Rowayton Elementary School
December 8, 2024
What You Need to Know for the Holiday Sing Along
Kindergarten: Blue Shirt (any shade)
Grade 1: Red Shirt
Grade 2: Green Shirt
Grade 3: Blue Shirt (any shade)
Grades 4 and 5: Rowayton Music Shirt (being distributed this week and next week). Extras available for purchase in the office.
All grades should wear dark colored pants or skirts (black, brown, dark jeans, etc.). Dresses that match your grade level's assigned color are also fine. It is not necessary to purchase any attire for the show. Shirts with logos or emblems are fine as long as the dominant color matches your grade level. Students are welcome to wear festive accessories. Please be sure the accessories would not obstruct the view of a student standing near or behind them. If you have any questions, please email Miss Londono at
Sign In
The Holiday Sing Along is one of our biggest family events. Beat the lines by getting your pass early! Visitors can get preprinted ID passes then enter and sign in at the back door on December 12. Doors will open at 1:30pm. Anyone without a preprinted pass will have to show ID and sign in at the office. You can get a preprinted pass December 9 through December 12 at noon.
- If you have visited Rowayton before, we have your identification information saved in our Raptor system. Starting December 9, you can call or email the office and share the names of the people attending. We will preprint your pass and send it home with your student. The day of the event, please wear your pass then enter and sign in at the back door. Call the Main Office or email Tatiana ( or Vernita ( to get your passes sent home.
- You can visit the office between 9:00am and 12:00pm on December 12 and pick up a pass with ID. Please wear your pass then enter and sign in at the back door when the doors open at 1:30pm.
- If you have not visited Rowayton before but want to get your pass ahead of time, stop by the office December 9, 10, 11 form 9:00am – 4:00pm or December 12 from 9:00am – 12:00pm with your ID and the office staff can print you a pass for Thursday. Please wear your pass then enter and sign in at the back door for the event..
- If you do not get a preprinted pass, you will have to report to the main office with your ID.
No visitors will be allowed entry without ID. Seating is first come, first served. The front row of seats are reserved. There will be additional standing room to the sides and back of the seats.
There are no early pick up directions for this date as we expect the concert to end right before dismissal.
Rowayton Students Open the Islanders Game Singing the National Anthem!
Any Rowayton students that attend this game are invited to perform the National Anthem on the ice before the game. Students have learned the National Anthem during Music classes with Miss Londono. She will be there to conduct the performance and cheer on the Islanders!
It is Time to Wear Coats!
As the temperatures drop, it is important that all students wear or bring a coat to school for recess. A oat is and additional covering that students can wear when outside, not a fleece or sweatshirt. We will try to be outside for recess as long as the weather allows, so students must be dressed appropriately to participate. Hats, gloves, and ear muffs are also encouraged. Consider putting your child's name or initials inside any items so that they can be easily identified if they end up in the Lost and Found. The Lost and Found will continue to be displayed on the wall in the cafeteria.
Save the Date for an Invention Convention Informational Zoom
The Invention Convention is an exciting event each year where we get to see our students' ideas and creations on display. Please see the attached document for information on being part of the Invention Convention at Rowayton in 2025. Mrs. Mendez will host a Zoom meeting on December 17th at 6:00pm for families with questions about the process. A link will be sent as the date approaches.
Order Your Square 1 Art Keepsakes Now
Catalogs sent home last week! Check your child's backpack for the Square 1 Art Fundraiser catalog - featuring their name and art on the cover, WITH FREE STICKERS OF THEIR ART!
Get a head start! Begin ordering keepsakes and gifts featuring your child's art online NOW! Simply search for your child's art using Art Search, and enter state, school name, and your student's name. Your student's art and code will appear, and you can order! NEW *Ship to Home FREE. (Customer pays a small processing fee at checkout and order ships to home.)
Order by: 12/16/2024
Upload additional art if you like, using Art Upload!
If you have questions, or need anything at all, contact customer care online .
Thank you for supporting our school!
Kimberleigh DeKlyn
Square 1 Art fundraiser coordinator
Rowayton School
Looking for an Activity During Break?
Get tickets for the Holiday Show on December 21 presented by the New Paradigm Theatre Company. Some of our students from the Rowayton Academy Show Choir classes will be performing in the show!
Lights, Camera, Action! Save the Date for the Annual Talent Show
The School Governance Council is excited to bring back the annual Talent Show on March 6, 2025! Get ready to step into the spotlight and shine like a star at our Hollywood themed Talent Show! Look out for details on auditions and new roles as there are some slight changes to the format. We will be looking for speakers, singers, dancers, comedians, magicians, and unique skills to be part of this special show.
Save the Date
December 12: Holiday Sing Along at 2pm
December 20: Two Hour Early Dismissal
December 21 - January 1: Winter Recess