Fearless Faith
July/August 2021
Summer Recap
Over the summer we studied through the book “Adorned” by Nancy DeMoss, during our Sunday night Bible study. If you’ve been with us, it has been an encouraging and helpful study. We looked at what Titus 2 asks of women and how we can apply that to our own lives and walk. When studying through guidelines that the Bible has for Christian women, I have always studied and loved Proverbs 31. However, there is a treasure in studying and applying Titus 2 to your life and walk with Christ.
A Titus 2 woman is: Reverent, Not slanderous, A teacher of good things, A trainer of younger women, Self-controlled, Pure, A worker at home, Kind, Submissive to her husband.
(Titus 2: 3-5 “3 The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; 4 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, 5 To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.”)
It is important that we as a church family, and ladies’ group, live out this calling. We need older women to reach out and teach the younger women. We also need younger women who are willing to go to those who are older and seek guidance (and listen.) This will create friendships and accountability that will help aid in your walk with Christ as well as your day to day living.
I know that this can be out of people’s comfort zones, which is where our theme for the year comes into play. "Fearless Faith" We have to know that when we have faith, face those fears (even the fear of striking up simple conversations and friendships) that we will become more of the women God designed us to be. It will be a help to you, your family, and our church as we reach out and mentor and disciple each other.
Since elementary school, I have looked at the beginning of a school year as a time of renewing, beginning again. We spend our summers refreshing, off schedule, and a little more relaxed than most of the year. The days are a little slower paced. I know that not everyone is a teacher or student and the life carries on through the summer. However, even those who are working seem refreshed and rejuvenated after the summer months. Many feel like the school year brings back the ability to have and stick to a schedule. I look forward to fall at church because I know that, for the most part, we will have a few months with our “family” whole.
So, as I look at this fall, I want to make the best of our time together! We need to enjoy each other to the fullest. Our monthly ladies’ meetings are starting back and we are launching a new Ladies’ initiative. I am so excited to begin our Titus 2 Ladies’ Ministry! We will learn more about these at our ladies’ night on September 7th at 6:00. Please make plans to join us! I know it’s a week night, but we will not keep you late and the fellowship is always wonderful!
Love, Christy
News From Our Ladies!
2. Jameson Ryan Conner came into this world on August 15th! Am adorable, healthy baby boy! Mom and dad (Matt and Stephanie) are excited about their new blessing, as well as Big brother William.
2. James and Jane Hurn are expecting a baby girl in November!
*If you have anything you'd like to share in this section, let Christy know!*