Park Crest Panther Paper
July 22, 2020
Newsletter Translations
Newsletter Translations
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Welcome Park Crest Families!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Park Crest Families for your patience, support, and understanding as education transformed to virtual learning in the Spring. The flexibility our families demonstrated during our school shut down allowed our district and campus to work through the transition. I am very proud of our staff and community in that we were able to support our families emotionally as well as educational needs.
I would also like to take this time to welcome our new Park Crest Panthers! Our staff is anxiously waiting to meet you and your families! As we move towards the first day of school, our staff will be in direct contact with all our families. I encourage you to update your Skyward accounts with email addresses and phone numbers. As we move into remote learning, it is important that our staff has access to correct contact information.
As our staff plans for the 20-21 school year, I would like to take the opportunity to meet with our families, virtually. During our virtual Town Hall Meeting, our parents will see a brief presentation on returning to school. During our time together, questions will be answered regarding the Return to School Handbook that the district released earlier this week. For your convenience, I have attached the 60 page document to this newsletter. Please understand that we will not have all the answers to your questions and may not get to your questions during our time. We will have a staff member to record all questions and a Q&A document will be shared with our families.
Speaking on behalf of the Park Crest Staff, we look forward to working with our families and students; either face-to-face or remotely. I can assure you that whether you choose face to face or virtual learning, all Panthers will receive the best level of instruction, engagement, and support they deserve.
To help our families with COVID-19 School Operations, please visit https://www.garlandisd.net/content/covid-19-school-operations. This link addresses the following:
- Curbside Meals
- Support & Resources for Families
- Reopening Plans
- Previous District Updates
Question and Answer Parent Meeting
Participant Guidelines
- To cut down on background noise and audio feedback, please turn your microphones off when admitted to the meetings. In order to capture all participant questions, all questions can be typed in the chat box or submitted prior to the meeting via the google form linked below.
- The chat box will be used for participant questions, only. To ensure that families are not distracted, all participant cameras will remain off during the presentation.
- Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 838 2048 3555
Passcode: h2QaZL
Do you have any questions that you would like answered during the Virtual Parent Town Hall Meeting? Any concerns? Feel free to complete the following Google Form
**To help set up Zoom on your device, please follow the instructions below.***
Back to School Forms
Every year, back-to-school forms ask families to verify or update contact information, select notification preferences, agree to guidelines on acceptable use of technology, etc.
Back-to-School forms for the 2020-21 school year will be available online in Skyward on July 13. Please make plans to complete these important forms before the start of school so staff have the most up-to-date information for your student.
Important: No printed forms will be distributed this year. The entire process will be completed online in skyward.
Skyward Family Access
Park Crest is on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!
Like OUR PAGE on FACEBOOK for up to date information! FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @PCES_Panthers for our virtual spirit weeks and find us on Instagram at ParkCrestElementary to see what students and staff are up to!