, and staff all adjusting to new routines, we ask that everyone exercise patience and caution. Allow extra time for drop-offs and pick-ups, follow all traffic rules, and be courteous to fellow drivers and pedestrians. Your cooperation will help ensure a smooth and safe start to the school year. Our safety staff will be outside to assist. Thank you for your understanding!
New Cellphone Policy = Better Learning Environment
To support teachers and families, CCISD is introducing new cellphone rules for the 2024-2025 school year to ensure a safe and productive environment. Starting August 12, students in grades PK-8 must keep phones, smartwatches, and earbuds turned off and put away during the school day. High school students must do the same during class but may use their devices between classes and during lunch. These changes aim to reduce distractions and foster healthier social connections. For more details, visit the CCISD website or refer to the Student Parent Handbook. We appreciate your support in helping create the best possible learning environment for all students.
Lunchtime at Carroll - Food Deliveries are NOT Allowed
Parking at Carroll HS
As we begin the new academic year, please be aware of the updated campus parking map. The map includes color-coded areas for designated parking zones:
- Yellow (Student Parking): Students can park in the designated yellow areas on the Kostoryz side.
- Light Blue (Staff Parking): Reserved for staff members only
- Dark Green (Visitor Parking): Visitors should use the green-marked area for parking, located at the main entrance.
- Red (No Parking Zones): These areas are strictly no parking. This includes the Band Practice Lot, Arena Parking Lot, and other specified red zones.
Please ensure that you park in the appropriate areas to avoid any inconvenience. Note: The Arena area parking lot is open at dismissal for parents to park and wait for thier child after school.
Clear Back Packs Continue in 2024-25
Class Schedules and Schedule Changes
Dress Code for 2024-25
Our campus dress code is designed to align with district guidelines while promoting grooming and hygiene, minimizing safety hazards, and ensuring a positive learning environment. Students are expected to dress and groom themselves in a clean and neat manner that does not pose a health or safety risk to themselves or others. Additionally, we prohibit any clothing or grooming that could disrupt or interfere with classroom instruction. You can find Mary Carroll’s Dress Code Policy here: One point to highlight from the policy: No pajamas or slippers are allowed.
Need an Extra Lunch? New Payment System Begins
New for the 2024-2025 school year….Please create a new account with SchoolCafe if you want to add money to your student's meal account for extra meals and a la carte sales, as CCISD will no longer utilize My School Bucks. ***NOTE*** Students will continue to receive a free breakfast and lunch. Download SchoolCafe HERE and simplify your school meal payments! For more information, visit the CCISD Food Services page or contact them at (361) 844-0222.
Power Hour (Tiger Time) Arrives for 2024-25
Electronic Hall Passes in 2024-25
This digital pass system has streamlined hall pass requests, improved security, and reduced classroom disruptions. Active participation and positive feedback were crucial in making this initiative a success last year. As we move forward, we look forward to enhancing the culture at Mary Carroll High School and the experience of the E-pass system.
Returning Student Registration Reminder
Online registration for your returning Tiger is now available. Please review the email with the subject: "Corpus Christi Independent School District Returning Student Registration" that was sent to the email address associated with your child. Log in to the Home Access Center to start and update registration. Make sure to click the 2024-25 returning student registration form link, verify the information, make any necessary corrections, and submit the form. This ensures that all contact and pertinent information is up to date for your child. Returning student registration needs to be completed by August 7th. If you have any questions about accessing the Home Access Center, feel free to call us at 361-878-5140, option attendance. Thank you!
Join the PTSA and Make a Difference!
Get involved in your student’s education by joining the PTSA! Our Parent-Teacher-Student Association is a vital part of our school community, working to support programs, events, and initiatives that benefit all students. Whether you have a little time or a lot, there’s a role for everyone. Your participation helps create a stronger, more vibrant school environment. You can learn more by visiting their Facebook page and join us today by clicking HERE. Let’s make a positive impact on your student’s high school experience!
Upcoming Dates and Events
Monday, August 12th, 2024
First Day of School
3rd Period Virtual School Assembly: 11 AM on MS Teams
Tuesday, August 13th, 2024
Cheer Practice: 6:30 am @ Aux Gym
Volleyball vs. Kingsville: 6PM @ Kingsville
Wednesday, August 14th, 2024
Basketball open Gym: 4:15 PM @ Arena
Thursday, August 15th 2024
9th/JV Volleyball Tournament: Times TBA @ Flour Bluff
Friday, August 16, 2024
CCISD Spikefest: Time & Locations TBA
Saturday, August 17th, 2024
Cross Country @ Floresville
Football Intrasquad Scrimmages: 9 AM @ Football Fields
9th/JV Volleyball Tournament: Times TBA @ Flour Bluff
CCISD Spikefest: Time & Locations TBA
Tiger Tailgate: 6:30 PM @ Football Parking Lot
Monday, August 19th, 2024
Band Media Day: 3:15 @ Band Hall
Basketball Open Gym: 4:15 PM @ Arena
Tuesday, August 20th, 2024
Cheer Practice: 6:30 am @ Aux Gym
CCMR Meeting: 10:30 am @ Teaching Theater
Volleyball vs. Robstown: 9th/JV - 5PM & Varsity - 6 PM @ Robstrown
Wednesday, August 21st, 2024
Be great
Thursday, August 22nd, 2024
Football Scrimmage vs. SA Stevens: Sub Varsity - 6 PM & Varsity - 7 PM @ Cabaniss
Friday, August 23rd, 2024
Volleyball Tournament: All Day @ Sinton
Saturday, August 24th, 2024
Cross Country @ NEISD Meet
Highlighting our Tigers!
Flyers, Banners, and Other Happenings
Connect & Contact Us
Website: carroll.ccisd.us
Facebook: mycarrolltigers
Instagram: marycarrollhigh
Twitter: @MaryCarrollHigh
Mary Carroll High School
3202 Saratoga Boulevaurd
Corpus Christi, TX 78415