CHS Update August 23, 2024
Semester 1

We wrapped up our second week of the new school year. Students spent time in per. 3 and CAT 30:
- Practicing a lockdown drill and evacuation drill
- Getting familiar with schoolwide expectations & procedures
The following links include the lessons reviewed with students this week. We encourage our Puma parents to also review the following information and links.
Back To School Night
Puma Parents,
Come join us on Back To School Night! You can meet your child's teachers and learn more about their classes. Please make sure to have a copy of your child's schedule with you in order to locate classrooms and teachers. PE classes will all meet in the gym during each period.
Early Release Wednesdays
Pumas Wear Blue on Fridays
Show your school spirit and wear your navy blue puma spirit shirt or puma gear and earn 5 Star points!
Events This Week
Deck out in all blue! Start off the year right in the Puma Puma (voted #1 student section in the nation 23/24)
Helpful Tips to join us in the Puma Pit:
- No bags/backpacks - leave them in your car or you have to check it in at the entrance
- No outside food or drinks allowed for students
- YOU MUST BE IN A BLUE SHIRT to get into the Pit - Blue spirit class shirt or Puma Pit shirt (only blue jeans or a small blue stripe on a shirt Does NOT count as dressing in blue - be blue wearing dominantly blue)
- Earn 5 Star points for attending
- Work with your friends and plan other blue fun attire - wigs, glasses, face paint, poms, tutus, etc!
- Must have your 5-Star ID to enter the stadium
- Puma Pride Spirit card (ASB card) to get in free to the game / non card holders need to purchase a ticket online at https://gofan.co/app/school/CA12673
- Help us keep our national title as the #1 student section in the nation this year!
5 Star
Please make sure to download the 5 Star app in order to access your digital ID card and earn participation points throughout the year! You can find the points in your 5 Star student app. or by logging in online. Keep earning those points Pumas! We have challenges and future spirit days that will help you earn points. If you haven't purchased your blue spirit shirt, you still have time to get one before our next spirit day when you can earn points! Your points can be redeemed for prizes:)
Infinite Campus
Just a reminder that we are still using Infinite Campus for student grades. Please make sure to continue checking IC for the most current and accurate grade throughout the semester.
We will continue using Canvas as our learning management system. Students use the LMS to access course information and activities both in and out of the classroom.
Your teachers will be using their Canvas classroom. You will see tiles in Canvas for each of your scheduled courses. This week, you will also find a Puma Pride Class of 2025, 2026, 2027 & 2028 tile on your Canvas page. The Class tiles will be used during intervention and will also be used as communication for students and parents in each grade level. Login and check it out!
Student Devices
Please make sure to bring a fully charged device and a compatible charger each day. Students will continue to use apps and Canvas at various times while in class.
You can bring your own device to campus. Please do so under the BYOD policy. BYOD Tips (Click Here).
If you do not have a device to bring to school and have not already checked one out from the library, please come to the library before or after school (8:00 - 8:30 and 3:30 - 4:00). If you need technical support or login information, please email Mrs. Fraitag at kfraitag@tvusd.us.
Dress Code
All clothing must meet the TVUSD Dress Code Policy.
Here are some guidelines and tips from our updated TVUSD Dress and Grooming Policy (AR 5132)
TVUSD Dress and Grooming Regulation (Please click on the link for full description).
CHS is looking forward to inspiring, supporting, and fostering the learning experiences that your child will have this year. As always, we appreciate our partnership with you as we begin the 2024-2025 school year.
Cell Phones & Electronic Devices
Cell phones and earbuds are NOT allowed to be out in classrooms during targeted instructional time. This continues to be a schoolwide expectation. This will help improve student attention and focus in class. Electronic devices, cell phones and earbuds must be put away and not visible during class instruction unless specifically directed by the classroom otherwise. There is no recording (video or sound) in the classroom, office areas, bathrooms or locker rooms. Please see the slide presentation near the top of the newsletter for more information. This information was reviewed with students during the first week of school.
Morning Drop Off Reminders
School begins promptly at 8:30 am. Please plan ahead and allow for traffic.
If you are dropping off in the student parking lot, please use the entrance on Nicolas Rd., drop off along the curb, and exit out through the Winchester Rd. exit (near the pool). The parking lot exit gate on Nicolas closes at 8:00 am. Trying to exit out of the gate on Nicolas after 8:00 am will cause delays and a backup to our morning traffic flow.
Other drop off areas include the visitor lot loop (no parking) and in the back loop near the stadium / entry from Roripaugh. Please DO NOT enter, park or drop off in the staff lot in the back.
Students are expected to park in their assigned spots starting this week.
Senior Sunset
College Visit Sign Up
Check out our calendar of college visits and sign up before sessions get full! Please scan the QR code below in the flier or click on this link. College Visit Sign Ups
Other Helpful Information
Please see the information below for general information.
Get Connected
Chaparral High School
Website: tvusd.k12.ca.us/CHS
Location: 27215 Nicolas Road, Temecula, CA, USA
Phone: 951-695-4200