The Weekly Update #8
September 29th, 2024
From the Principal
Cougar families,
We are winding down the 1st 9 week grading period. We have 8 school days left before the end of the nine weeks on October 9, 2024. With that, we only have 9 school days before Fall Break! Parents, it is imperative that you reach out to your student's teachers if they are not living up to their potential in class. Teachers are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays for parent conferences during their planning blocks. If needed, please reach out to your child's grade-level counselor in order to schedule.
Hispanic Heritage Month is in full swing at Southeast Middle. On October 9, we will celebrate with a school-wide PBIS popcorn and movie at the end of the day for students who have not received an infraction or suspension. This is an incentive program that we will continue throughout the rest of the school-year to promote student behavior incentives.
Parents, we implore you to talk to your children regarding their behavior on the buses. Bus drivers are scarce, and we want to keep the ones that we have. With that, please re-teach bus riding etiquette and expectations with your child. At no time should any student be standing as a bus is in motion. Furthermore, at no time is it acceptable for students to throw things out of the windows of buses. These behaviors are a safety risk and will result in disciplinary actions.
Lastly, we have been shouting out students who scored 1000+ lexiles on their STAR reading diagnostics. These students will be our VIPs for the Homecoming dance! We are striving to continue to promote excellence and recognizing students who go above and beyond in the classroom.
Remember, if there is anything that you need, please do not hesitate to reach out to the school.
Educationally yours,
Regina M. Bennett, Esq.
Principal, Southeast Middle Magnet School
School Happenings
Hispanic Heritage Month
Our students are getting into the titles that are dedicated to our Hispanic population.
Ms. Connor
Ms. Connor is getting engaged at the LSU Dairy store as the Magnet Students enjoy their tour!
Student Engagement
Engaged students as they learn about the processes at the LSU Ag Dairy Store and plant!
Resources You Can Use
Magnet Application Period
Students who are interested in applying for magnet programs for the 2025-2026 school year can begin submitting applications!
2024 Football Schedule
Please come out and support our team!
2024 Volleyball Schedule
Please come and support our girls!