Parent Summersill Scoop
January 25, 2025
Welcome Eagles!
We have enjoyed seeing your snow pictures on our school's Facebook page, please keep them coming! We hope you all have had SNOW much fun, but we are ready for our students to come back to school on Monday.
Join us for a "Souper" Bowl Food Drive for our CHEW Program. The class that brings in the most canned foods for the month of January will win a pizza party from Mrs. Welchel, the school social worker.
It is time for our fifth graders to learn how to play the recorder. The OCS music curriculum for 5th grade includes an entire unit devoted to developing music literacy and skill using the recorder. Please use the QR code or schoolcashonline to purchase your child's recorder for $6 by January 30. If you already have a recorder, please send it to school, so that Mrs. Jones, music teacher can verify that it meets the needs for instruction.
Report cards will go home on Wednesday, January 29, so please check for your child's envelope and return it back to child's teacher signed.
Our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders will be taking reading, math and science NC Check-ins on January 30, February 3 and March 5th. Please see the flyer for more information.
Good luck to our Science Olympiad students who will be competing on Saturday, February 1at Northside High School. Jeremiah Clark, Lyla Ayllon-Maydon, Emma Felton, Arya Carroll, Agape' Gilmore-Parks, Lucas Evans, Wyatt Hicks, Kaylen Francis, Corbin VanPelt, Emma Ramsey, Syndi Johnson, Gunner Barry, coaches: Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Weier and Mrs. Evans
Smile, class picture day is Tuesday, February 4. The cost is $10
Our Awards Ceremony is Wednesday, February 5. Please check the flyer for times listed for each grade level.
Thursday, February 6 is our CharacterStrong Celebration for students who have had good behavior during the second nine weeks.
Monday, February 10 is the 100th Day of School. Come dressed as a 100 year old. Ideas are listed on the flyer.
Our one and only school fundraiser Apex Remix and Leadership Program starts on Monday, February 10. We would love your help raising funds for Technology Enhancements, Outdoor Improvements including Shading Structures, Outdoor Learning Space, a Chicken Coop, Garden, Student Recognition, Staff Appreciation, and continued Advocacy for Summersill Families. More information about this fundraiser will be coming home soon.
Tickets are on sale now for the Daddy Daughter Dance, "Dance the Night Away with Disco Balls and Pastels." Purchase tickets using schoolcashonline. This special event is Friday, February 21 from 5:30-7:30pm. Couple tickets are $12 and an additional person is $5. Food provided will be paid by donations.
Yearbooks are on sale now for $20 until March 15. Order now, so that you do not miss out on capturing all the memories of your child at Summersill. www.strawbridge.net online code YB31196
If you have not paid the $25 laptop rental fee, please do so soon. Go to schoolcashonline to pay this fee or send in cash or check.
Contact our data manager, Jennifer Fountain to sign up for Parent Portal. This gives you access to up-to-date information on student attendance for your child and third through fifth grade assignments. https://onslow.powerschool.com/public/
Please go onto our school's Facebook page and website to learn more about all the events happening at Summersill.
We look forward to seeing our Eagles on Monday!
Class Pictures Tuesday, February 4
Class Picture Tuesday, February 4
Awards Ceremony - Wednesday, February 5
Souper Bowl - donations due by Friday, January 31
NC Check-ins for 3rd, 4th, and 5th
100th day of School Monday, February 10
Fifth graders only - Purchase recorders by Thursday, January 30
Purchase a yearbook by March 15
Daddy Daughter Dance Friday, February 21
Technology Fee, School Meals and Supply List
Technology: $25.00 Usage Assessment Fee (not insurance, rental fee)
All school fees and other fees such as field trips can be paid online at https://www.schoolcashonline.com/
Breakfast is $1.25Lunch is $2.50
If you need to apply for free or reduced meals, please complete this online application or fill one out at orientation.
Parent Portal
Please sign up for Parent Portal. You can monitor your child's grades and attendance within the portal. https://onslow.powerschool.com/public/. You can contact Jennifer Fountain, data manager at jennifer.fountain@onslow.k12.nc.us to assist with this process. She will look up your child's ID number when you email her the completed form and copy of your ID.
Master Calendar
1/29 Report cards go home
1/31 Last day for the Souper Bowl Food Drive for our CHEW Program
2/1 Science Olympiad competition at Northside High School
2/3 Math NC Check-ins for 3rd-5th
2/3-8 National School Counselor Week
2/4 School Class Pictures
2/5 Awards Day for 2nd Nine Weeks
2/6 CharacterStrong Celebration
2/8 Elementary Honors Chorus
2/10 100th Day of School and 1000th for 5th grade
2/10 Apex Remix Kickoff Fundraiser
2/12 ERPD
2/14 SRO Appreciation Day
2/17 Teacher Workday
2/18 Battle of the Books at Southwest High School
2/19 School Improvement Team meeting at 3:45pm in the Media Center
2/20 Apex Remix Funsdraiser
2/21 Daddy/daughter Dance 5:30-7:30
2/28 Career on Wheels for 5th graders
Parent Involvement Opportunities
Are you a parent looking for ways to contribute to Summersill Elementary? There are several opportunities for parents to get involved and support our Eagle family. Please review each opportunity below.
* Parent Teacher Organization: This group meets in person and sends in special treats for staff throughout the year
* Parent Volunteer: Parents have to be volunteered trained each year and fingerprinted at the district office every five years
* Room Parent: Assists the teacher with various things for the classroom
* Strategic Planning Team: School stakeholders (parents, teachers, administration) work together to improve the school
Please call the school if you are interested in being a part of any of these opportunities.
Mission, Vision, Purpose
Mission: Learn Something New Every Day!
Vision: Embrace growth, accept challenges, and learn from adversity.
Purpose: Our purpose is to provide students with habits that enable them to achieve their life goals.
Summersill Pledge
I am a Summersill Eagle.
I am in control of my mind and body.
I will use innovative thinking.
I will listen with empathy and understanding.
I will be open to continuous learning.
I will become the best version of myself every day.
Website: https://sses.onslow.k12.nc.us/
Location: 250 Summersill School Road, Jacksonville NC
Phone: 910-455-2672